
Lorraine Johnston

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15EEJean-Guy Schneider, Lorraine Johnston, Philip Joyce: Curriculum Development in Educating Undergraduate Software Engineers -- Are Students Being Prepared for the Profession? Australian Software Engineering Conference 2005: 314-323
14EETodd Bentley, Lorraine Johnston, Karola von Baggo: Evaluation using cued-recall debrief to elicit information about a user's affective experiences. OZCHI 2005
13EEJean-Guy Schneider, Lorraine Johnston: eXtreme Programming--helpful or harmful in educating undergraduates?. Journal of Systems and Software 74(2): 121-132 (2005)
12EEKarola von Baggo, Lorraine Johnston, Oliver K. Burmeister, Todd Bentley: Common Industry Format: Meeting Educational Objectives and Student Needs? APCHI 2004: 521-530
11EEJean-Guy Schneider, Lorraine Johnston: eXtreme Programming at Universities - An Educational Perspective. ICSE 2003: 594-601
10EEMichael Mahemoff, Andrew Hussey, Lorraine Johnston: Pattern-Based Reuse of Successful Designs: Usability of Safety-Critical Systems. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2001: 31-39
9EEMichael Mahemoff, Lorraine Johnston: Handling Multiple Domain Objects with Model-View-Controller. TOOLS (32) 1999: 28-39
8EECameron Schmidt, Philip W. Dart, Lorraine Johnston, Leon Sterling, Peter Thorne: Disincentives for communicating risk: a risk paradox. Information & Software Technology 41(7): 403-411 (1999)
7EEMichael Mahemoff, Lorraine Johnston: Pattern Languages for Usability: An Investigation of Alternative Approaches. APCHI 1998: 25-31
6 Paul Chesson, Lorraine Johnston, Philip W. Dart: Detecting and Resolving Temporal Ambiguities in User Interface Specifications. BCS HCI 1998: 177-188
5 Paul Chesson, Lorraine Johnston, Philip W. Dart: Towards a Framwork and Procedure for Specifying User Interfaces. EHCI 1998: 281-297
4 R. Spence, Stéphane Chatty, Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Lorraine Johnston, Nicole de Koning, Shijian Lu, Laurence Nigay, Ricardo Orosco, Jean Scholtz: The Visualisation of Web Usage. EHCI 1998: 351-361
3 Philip W. Dart, Lorraine Johnston, Cameron Schmidt, Liz Sonenberg: Developing an Accredited Software Engineering Program. IEEE Software 14(6): 66-70 (1997)
2EEPhilip W. Dart, Lorraine Johnston, Cameron Schmidt: Enhancing Project-Based Learning: Variations on Mentoring. Australian Software Engineering Conference 1996: 112-117
1 Lorraine Johnston, Philip W. Dart: Building on Experience: An Undegraduate Course with Two Year-Long Projects. CSEE 1994: 345-357

Coauthor Index

1Karola von Baggo [12] [14]
2Todd Bentley [12] [14]
3Oliver K. Burmeister [12]
4Stéphane Chatty [4]
5Paul Chesson [5] [6]
6Henrik Bærbak Christensen [4]
7Philip W. Dart [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8]
8Kenneth P. Fishkin [4]
9Andrew Hussey [10]
10Philip Joyce [15]
11Nicole de Koning [4]
12Shijian Lu [4]
13Michael Mahemoff [7] [9] [10]
14Laurence Nigay [4]
15Ricardo Orosco [4]
16Cameron Schmidt [2] [3] [8]
17Jean-Guy Schneider [11] [13] [15]
18Jean Scholtz [4]
19Liz Sonenberg [3]
20R. Spence [4]
21Leon Sterling [8]
22Peter Thorne [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)