
Howard J. Karloff

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68EEMoses Charikar, Howard J. Karloff, Claire Mathieu, Joseph Naor, Michael E. Saks: Online multicast with egalitarian cost sharing. SPAA 2008: 70-76
67EER. Berinde, Anna C. Gilbert, Piotr Indyk, Howard J. Karloff, Martin J. Strauss: Combining geometry and combinatorics: A unified approach to sparse signal recovery CoRR abs/0804.4666: (2008)
66EEJoseph Cheriyan, Howard J. Karloff, Rohit Khandekar, Jochen Könemann: On the integrality ratio for tree augmentation. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(4): 399-401 (2008)
65EELukasz Golab, Howard J. Karloff, Flip Korn, Divesh Srivastava, Bei Yu: On generating near-optimal tableaux for conditional functional dependencies. PVLDB 1(1): 376-390 (2008)
64EEDavid Applegate, Gruia Calinescu, David S. Johnson, Howard J. Karloff, Katrina Ligett, Jia Wang: Compressing rectilinear pictures and minimizing access control lists. SODA 2007: 1066-1075
63EEMoses Charikar, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Howard J. Karloff, Satish Rao: l22 spreading metrics for vertex ordering problems. SODA 2006: 1018-1027
62EEHoward J. Karloff, Subhash Khot, Aranyak Mehta, Yuval Rabani: On earthmover distance, metric labeling, and 0-extension. STOC 2006: 547-556
61EEOded Goldreich, Howard J. Karloff, Leonard J. Schulman, Luca Trevisan: Lower bounds for linear locally decodable codes and private information retrieval. Computational Complexity 15(3): 263-296 (2006)
60EEJoseph Cheriyan, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: Approximating Directed Multicuts. Combinatorica 25(3): 251-269 (2005)
59EEHoward J. Karloff, Subhash Khot, Aranyak Mehta, Yuval Rabani: On earthmover distance, metric labeling, and 0-extension Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(064): (2005)
58EEGruia Calinescu, Adrian Dumitrescu, Howard J. Karloff, Peng-Jun Wan: Separating Points by Axis-parallel Lines. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(6): 575-590 (2005)
57 Parikshit Gopalan, Howard J. Karloff, Aranyak Mehta, Milena Mihail, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi: Caching with Expiration Times for Internet Applications. Internet Mathematics 2(2): (2005)
56EEMoses Charikar, Michel X. Goemans, Howard J. Karloff: On the Integrality Ratio for Asymmetric TSP. FOCS 2004: 101-107
55EEHoward J. Karloff: On the convergence time of a path-vector protocol. SODA 2004: 605-614
54EEAdam L. Buchsbaum, Howard J. Karloff, Claire Kenyon, Nick Reingold, Mikkel Thorup: OPT Versus LOAD in Dynamic Storage Allocation. SIAM J. Comput. 33(3): 632-646 (2004)
53EEGruia Calinescu, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: Approximation Algorithms for the 0-Extension Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 34(2): 358-372 (2004)
52EEAnna C. Gilbert, Howard J. Karloff: On the fractal behavior of TCP. STOC 2003: 297-306
51EEAdam L. Buchsbaum, Howard J. Karloff, Claire Kenyon, Nick Reingold, Mikkel Thorup: OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation. STOC 2003: 556-564
50EEGruia Calinescu, Cristina G. Fernandes, Howard J. Karloff, Alexander Zelikovsky: A New Approximation Algorithm for Finding Heavy Planar Subgraphs. Algorithmica 36(2): 179-205 (2003)
49EEOded Goldreich, Howard J. Karloff, Leonard J. Schulman, Luca Trevisan: Lower Bounds for Linear Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2002: 175-183
48EEGruia Calinescu, Amit Chakrabarti, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Resource Allocation. IPCO 2002: 401-414
47EEParikshit Gopalan, Howard J. Karloff, Aranyak Mehta, Milena Mihail, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi: Caching with expiration times. SODA 2002: 540-547
46EERichard J. Anderson, Sampath Kannan, Howard J. Karloff, Richard E. Ladner: Thresholds and optimal binary comparison search trees. J. Algorithms 44(2): 338-358 (2002)
45 Joseph Cheriyan, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: Approximating Directed Multicuts. FOCS 2001: 320-328
44EERichard J. Anderson, Sampath Kannan, Howard J. Karloff, Richard E. Ladner: Thresholds and Optimal Binary Comparison Search Trees. FSTTCS 2001: 83-95
