
F. Bruce Shepherd

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36EENavin Goyal, Neil Olver, F. Bruce Shepherd: The vpn conjecture is true. STOC 2008: 443-450
35EESpyridon Antonakopoulos, Chandra Chekuri, F. Bruce Shepherd, Lisa Zhang: Buy-at-Bulk Network Design with Protection. FOCS 2007: 634-644
34EEP. Donovan, F. Bruce Shepherd, Adrian Vetta, Gordon T. Wilfong: Degree-constrained network flows. STOC 2007: 681-688
33EEChandra Chekuri, Marcelo Mydlarz, F. Bruce Shepherd: Multicommodity demand flow in a tree and packing integer programs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(3): (2007)
32EEChandra Chekuri, F. Bruce Shepherd, G. Oriolo, Maria Grazia Scutellá: Hardness of robust network design. Networks 50(1): 50-54 (2007)
31EEElliot Anshelevich, F. Bruce Shepherd, Gordon T. Wilfong: Strategic Network Formation through Peering and Service Agreements. FOCS 2006: 77-86
30EEChandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, F. Bruce Shepherd: Edge-disjoint paths in Planar graphs with constant congestion. STOC 2006: 757-766
29EEChandra Chekuri, Paul Claisse, René-Jean Essiambre, Steven Fortune, Daniel C. Kilper, Wonsuck Lee, Nachi K. Nithi, Iraj Saniee, F. Bruce Shepherd, Christopher A. White, Gordon T. Wilfong, Lisa Zhang: Design tools for transparent optical networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 11(2): 129-143 (2006)
28EEChandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, F. Bruce Shepherd: An O(sqrt(n)) Approximation and Integrality Gap for Disjoint Paths and Unsplittable Flow. Theory of Computing 2(1): 137-146 (2006)
27EEChandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, F. Bruce Shepherd: Multicommodity flow, well-linked terminals, and routing problems. STOC 2005: 183-192
26EEChandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, F. Bruce Shepherd: Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs. FOCS 2004: 71-80
25EEChandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, F. Bruce Shepherd: The all-or-nothing multicommodity flow problem. STOC 2004: 156-165
24EEF. Bruce Shepherd, Adrian Vetta: Lighting fibers in a dark network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(9): 1583-1588 (2004)
23EEChandra Chekuri, Marcelo Mydlarz, F. Bruce Shepherd: Multicommodity Demand Flow in a Tree. ICALP 2003: 410-425
22EEVenkatesan Guruswami, Sanjeev Khanna, Rajmohan Rajaraman, F. Bruce Shepherd, Mihalis Yannakakis: Near-optimal hardness results and approximation algorithms for edge-disjoint paths and related problems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 67(3): 473-496 (2003)
21EEG. Brightwell, G. Oriolo, F. Bruce Shepherd: Reserving resilient capacity for a single commodity with upper-bound constraints. Networks 41(2): 87-96 (2003)
20EEC. W. Ko, F. Bruce Shepherd: Bipartite Domination and Simultaneous Matroid Covers. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(4): 517-523 (2003)
19EEMatthew Andrews, F. Bruce Shepherd, Aravind Srinivasan, Peter Winkler, Francis Zane: Clustering and Server Selection using Passive Monitoring. INFOCOM 2002
18EEF. Bruce Shepherd, Adrian Vetta: The Demand Matching Problem. IPCO 2002: 457-474
17EEAnindya Basu, C.-H. Luke Ong, April Rasala, F. Bruce Shepherd, Gordon T. Wilfong: Route oscillations in I-BGP with route reflection. SIGCOMM 2002: 235-247
16EETimothy Griffin, F. Bruce Shepherd, Gordon T. Wilfong: The stable paths problem and interdomain routing. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(2): 232-243 (2002)
