
Philippe Mulhem

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46EEDelphine Verbyst, Philippe Mulhem: Doxels in context for retrieval: from structure to neighbours. SAC 2008: 1122-1126
45EEJean Martinet, Shin'ichi Satoh, Yves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem: Media objects for user-centered similarity matching. Multimedia Tools Appl. 39(2): 263-291 (2008)
44EEDelphine Verbyst, Philippe Mulhem: LIG at INEX 2007 Ad Hoc Track: Using Collectionlinks as Context. INEX 2007: 138-147
43EEChitra L. Madhwacharyula, Marc Davis, Philippe Mulhem, Mohan S. Kankanhalli: Metadata handling: A video perspective. TOMCCAP 2(4): 358-388 (2006)
42EEJean Martinet, Yves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem: A model for weighting image objects in home photographs. CIKM 2005: 760-767
41EEMohammed Belkhatir, Philippe Mulhem, Yves Chiaramella: A Conceptual Image Retrieval Architecture Combining Keyword-Based Querying with Transparent and Penetrable Query-by-Example. CIVR 2005: 528-539
40EEMohammed Belkhatir, Philippe Mulhem, Yves Chiaramella: A Full-Text Framework for the Image Retrieval Signal/Semantic Integration. DEXA 2005: 113-123
39EEMohammed Belkhatir, Yves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem: A signal/semantic framework for image retrieval. JCDL 2005: 368
38 Emmanuel Debanne, Philippe Mulhem: Query by Example for Symbolic Still Image Retrieval. CORIA 2004: 363-
37EEMohammed Belkhatir, Philippe Mulhem, Yves Chiaramella: Integrating Perceptual Signal Features within a Multi-facetted Conceptual Model for Automatic Image Retrieval. ECIR 2004: 267-282
36 Chitra L. Madhwacharyula, Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Philippe Mulhem: Content based editing of semantic video metadata. ICME 2004: 33-36
35 Mohammed Belkhatir, Philippe Mulhem, Yves Chiaramella: The outline of an 'intelligent' image retrieval engine. ICWI 2004: 1228-1251
34EEPhilippe Mulhem, Joo-Hwee Lim: Home Photo Retrieval: Time Matters. CIVR 2003: 321-330
33EEJean Martinet, Iadh Ounis, Yves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem: A Weighting Scheme for Star-Graphs. ECIR 2003: 546-554
32EEJoo-Hwee Lim, Jun Li, Philippe Mulhem, Qi Tian: Content-Based Summarization for Personal Image Library. JCDL 2003: 393
31 Qiuying Zhang, Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Philippe Mulhem: Semantic Video Annotation and Vague Query. MMM 2003: 190-208
30EEPhilippe Mulhem, Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Ji Yi, Hadi Hassan: Pivot Vector Space Approach for Audio-Video Mixing. IEEE MultiMedia 10(2): 28-40 (2003)
29EEJoo-Hwee Lim, Qi Tian, Philippe Mulhem: Home Photo Content Modeling for Personalized Event-Based Retrieval. IEEE MultiMedia 10.(4): 28-37 (2003)
28EEPhilippe Mulhem, Hervé Martin: From Database to Web Multimedia Documents. Multimedia Tools Appl. 20(3): 263-282 (2003)
27EETele Tan, Jiayi Chen, Philippe Mulhem, Mohan S. Kankanhalli: SmartAlbum: a multi-modal photo annotation system. ACM Multimedia 2002: 87-88
26EEPhilippe Mulhem, Joo-Hwee Lim: Symbolic photograph content-based retrieval. CIKM 2002: 94-101
25EETele Tan, Jiayi Chen, Philippe Mulhem: SmartAlbum - Towards Unification of Approaches for Image Retrieval. ICPR (3) 2002: 983-986
24 Jean Martinet, Yves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem: Un modèle vectoriel étendu de recherche d'information adapté aux images. INFORSID 2002: 337-348
23EEGeorges Quénot, Daniel Moraru, Laurent Besacier, Philippe Mulhem: CLIPS at TREC 11: Experiments in Video Retrieval. TREC 2002
22 Philippe Mulhem: Indexation par apprentissage local et global pour la recherche symbolique d'images fixes. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 7(1-2): 183-205 (2002)
21 Philippe Mulhem, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin: Modèles pour résumés adaptatifs de vidéos. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 7(5-6): 91-118 (2002)
20EETele Tan, Philippe Mulhem: Image query system using object probes. ICIP (2) 2001: 701-704
19EEJiayi Chen, Tele Tan, Philippe Mulhem: A Method for Photograph Indexing Using Speech Annotation. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001: 867-872
18 Philippe Mulhem, Wee Kheng Leow, Yoong Keok Lee: Fuzzy Conceptual Graphs for Matching Images of Natural Scenes. IJCAI 2001: 1397-1404
17 Hatem Haddad, Philippe Mulhem: Utilisation de la Fouille de Données Images pour l'Indexation Automatique des Images. INFORSID 2001: 405-418
16 Philippe Mulhem, Tele Tan: Impact of labeling processes on symbolic image. SIP 2001: 7-11
15 Philippe Mulhem, Dezhong Hong, Jian-Kang Wu: Labeling Update of Segmented Images using Conceptual Graphs and Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1129-1132
14 Philippe Mulhem, Dezhong Hong, Jian-Kang Wu: Updating Labeling of Photographic Segmented Regions using Knowledge Representation Formalism and Dempster-Shafer Theory. RIAO 2000: 1648-1656
13EENastaran Fatemi, Philippe Mulhem: A Two-time Model for Video Content Representation and Retrieval. BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1999
12EENastaran Fatemi, Philippe Mulhem: A Conceptual Graph Approach for Video Data Representation and Retrieval. IDA 1999: 525-
11EEFranck Fourel, Philippe Mulhem, Marie-France Bruandet: A Generic Framework for Structured Document Access. DEXA 1998: 521-530
10 Catherine Berrut, Philippe Mulhem, Franck Fourel, Mourad Mechkour: The PRIME Information Retrieval System Applied on a Medical Corpus. Multimedia Information Analysis and Retrieval 1998: 224-241
9EEYves Chiaramella, Philippe Mulhem, Mourad Mechkour, Iadh Ounis, Marius Pasca: Towards a Fast Precision-Oriented Image Retrieval System. SIGIR 1998: 383-384
8 Mourad Mechkour, Philippe Mulhem, Franck Fourel, Catherine Berrut: PRIME-GC: A Medical Information Retrieval Prototype on the WEB. RIDE 1997: 0-
7 Franck Fourel, Philippe Mulhem: Modelling Multimedia Structured Documents: A Retrieval Oriented Approach. DEXA Workshop 1996: 179-184
6EEPhilippe Mulhem, Laurence Nigay: Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: From User Centred Interface Design to Software Design. SIGIR 1996: 326-334
5 Catherine Berrut, Philippe Mulhem, Pascal Bouchon: Modelling and Indexing Medical Images: the RIME Approach. HIM 1995: 105-115
4EEPhilippe Mulhem, Catherine Berrut: The RIME Prototype. MIRO 1995
3 Philippe Mulhem: Vers une intégration des systèmes de gestion de bases de données et des systèmes de recherche d'information. BDA 1994
2EEPhilippe Mulhem, Marie-France Bruandet: A Way to Compare Objects. CIKM 1993: 49-56
1 Philippe Mulhem, Marie-France Bruandet: Tools for information retrieval applications using object oriented database management systems. BDA 1992: 238-

