
Jonathan Kilgour

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5EEAndrei Popescu-Belis, Erik Boertjes, Jonathan Kilgour, Peter Poller, Sandro Castronovo, Theresa Wilson, Alejandro Jaimes, Jean Carletta: The AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device: Just-in-Time Document Retrieval in Meetings. MLMI 2008: 272-283
4EEGabriel Murray, Thomas Kleinbauer, Peter Poller, Steve Renals, Jonathan Kilgour, Tilman Becker: Extrinsic Summarization Evaluation: A Decision Audit Task. MLMI 2008: 349-361
3EEGabriel Murray, Pei-yun Hsueh, Simon Tucker, Jonathan Kilgour, Jean Carletta, Johanna D. Moore, Steve Renals: Automatic Segmentation and Summarization of Meeting Speech. HLT-NAACL (Demonstrations) 2007: 9-10
2EEJean Carletta, Jonathan Kilgour: The NITE XML Toolkit Meets the ICSI Meeting Corpus: Import, Annotation, and Browsing. MLMI 2004: 111-121
1EERobert Inder, Jonathan Kilgour, John Lee: Automatic generation of diagrammatic Web site maps. SAC 1998: 719-725

Coauthor Index

1Tilman Becker [4]
2Erik Boertjes [5]
3Jean Carletta [2] [3] [5]
4Sandro Castronovo [5]
5Pei-yun Hsueh [3]
6Robert Inder [1]
7Alejandro Jaimes [5]
8Thomas Kleinbauer [4]
9John Lee [1]
10Johanna D. Moore [3]
11Gabriel Murray [3] [4]
12Peter Poller [4] [5]
13Andrei Popescu-Belis [5]
14Steve Renals [3] [4]
15Simon Tucker [3]
16Theresa Wilson [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)