2008 |
60 | | David Chaum,
Miroslaw Kutylowski,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Peter Y. A. Ryan:
Frontiers of Electronic Voting, 29.07. - 03.08.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008 |
59 | EE | David Chaum,
Richard Carback,
Jeremy Clark,
Aleksander Essex,
Stefan Popoveniuc,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Peter Y. A. Ryan,
Emily Shen,
Alan T. Sherman:
Scantegrity II: End-to-End Verifiability for Optical Scan Election Systems using Invisible Ink Confirmation Codes.
EVT 2008 |
58 | EE | Meredith L. Patterson,
Len Sassaman,
David Chaum:
Freezing More Than Bits: Chilling Effects of the OLPC XO Security Model.
UPSEC 2008 |
2007 |
57 | EE | David Chaum,
Miroslaw Kutylowski,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Peter Y. A. Ryan:
07311 Abstracts Collection -- Frontiers of Electronic Voting.
Frontiers of Electronic Voting 2007 |
56 | EE | David Chaum,
Miroslaw Kutylowski,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Peter Y. A. Ryan:
07311 Executive Summary -- Frontiers of Electronic Voting.
Frontiers of Electronic Voting 2007 |
2006 |
55 | EE | Ben Adida,
David Chaum,
Susan Hohenberger,
Ronald L. Rivest:
Lightweight Email Signatures (Extended Abstract).
SCN 2006: 288-302 |
2005 |
54 | EE | David Chaum,
Peter Y. A. Ryan,
Steve A. Schneider:
A Practical Voter-Verifiable Election Scheme.
ESORICS 2005: 118-139 |
2004 |
53 | EE | Poorvi L. Vora,
Ben Adida,
Ren Bucholz,
David Chaum,
David L. Dill,
David Jefferson,
Douglas W. Jones,
William Lattin,
Aviel D. Rubin,
Michael I. Shamos,
Moti Yung:
Evaluation of voting systems.
Commun. ACM 47(11): 144 (2004) |
52 | EE | David Chaum:
Secret-Ballot Receipts: True Voter-Verifiable Elections.
IEEE Security & Privacy 2(1): 38-47 (2004) |
1997 |
51 | | David Chaum:
On Electronic Commerce: How Much Do You Trust Big Brother? (Interview).
IEEE Internet Computing 1(6): 8-16 (1997) |
1994 |
50 | EE | David Chaum:
Designated Confirmer Signatures.
EUROCRYPT 1994: 86-91 |
1993 |
49 | EE | Stefan Brands,
David Chaum:
Distance-Bounding Protocols (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1993: 344-359 |
1992 |
48 | EE | Jurjen N. Bos,
David Chaum:
Provably Unforgeable Signatures.
CRYPTO 1992: 1-14 |
47 | EE | David Chaum,
Torben P. Pedersen:
Wallet Databases with Observers.
CRYPTO 1992: 89-105 |
46 | EE | David Chaum,
Torben P. Pedersen:
Transferred Cash Grows in Size.
EUROCRYPT 1992: 390-407 |
1991 |
45 | EE | David Chaum,
Eugène van Heijst,
Birgit Pfitzmann:
Cryptographically Strong Undeniable Signatures, Unconditionally Secure for the Signer.
CRYPTO 1991: 470-484 |
44 | | David Chaum:
Numbers Can Be a Better Form of Cash than Paper.
Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography 1991: 174-178 |
43 | EE | David Chaum,
Eugène van Heyst:
Group Signatures.
EUROCRYPT 1991: 257-265 |
42 | EE | Bart Preneel,
David Chaum,
Walter Fumy,
Cees J. A. Jansen,
Peter Landrock,
Gert Roelofsen:
Race Integrity Primitives Evaluation (RIPE): A Status Report.
EUROCRYPT 1991: 547-551 |
41 | EE | David Chaum:
Some Weaknesses of "Weaknesses of Undeniable Signatures".
EUROCRYPT 1991: 554-556 |
40 | EE | Tatsuaki Okamoto,
David Chaum,
Kazuo Ohta:
Direct Zero Knowledge Proofs of Computational Power in Five Rounds.
EUROCRYPT 1991: 96-105 |
1990 |
39 | | David Chaum:
Showing Credentials without Identification Transfeering Signatures between Unconditionally Unlinkable Pseudonyms.
AUSCRYPT 1990: 246-264 |
38 | EE | Joan Boyar,
David Chaum,
Ivan Damgård,
Torben P. Pedersen:
Convertible Undeniable Signatures.
CRYPTO 1990: 189-205 |
37 | EE | David Chaum,
Sandra Roijakkers:
Unconditionally Secure Digital Signatures.
CRYPTO 1990: 206-214 |
36 | EE | David Chaum:
Zero-Knowledge Undeniable Signatures.
EUROCRYPT 1990: 458-464 |
1989 |
35 | EE | David Chaum,
Hans Van Antwerpen:
Undeniable Signatures.
CRYPTO 1989: 212-216 |
34 | EE | David Chaum:
The Spymasters Double-Agent Problem: Multiparty Computations Secure Unconditionally from Minorities and Cryptographically from Majorities.
CRYPTO 1989: 591-602 |
33 | EE | Joos Vandewalle,
David Chaum,
Walter Fumy,
Cees J. A. Jansen,
Peter Landrock,
Gert Roelofsen:
A European Call For Cryptographic Algorithms: Ripe; Race Integrity Primitives Evaluation.
