
Nobuharu Mimura

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8 Takayoshi Yamada, Toshinori Ooba, Tomoya Yamamoto, Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: Grasp Stability Analysis of Two Objects in Two Dimensions. ICRA 2005: 760-765
7 Takayoshi Yamada, Tarou Koishikura, Yuto Mizuno, Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: Stability Analysis of 3D Grasps by A Multifingered Hand. ICRA 2001: 2466-2473
6 Tetsuya Mouri, Takayoshi Yamada, Ayako Iwai, Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: Identification of Contact Conditions from Contaminated Data of Contact Force and Moment. ICRA 2001: 597-603
5 Tetsuya Mouri, Takayoshi Yamada, Yasuyuki Funahashi, Nobuharu Mimura: Identification of Contact Conditions from Contaminated Data of Contact Moment. ICRA 1999: 585-591
4 Tokuji Okada, Kuniyasu Kimura, Nobuharu Mimura: Basic Study on a Magnetic Measurement for Balance Utilizing a Spherical Vessel. ICRA 1998: 2140-2146
3 Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: A New Analytical System Applying 6 DOF Parallel Link Manipulator for Evaluating Motion Sensation. ICRA 1995: 227-233
2 Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: Parameter Identification of Contact Conditions by Active Force Sensing. ICRA 1994: 2645-2650
1 Nobuharu Mimura, Yasuyuki Funahashi: Parameter Identification in the Grasp of an Inner Link Mechanism. ICRA (2) 1993: 209-215

Coauthor Index

1Yasuyuki Funahashi [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Ayako Iwai [6]
3Kuniyasu Kimura [4]
4Tarou Koishikura [7]
5Yuto Mizuno [7]
6Tetsuya Mouri [5] [6]
7Tokuji Okada [4]
8Toshinori Ooba [8]
9Takayoshi Yamada [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Tomoya Yamamoto [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)