43EEGruia Calinescu, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: Approximation algorithms for the 0-extension problem. SODA 2001: 8-16
42EEOded Goldreich, Howard J. Karloff, Leonard J. Schulman, Luca Trevisan: Lower Bounds for Linear Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(080): (2001)
41EEAri Freund, Howard J. Karloff: A lower bound of 8/(7+(1/k)-1) on the integrality ratio of the Calinescu-Karloff-Rabani relaxation for multiway cut. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(1-2): 43-50 (2000)
40 Howard J. Karloff: Foreword. J. Algorithms 37(1): 1 (2000)
39 Gruia Calinescu, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for MULTIWAY CUT. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 60(3): 564-574 (2000)
38EEAvrim Blum, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Michael E. Saks: A Decomposition Theorem for Task Systems and Bounds for Randomized Server Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 30(5): 1624-1661 (2000)
37EEHoward J. Karloff, Milena Mihail: On the Complexity of the View-Selection Problem. PODS 1999: 167-173
36 Barun Chandra, Howard J. Karloff, Craig A. Tovey: New Results on the Old k-opt Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 28(6): 1998-2029 (1999)
35 Howard J. Karloff: How Good is the Goemans-Williamson MAX CUT Algorithm? SIAM J. Comput. 29(1): 336-350 (1999)
34EEGruia Calinescu, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Multiway Cut. STOC 1998: 48-52
33 Gruia Calinescu, Cristina G. Fernandes, Ulrich Finkler, Howard J. Karloff: A Better Approximation Algorithm for Finding Planar Subgraphs. J. Algorithms 27(2): 269-302 (1998)
32 Amos Fiat, Dean P. Foster, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Yiftach Ravid, Sundar Vishwanathan: Competitive Algorithms for Layered Graph Traversal. SIAM J. Comput. 28(2): 447-462 (1998)
31EEHoward J. Karloff, Uri Zwick: A 7/8-Approximation Algorithm for MAX 3SAT? FOCS 1997: 406-415
30 Howard J. Karloff, Yishay Mansour: On Construction of k-Wise Independent Random Variables. Combinatorica 17(1): 91-107 (1997)
29 Gruia Calinescu, Cristina G. Fernandes, Ulrich Finkler, Howard J. Karloff: A Better Approximation Algorithm for Finding Planar Subgraphs. SODA 1996: 16-25
28 Piotr Berman, Avrim Blum, Amos Fiat, Howard J. Karloff, Adi Rosén, Michael E. Saks: Randomized Robot Navigation Algorithms. SODA 1996: 75-84
27EEHoward J. Karloff: How Good is the Goemans-Williamson MAX CUT Algorithm? STOC 1996: 427-434
26 Yair Bartal, Amos Fiat, Howard J. Karloff, Rakesh Vohra: New Algorithms for an Ancient Scheduling Problem. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(3): 359-366 (1995)
25 Barun Chandra, Howard J. Karloff, Craig A. Tovey: New Results on the Old k-Opt Algorithm for the TSP. SODA 1994: 150-159
24 Yair Bartal, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani: A Better Lower Bound for On-Line Scheduling. Inf. Process. Lett. 50(3): 113-116 (1994)
23 Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Yiftach Ravid: Lower Bounds for Randomized k-Server and Motion-Planning Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 23(2): 293-312 (1994)
22 Howard J. Karloff: Fast Algorithms for Approximately Counting Mismatches. Inf. Process. Lett. 48(2): 53-60 (1993)
21EEHoward J. Karloff, Prabhakar Raghavan: Randomized Algorithms and Pseudorandom Numbers. J. ACM 40(3): 454-476 (1993)
20 Avrim Blum, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Michael E. Saks: A Decomposition Theorem and Bounds for Randomized Server Problems FOCS 1992: 197-207
19 Yair Bartal, Amos Fiat, Howard J. Karloff, Rakesh Vohra: New Algorithms for an Ancient Scheduling Problem STOC 1992: 51-58
18EECarsten Lund, Lance Fortnow, Howard J. Karloff, Noam Nisan: Algebraic Methods for Interactive Proof Systems. J. ACM 39(4): 859-868 (1992)
17 Marshall W. Bern, Howard J. Karloff, Prabhakar Raghavan, Baruch Schieber: Fast Geometric Approximation Techniques and Geometric Embedding Problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 106(2): 265-281 (1992)
16 Amos Fiat, Dean P. Foster, Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Yiftach Ravid, Sundar Vishwanathan: Competitive Algorithms for Layered Graph Traversal FOCS 1991: 288-297