EUROCRYPT 1989: 267-271 |
32 | EE | David Chaum:
Online Cash Checks.
EUROCRYPT 1989: 288-293 |
31 | EE | David Chaum,
Bert den Boer,
Eugène van Heyst,
Stig Fr. Mjølsnes,
Adri Steenbeek:
Efficient Offline Electronic Checks (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1989: 294-301 |
1988 |
30 | | David Chaum,
Wyn L. Price:
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT '87, Workshop on the Theory and Application of of Cryptographic Techniques, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 13-15, 1987, Proceedings
Springer 1988 |
29 | EE | David Chaum,
Amos Fiat,
Moni Naor:
Untraceable Electronic Cash.
CRYPTO 1988: 319-327 |
28 | EE | David Chaum:
Elections with Unconditionally-Secret Ballots and Disruption Equivalent to Breaking RSA.
EUROCRYPT 1988: 177-182 |
27 | | David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau,
Ivan Damgård:
Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1988: 11-19 |
26 | | Gilles Brassard,
David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau:
Minimum Disclosure Proofs of Knowledge.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 37(2): 156-189 (1988) |
25 | | David Chaum:
The Dining Cryptographers Problem: Unconditional Sender and Recipient Untraceability.
J. Cryptology 1(1): 65-75 (1988) |
1987 |
24 | EE | Ernest F. Brickell,
David Chaum,
Ivan Damgård,
Jeroen van de Graaf:
Gradual and Verifiable Release of a Secret.
CRYPTO 1987: 156-166 |
23 | EE | David Chaum,
Claude Crépeau,
Ivan Damgård:
Multiparty Unconditionally Secure Protocols (Abstract).
CRYPTO 1987: 462 |
22 | EE | David Chaum,
Ivan Damgård,
Jeroen van de Graaf:
Multiparty Computations Ensuring Privacy of Each Party's Input and Correctness of the Result.
CRYPTO 1987: 87-119 |
21 | EE | David Chaum,
Jan-Hendrik Evertse,
Jeroen van de Graaf:
An Improved Protocol for Demonstrating Possession of Discrete Logarithms and Some Generalizations.
EUROCRYPT 1987: 127-141 |
20 | EE | David Chaum:
Blinding for Unanticipated Signatures.
EUROCRYPT 1987: 227-233 |
19 | | David Chaum:
Sicherheit ohne Identifizierung: Scheckkartencomputer, die den Großen Bruder der Vergangenheit angehören lassen - Zur Diskussion gestellt.
Informatik Spektrum 10(5): 262-277 (1987) |
1986 |
18 | EE | David Chaum,
Jan-Hendrik Evertse:
A Secure and Privacy-protecting Protocol for Transmitting Personal Information Between Organizations.
CRYPTO 1986: 118-167 |
17 | EE | David Chaum:
Demonstrating That a Public Predicate Can Be Satisfied Without Revealing Any Information About How.
CRYPTO 1986: 195-199 |
16 | EE | David Chaum,
Jan-Hendrik Evertse,
Jeroen van de Graaf,
René Peralta:
Demonstrating Possession of a Discrete Logarithm Without Revealing It.
CRYPTO 1986: 200-212 |
15 | EE | Wiebren de Jonge,
David Chaum:
Some Variations on RSA Signatures and Their Security.
CRYPTO 1986: 49-59 |
1985 |
14 | | G. R. Blakley,
David Chaum:
Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of CRYPTO '84, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 19-22, 1984, Proceedings
Springer 1985 |
13 | EE | Wiebren de Jonge,
David Chaum:
Attacks on Some RSA Signatures.
CRYPTO 1985: 18-27 |
12 | EE | David Chaum,
Jan-Hendrik Evertse:
Crytanalysis of DES with a Reduced Number of Rounds: Sequences of Linear Factors in Block Ciphers.
CRYPTO 1985: 192-211 |
11 | | David Chaum:
New Secret Codes can Prevent a Computerized Big Brother.
Datenschutz und Datensicherung 1985: 33-34 |
10 | EE | David Chaum:
Showing Credentials Without Identification: SIgnatures Transferred Between Unconditionally Unlinkable Pseudonyms.
EUROCRYPT 1985: 241-244 |
9 | | David Chaum:
Security Without Identification: Transaction Systems to Make Big Brother Obsolete.
Commun. ACM 28(10): 1030-1044 (1985) |
1984 |
8 | EE | David Chaum:
New Secret Codes Can Prevent a Computerized Big Brother (Abstract).
CRYPTO 1984: 432-433 |
7 | EE | David Chaum:
How to Keep a Secret Alive: Extensible Partial Key, Key Safeguarding, and Threshold Systems.
CRYPTO 1984: 481-485 |
6 | | David Chaum:
A New Paradigm for Individuals in the Information Age.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 99-106 |
1983 |
5 | | David Chaum:
Blind Signature System.
CRYPTO 1983: 153 |
4 | | David Chaum:
Design Concepts for Tamper Responding Systems.
CRYPTO 1983: 387-392 |
1982 |
3 | | David Chaum:
Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments.
CRYPTO 1982: 199-203 |
1981 |
2 | | David Chaum:
Verification by Anonymous Monitors.
CRYPTO 1981: 138-139 |
1 | | David Chaum:
Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms.
Commun. ACM 24(2): 84-88 (1981) |