15 F. Bruce Shepherd, Lisa Zhang: A cycle augmentation algorithm for minimum cost multicommodity flows on a ring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 110(2-3): 301-315 (2001)
14EEG. Brightwell, G. Oriolo, F. Bruce Shepherd: Reserving Resilient Capacity in a Network. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 14(4): 524-539 (2001)
13EESanjeev Khanna, Joseph Naor, F. Bruce Shepherd: Directed network design with orientation constraints. SODA 2000: 663-671
12EETimothy Griffin, F. Bruce Shepherd, Gordon T. Wilfong: Policy Disputes in Path-Vector Protocols. ICNP 1999: 21-30
11EEVenkatesan Guruswami, Sanjeev Khanna, Rajmohan Rajaraman, F. Bruce Shepherd, Mihalis Yannakakis: Near-Optimal Hardness Results and Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths and Related Problems. STOC 1999: 19-28
10EEKyriakos Kilakos, F. Bruce Shepherd: Face extensions in planar cubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 179-191 (1998)
9EEA. M. H. Gerards, F. Bruce Shepherd: Strong orientations without even directed circuits. Discrete Mathematics 188(1-3): 111-125 (1998)
8EEA. M. H. Gerards, F. Bruce Shepherd: The Graphs with All Subgraphs T-Perfect. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(4): 524-545 (1998)
7 Bruce A. Reed, F. Bruce Shepherd: The Gallai-Younger Conjecture for Planar Graphs. Combinatorica 16(4): 555-566 (1996)
6 T. R. Jensen, F. Bruce Shepherd: Note on a Conjecture of Toft. Combinatorica 15(3): 373-377 (1995)
5 F. Bruce Shepherd: Applying Lehman's theorems to packing problems. Math. Program. 71: 353-367 (1995)
4EEColin J. H. McDiarmid, Bruce A. Reed, Alexander Schrijver, F. Bruce Shepherd: Induced Circuits in Planar Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 60(2): 169-176 (1994)
3 F. Bruce Shepherd: Near-perfect matrices. Math. Program. 64: 295-323 (1994)
2 William R. Pulleyblank, F. Bruce Shepherd: Formulations for the stable set polytope of a claw-free graph. IPCO 1993: 267-279
1EEF. Bruce Shepherd: Hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 53(2): 173-194 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Andrews [19]
2Elliot Anshelevich [31]
3Spyridon Antonakopoulos [35]
4Anindya Basu [17]
5G. Brightwell [14] [21]
6Chandra Chekuri [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33] [35]
7Paul Claisse [29]
8P. Donovan [34]
9René-Jean Essiambre [29]
10Steven Fortune [29]
11A. M. H. Gerards [8] [9]
12Navin Goyal [36]
13Timothy G. Griffin (Timothy Griffin) [12] [16]
14Venkatesan Guruswami [11] [22]
15T. R. Jensen [6]
16Sanjeev Khanna [11] [13] [22] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30]
17Kyriakos Kilakos [10]
18Daniel C. Kilper [29]
19C. W. Ko [20]
20Wonsuck Lee [29]
21April Rasala Lehman (April Rasala) [17]
22Colin McDiarmid (Colin J. H. McDiarmid) [4]
23Marcelo Mydlarz [23] [33]
24Joseph Naor (Seffi Naor) [13]
25Nachi K. Nithi [29]
26Neil Olver [36]
27C.-H. Luke Ong [17]
28G. Oriolo [14] [21] [32]
29William R. Pulleyblank [2]
30Rajmohan Rajaraman [11] [22]
31Bruce A. Reed [4] [7]
32Iraj Saniee [29]
33Alexander Schrijver [4]
34Maria Grazia Scutellá [32]
35Aravind Srinivasan [19]
36Adrian Vetta [18] [24] [34]
37Christopher A. White [29]
38Gordon T. Wilfong [12] [16] [17] [29] [31] [34]
39Peter Winkler (Peter M. Winkler) [19]
40Mihalis Yannakakis [11] [22]
41Francis Zane [19]
42Lisa Zhang [15] [29] [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)