15 Howard J. Karloff, Yuval Rabani, Yiftach Ravid: Lower Bounds for Randomized k-Server and Motion Planning Algorithms STOC 1991: 278-288
14 Marek Chrobak, Howard J. Karloff, Tomasz Radzik: Connectivity vs. Reachability Inf. Comput. 91(2): 177-188 (1991)
13 Marek Chrobak, Howard J. Karloff, T. H. Payne, Sundar Vishwanathan: New Results on Server Problems. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(2): 172-181 (1991)
12 Carsten Lund, Lance Fortnow, Howard J. Karloff, Noam Nisan: Algebraic Methods for Interactive Proof Systems FOCS 1990: 2-10
11 Piotr Berman, Howard J. Karloff, Gábor Tardos: A Competitive 3-Server Algorithm. SODA 1990: 280-290
10 Marek Chrobak, Howard J. Karloff, T. H. Payne, Sundar Vishwanathan: title=New Results on Server Problems. SODA 1990: 291-300
9EEMarshall W. Bern, Howard J. Karloff, Prabhakar Raghavan, Baruch Schieber: Fast Geometric Approximation Techniques and Geometric Embedding Problems. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1989: 292-301
8 Howard J. Karloff, Walter L. Ruzzo: The Iterated Mod Problem Inf. Comput. 80(3): 193-204 (1989)
7 Howard J. Karloff: How Long can a Euclidean Traveling Salesman Tour Be? SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1): 91-99 (1989)
6 Howard J. Karloff: An NC Algorithm for Brooks' Theorem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(1): 89-103 (1989)
5 Howard J. Karloff, Prabhakar Raghavan: Randomized Algorithms and Pseudorandom Numbers STOC 1988: 310-321
4 Howard J. Karloff, Ramamohan Paturi, Janos Simon: Universal Traversal Sequences of Length n^O(log n) for Cliques. Inf. Process. Lett. 28(5): 241-243 (1988)
3 Howard J. Karloff, David B. Shmoys: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Edge Coloring Problems. J. Algorithms 8(1): 39-52 (1987)
2 Joan Boyar, Howard J. Karloff: Coloring Planar Graphs in Parallel. J. Algorithms 8(4): 470-479 (1987)
1 Howard J. Karloff: A Las Vegas RNC algorithm for maximum matching. Combinatorica 6(4): 387-391 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Richard J. Anderson [44] [46]
2David Applegate [64]
3Yair Bartal [19] [24] [26]
4R. Berinde [67]
5Piotr Berman [11] [28]
6Marshall W. Bern [9] [17]
7Avrim Blum [20] [28] [38]
8Joan Boyar [2]
9Adam L. Buchsbaum [51] [54]
10Gruia Calinescu [29] [33] [34] [39] [43] [48] [50] [53] [58] [64]
11Amit Chakrabarti [48]
12Barun Chandra [25] [36]
13Moses Charikar [56] [63] [68]
14Joseph Cheriyan [45] [60] [66]
15Marek Chrobak [10] [13] [14]
16Adrian Dumitrescu [58]
17Cristina G. Fernandes [29] [33] [50]
18Amos Fiat [16] [19] [26] [28] [32]
19Ulrich Finkler [29] [33]
20Lance Fortnow [12] [18]
21Dean P. Foster [16] [32]
22Ari Freund [41]
23Anna C. Gilbert [52] [67]
24Michel X. Goemans [56]
25Lukasz Golab [65]
26Oded Goldreich [42] [49] [61]
27Parikshit Gopalan [47] [57]
28Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi (MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi) [63]
29Piotr Indyk [67]
30David S. Johnson [64]
31Sampath Kannan [44] [46]
32Rohit Khandekar [66]
33Subhash Khot [59] [62]
34Jochen Könemann [66]
35Flip Korn [65]
36Richard E. Ladner [44] [46]
37Katrina Ligett [64]
38Carsten Lund [12] [18]
39Yishay Mansour [30]
40Claire Mathieu (Claire Kenyon, Claire Kenyon-Mathieu) [51] [54] [68]
41Aranyak Mehta [47] [57] [59] [62]
42Milena Mihail [37] [47] [57]
43Joseph Naor (Seffi Naor) [68]
44Noam Nisan [12] [18]
45Ramamohan Paturi [4]
46Thomas H. Payne (T. H. Payne) [10] [13]
47Yuval Rabani [15] [16] [20] [23] [24] [32] [34] [38] [39] [43] [45] [48] [53] [59] [60] [62]
48Tomasz Radzik [14]
49Prabhakar Raghavan [5] [9] [17] [21]
50Satish Rao [63]
51Yiftach Ravid [15] [16] [23] [32]
52Nick Reingold [51] [54]
53Adi Rosén [28]
54Walter L. Ruzzo [8]
55Michael E. Saks [20] [28] [38] [68]
56Baruch Schieber [9] [17]
57Leonard J. Schulman [42] [49] [61]
58David B. Shmoys [3]
59Janos Simon [4]
60Divesh Srivastava [65]
61Martin Strauss (Martin J. Strauss) [67]
62Gábor Tardos [11]
63Mikkel Thorup [51] [54]
64Craig A. Tovey [25] [36]
65Luca Trevisan [42] [49] [61]
66Nisheeth K. Vishnoi [47] [57]
67Sundar Vishwanathan [10] [13] [16] [32]
68Rakesh V. Vohra (Rakesh Vohra) [19] [26]
69Peng-Jun Wan [58]
70Jia Wang [64]
71Bei Yu [65]
72Alexander Zelikovsky [50]
73Uri Zwick [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)