2008 |
87 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Giuseppe Persiano,
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi,
Ivan Visconti:
Improved Security Notions and Protocols for Non-transferable Identification.
ESORICS 2008: 364-378 |
86 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Emiliano De Cristofaro,
Aniello Del Sorbo,
Clemente Galdi,
Giuseppe Persiano:
A Distributed Implementation of the Certified Information Access Service.
ESORICS 2008: 396-410 |
2007 |
85 | EE | Vincenzo Auletta,
Carlo Blundo,
Emiliano De Cristofaro:
A J2ME transparent middleware to support HTTP connections over Bluetooth.
ICSNC 2007: 3 |
84 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Emiliano De Cristofaro:
A Bluetooth-Based JXME Infrastructure.
OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 667-682 |
83 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Clemente Galdi,
Giuseppe Persiano:
Low-randomness constant-round private XOR computations.
Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(1): 15-26 (2007) |
82 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer.
J. Cryptology 20(3): 323-373 (2007) |
2006 |
81 | EE | Vincenzo Auletta,
Carlo Blundo,
Emiliano De Cristofaro,
Guerriero Raimato:
A Lightweight Framework forWeb Services Invocation over Bluetooth.
ICWS 2006: 331-338 |
80 | EE | Vincenzo Auletta,
Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Guerriero Raimato:
A Web Service Based Micro-payment System.
ISCC 2006: 328-333 |
79 | EE | Vincenzo Auletta,
Carlo Blundo,
Emiliano De Cristofaro,
Guerriero Raimato:
Performance evaluation of web services invocation over Bluetooth.
PM2HW2N 2006: 1-8 |
78 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis:
On Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(12): 5455-5467 (2006) |
77 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Alfredo De Santis:
Visual cryptography schemes with optimal pixel expansion.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 369(1-3): 169-182 (2006) |
2005 |
76 | | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato:
Security in Communication Networks, 4th International Conference, SCN 2004, Amalfi, Italy, September 8-10, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2005 |
75 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Roberto De Prisco:
A Lightweight Approach to Authenticated Web Caching.
SAINT 2005: 157-163 |
74 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Annalisa De Bonis:
Secure E-Coupons.
Electronic Commerce Research 5(1): 117-139 (2005) |
73 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco:
Analysis and Design of Distributed Key Distribution Centers.
J. Cryptology 18(4): 391-414 (2005) |
2004 |
72 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato:
A Framework for Authenticated Web Services.
ECOWS 2004: 61-71 |
71 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis:
Definitions and Bounds for Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes.
ICALP 2004: 234-245 |
70 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato:
A Platform for Secure E-Gambling.
ITCC (2) 2004: 768-772 |
69 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Massimiliano Listo:
Design of Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 15-44 (2004) |
68 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Sebastià Martín Molleví,
Barbara Masucci,
Carles Padró:
A Linear Algebraic Approach to Metering Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 33(3): 241-260 (2004) |
67 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Roberto De Prisco,
Anna Lisa Ferrara:
Modeling A Certified Email Protocol using I/O Automata.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 99: 339-359 (2004) |
66 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato:
A Software Infrastructure for Authenticated Web Metering.
IEEE Computer 37(4): 28-33 (2004) |
65 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Clemente Galdi:
HYPPOCRATES: a new proactive password checker.
Journal of Systems and Software 71(1-2): 163-175 (2004) |
64 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Vanesa Daza,
Carles Padró:
Bounds and constructions for unconditionally secure distributed key distribution schemes for general access structures.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 320(2-3): 269-291 (2004) |
2003 |
63 | | Carlo Blundo,
Cosimo Laneve:
Theoretical Computer Science, 8th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
62 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Massimiliano Listo:
A New Self-Healing Key Distribution Scheme.
ISCC 2003: 803-808 |
61 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Roberto De Prisco:
Certified Email: Design and Implementation of a New Optimistic Protocol..
ISCC 2003: 828-833 |
60 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Clemente Galdi:
Hiding Information in Image Mosaics.
Comput. J. 46(2): 202-212 (2003) |
59 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Carles Padró:
A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 128(1): 47-64 (2003) |
58 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Contrast Optimal Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(2): 224-261 (2003) |
2002 |
57 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco:
The Key Establishment Problem.
FOSAD 2002: 44-90 |
56 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Clemente Galdi:
A Novel Approach to Proactive Password Checking.
InfraSec 2002: 30-39 |
55 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato:
SAWM: a tool for secure and authenticated web metering.
SEKE 2002: 641-648 |
54 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
New Results on Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 291-309 |
53 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Annalisa De Bonis:
A lightweight protocol for the generation and distribution of secure e-coupons.
WWW 2002: 542-552 |
52 | | Carlo Blundo,
Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Constructions and Bounds for Unconditionally Secure Non-Interactive Commitment Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 97-110 (2002) |
51 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Stelvio Cimato,
Barbara Masucci:
A note on optimal metering schemes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 84(6): 319-326 (2002) |
2001 |
50 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Vanesa Daza,
Carles Padró:
Bounds and Constructions for Unconditionally Secure Distributed Key Distribution Schemes for General Access Structures.
ISC 2001: 1-17 |
49 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Clemente Galdi:
ISC 2001: 63-80 |
48 | | Carlo Blundo,
Annalisa De Bonis,
Alfredo De Santis:
Improved Schemes for Visual Cryptography.
Des. Codes Cryptography 24(3): 255-278 (2001) |
47 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Carles Padró:
A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6: 45-54 (2001) |
46 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis:
A t-private k-database information retrieval scheme.
Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(1): 64-68 (2001) |
45 | EE | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Extended capabilities for visual cryptography.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 250(1-2): 143-161 (2001) |
2000 |
44 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Annalisa De Bonis,
Barbara Masucci:
Metering Schemes with Pricing.
DISC 2000: 194-208 |
43 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Clemente Galdi:
Steganography Using Modern Arts.
IFIP TCS 2000: 140-151 |
42 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Annalisa De Bonis,
Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Dynamic Multi-threshold Metering Schemes.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 130-143 |
41 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Moni Naor:
Visual cryptography for grey level images.
Inf. Process. Lett. 75(6): 255-259 (2000) |
1999 |
40 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Clemente Galdi,
Pino Persiano:
Randomness Recycling in Constant-Round Private Computations (extended Abstract).
DISC 1999: 138-150 |
39 | | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia:
A tau-Restricted Key Agreement Scheme.
Comput. J. 42(1): 51-61 (1999) |
38 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Giuseppe Persiano,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Randomness Complexity of Private Computation.
Computational Complexity 8(2): 145-168 (1999) |
37 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia:
Probability of Shares in Secret Sharing Schemes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 72(5-6): 169-175 (1999) |
36 | | Carlo Blundo,
Antonella Cresti:
Unconditional Secure Conference Key Distribution Schemes with Disenrollment Capability.
Inf. Sci. 120(1-4): 113-130 (1999) |
35 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata:
On a Fallacious Bound for Authentication Codes.
J. Cryptology 12(3): 155-159 (1999) |
34 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Contrast in Visual Cryptography Schemes.
J. Cryptology 12(4): 261-289 (1999) |
33 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Barbara Masucci:
Randomness in Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes.
J. UCS 5(7): 367-389 (1999) |
32 | | Carlo Blundo,
Barbara Masucci:
A Note on the Randomness in Dynamic Threshold Schemes.
Journal of Computer Security 7(1): 73-85 (1999) |
1998 |
31 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis:
Visual cryptography schemes with perfect reconstruction of black pixels.
Computers & Graphics 22(4): 449-455 (1998) |
30 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Amir Herzberg,
Shay Kutten,
Ugo Vaccaro,
Moti Yung:
Perfectly Secure Key Distribution for Dynamic Conferences.
Inf. Comput. 146(1): 1-23 (1998) |
29 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
On Secret Sharing Schemes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 65(1): 25-32 (1998) |
28 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Generalized Beimel-Chor Schemes for Broadcast Encryption and Interactive Key Distribution.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 200(1-2): 313-334 (1998) |
1997 |
27 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Roberto De Simone,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Tight Bounds on the Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 11(2): 107-122 (1997) |
26 | | Carlo Blundo,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Dealer's Randomness Required in Secret Sharing Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 11(3): 235-259 (1997) |
25 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Anonymous Secret Sharing Schemes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 77(1): 13-28 (1997) |
24 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis:
Lower Bounds for Robust Secret Sharing Schemes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 63(6): 317-321 (1997) |
1996 |
23 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Trade-offs Between Communication and Storage in Unconditionally Secure Schemes for Broadcast Encryption and Interactive Key Distribution.
CRYPTO 1996: 387-400 |
22 | | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Constructions and Bounds for Visual Cryptography.
ICALP 1996: 416-428 |
21 | EE | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(12): (1996) |
20 | | Carlo Blundo,
Roberto De Prisco:
New bounds on the expected length of one-to-one codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(1): 246-250 (1996) |
19 | | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures.
Inf. Comput. 129(2): 86-106 (1996) |
18 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Randomness in Distribution Protocols.
Inf. Comput. 131(2): 111-139 (1996) |
17 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Luisa Gargano,
Ugo Vaccaro:
On the Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 154(2): 283-306 (1996) |
16 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Antonella Cresti,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Fully Dynamic Secret Sharing Schemes.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 165(2): 407-440 (1996) |
1995 |
15 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Giuseppe Persiano,
Ugo Vaccaro:
On the Number of Random Bits in Totally Private Computation.
ICALP 1995: 171-182 |
14 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Ugo Vaccaro:
New bounds on the information rate of secret sharing schemes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(2): 549-554 (1995) |
13 | EE | Carlo Blundo:
A Note on Dynamic Threshold Schemes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 55(4): 189-193 (1995) |
12 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Graph Decompositions and Secret Sharing Schemes.
J. Cryptology 8(1): 39-64 (1995) |
11 | | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Multiple Key Distribution Maintaining User Anonymity via Broadcast Channels.
Journal of Computer Security 3(4): 309-322 (1995) |
1994 |
10 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Giovanni Di Crescenzo,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 1994: 150-163 |
9 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Antonella Cresti:
Space Requirements for Broadcast Encryption.
EUROCRYPT 1994: 287-298 |
8 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Dealer's Randomness Required in Secret Sharing Schemes.
EUROCRYPT 1994: 35-46 |
7 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Randomness in Distributed Protocols.
ICALP 1994: 568-579 |
1993 |
6 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Luisa Gargano,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Secret Sharing Schemes with Veto Capabilities.
Algebraic Coding 1993: 82-89 |
5 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Antonella Cresti,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Fully Dynamic Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 1993: 110-125 |
4 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Efficient Sharing of Many Secrets.
STACS 1993: 692-703 |
1992 |
3 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Luisa Gargano,
Ugo Vaccaro:
On the Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes (Extended Abstract).
CRYPTO 1992: 148-167 |
2 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Amir Herzberg,
Shay Kutten,
Ugo Vaccaro,
Moti Yung:
Perfectly-Secure Key Distribution for Dynamic Conferences.
CRYPTO 1992: 471-486 |
1 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Graph Decompositions and Secret Sharing Schemes.
EUROCRYPT 1992: 1-24 |