Coauthor Index

1Mohammed Belkhatir [35] [37] [39] [40] [41]
2Catherine Berrut [4] [5] [8] [10]
3Laurent Besacier [23]
4Pascal Bouchon [5]
5Marie-France Bruandet [1] [2] [11]
6Jiayi Chen [19] [25] [27]
7Yves Chiaramella [9] [24] [33] [35] [37] [39] [40] [41] [42] [45]
8Marc Davis [43]
9Emmanuel Debanne [38]
10Nastaran Fatemi [12] [13]
11Franck Fourel [7] [8] [10] [11]
12Jérôme Gensel [21]
13Hatem Haddad [17]
14Hadi Hassan [30]
15Dezhong Hong [14] [15]
16Mohan S. Kankanhalli [27] [30] [31] [36] [43]
17Yoong Keok Lee [18]
18Wee Kheng Leow [18]
19Jun Li [32]
20Joo-Hwee Lim [26] [29] [32] [34]
21Chitra L. Madhwacharyula [36] [43]
22Hervé Martin [21] [28]
23Jean Martinet [24] [33] [42] [45]
24Mourad Mechkour [8] [9] [10]
25Daniel Moraru [23]
26Laurence Nigay [6]
27Iadh Ounis [9] [33]
28Marius Pasca [9]
29Georges Quénot [23]
30Shin'ichi Satoh [45]
31Tele Tan [16] [19] [20] [25] [27]
32Qi Tian [29] [32]
33Delphine Verbyst [44] [46]
34Jian-Kang Wu (Jiankang Wu) [14] [15]
35Ji Yi [30]
36Qiuying Zhang [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)