
Yusuke Nakamura

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7EEIlia Polian, Kohei Miyase, Yusuke Nakamura, Seiji Kajihara, Piet Engelke, Bernd Becker, Stefan Spinner, Xiaoqing Wen: Diagnosis of Realistic Defects Based on the X-Fault Model. DDECS 2008: 263-266
6EEMamoru Kato, Yusuke Nakamura, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda: MOCSphaser: a haplotype inference tool from a mixture of copy number variation and single nucleotide polymorphism data. Bioinformatics 24(14): 1645-1646 (2008)
5EEYuta Yamato, Yusuke Nakamura, Kohei Miyase, Xiaoqing Wen, Seiji Kajihara: A Novel Per-Test Fault Diagnosis Method Based on the Extended X-Fault Model for Deep-Submicron LSI Circuits. IEICE Transactions 91-D(3): 667-674 (2008)
4EEShuichi Takitoh, Shogo Fujii, Yoichi Mase, Junichi Takasaki, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Yozo Ohnishi, Masao Yanagisawa, Yusuke Nakamura, Naoyuki Kamatani: Accurate automated clustering of two-dimensional data for single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping by a combination of clustering methods: evaluation by large-scale real data. Bioinformatics 23(4): 408-413 (2007)
3 Mika Hirakawa, Toshihiro Tanaka, Yoichi Hashimoto, Masako Kuroda, Toshihisa Takagi, Yusuke Nakamura: JSNP: a database of common gene variations in the Japanese population. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 158-162 (2002)
2 Shinji Osada, Yusuke Nakamura, Kengo Hiraga, Hiroaki Higaki: QoS based Checkpoint Protocol in Multimedia Network Systems. IPDPS 2001: 124
1EEYusuke Nakamura: Human genome analysis and medicine in the 21st century (abstract only). RECOMB 2000: 221-222

Coauthor Index

1Bernd Becker [7]
2Piet Engelke [7]
3Shogo Fujii [4]
4Yoichi Hashimoto [3]
5Hiroaki Higaki [2]
6Kengo Hiraga [2]
7Mika Hirakawa [3]
8Seiji Kajihara [5] [7]
9Naoyuki Kamatani [4]
10Mamoru Kato [6]
11Masako Kuroda [3]
12Yoichi Mase [4]
13Kohei Miyase [5] [7]
14Yozo Ohnishi [4]
15Shinji Osada [2]
16Ilia Polian [7]
17Stefan Spinner [7]
18Toshihisa Takagi [3]
19Junichi Takasaki [4]
20Shuichi Takitoh [4]
21Toshihiro Tanaka [3]
22Tatsuhiko Tsunoda [6]
23Xiaoqing Wen [5] [7]
24Yuta Yamato [5]
25Toshimasa Yamazaki [4]
26Masao Yanagisawa [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)