
Albert R. Meyer

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88EEAlbert R. Meyer: Reminiscences. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 39-45
87EELarry J. Stockmeyer, Albert R. Meyer: Cosmological lower bound on the circuit complexity of a small problem in logic. J. ACM 49(6): 753-784 (2002)
86 Albert R. Meyer, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich: Valid Identity Problem for Shuffle Regular Expressions. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 7(1): 109-125 (2002)
85 Trevor Jim, Albert R. Meyer: Full Abstraction and the Context Lemma. SIAM J. Comput. 25(3): 663-696 (1996)
84EELalita Jategaonkar, Albert R. Meyer: Deciding True Concurrency Equivalences on Safe, Finite Nets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 154(1): 107-143 (1996)
83 Albert R. Meyer: Concurrent Process Equivalences: Some Decision Problems (Abstract). STACS 1995: 349
82 Joel I. Seiferas, Albert R. Meyer: Characterizations of Realizable Space Complexities. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 73(2): 171-190 (1995)
81EEBard Bloom, Sorin Istrail, Albert R. Meyer: Bisimulation Can't be Traced. J. ACM 42(1): 232-268 (1995)
80 Albert R. Meyer: Observing Truly Concurrent Processes. TACS 1994: 886
79 Lalita Jategaonkar, Albert R. Meyer: Deciding True Concurrency Equivalences on Finite Sate Nets (Preliminary Report). ICALP 1993: 519-531
78 Lalita Jategaonkar, Albert R. Meyer: Self-Synchronization of Concurrent Processes (Preliminary Report) LICS 1993: 409-417
77 Val Tannen, Albert R. Meyer: Conservativity of Equational Theories in Typed Lambda Calculi. Fundam. Inform. 19(1/2): 1-49 (1993)
76 Lalita Jategaonkar, Albert R. Meyer: Testing Equivalence for Petri Nets with Action Refinement: Preliminary Report. CONCUR 1992: 17-31
75 Bard Bloom, Albert R. Meyer: Experimenting with Process Equivalence. Theor. Comput. Sci. 101(2): 223-237 (1992)
74 Takayasu Ito, Albert R. Meyer: Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, International Conference TACS '91, Sendai, Japan, September 24-27, 1991, Proceedings Springer 1991
73 Trevor Jim, Albert R. Meyer: Full Abstraction and the Context Lemma. TACS 1991: 131-151
72 Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Albert R. Meyer, Jon G. Riecke: Completeness for typed lazy inequalities LICS 1990: 312-320
71 Kim B. Bruce, Albert R. Meyer, John C. Mitchell: The Semantics of Second-Order Lambda Calculus Inf. Comput. 85(1): 76-134 (1990)
70 Albert R. Meyer, Michael A. Taitslin: Logic at Botik '89, Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, Pereslav-Zalessky, USSR, July 3-8, 1989, Proceedings Springer 1989
69 Bard Bloom, Albert R. Meyer: A Remark on Bisimulation Between Probabilistic Processes. Logic at Botik 1989: 26-40
68 Albert R. Meyer: Semantical Paradigms: Notes for an Invited Lecture, with Two Appendices by Stavros S. Cosmadakis LICS 1988: 236-253
67EEAlbert R. Meyer, Jon G. Riecke: Continuations May be Unreasonable. LISP and Functional Programming 1988: 63-71
66 Albert R. Meyer, Kurt Sieber: Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables. POPL 1988: 191-203
65 Bard Bloom, Sorin Istrail, Albert R. Meyer: Bisimulation Can't Be Traced. POPL 1988: 229-239
64 Val Tannen, Albert R. Meyer: Polymorphism is conservative over simple types (Preliminary Report) LICS 1987: 7-17
63 Val Tannen, Albert R. Meyer: Computable Values Can Be Classical. POPL 1987: 238-245
62 Albert R. Meyer, John C. Mitchell, Eugenio Moggi, Richard Statman: Empty Types in Polymorphic Lambda Calculus. POPL 1987: 253-262
61 Albert R. Meyer: Floyd-Hoare Logic Defines Semantics: Preliminary Version LICS 1986: 44-48
60 Albert R. Meyer, Mark B. Reinhold: ``Type'' Is Not A Type. POPL 1986: 287-295
59 Joseph Y. Halpern, Michael C. Loui, Albert R. Meyer, Daniel Weise: On Time versus Space III. Mathematical Systems Theory 19(1): 13-28 (1986)
58 Albert R. Meyer, Mitchell Wand: Continuation Semantics in Typed Lambda-Calculi (Summary). Logic of Programs 1985: 219-224
57 John C. Mitchell, Albert R. Meyer: Second-Order Logical Relations (Extended Abstract). Logic of Programs 1985: 225-236
56 Val Breazu-Tannen, Albert R. Meyer: Lambda Calculus with Constrained Types (Extended Abstract). Logic of Programs 1985: 23-40
55 Rohit Parikh, Ashok K. Chandra, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer: Equations Between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic. SIAM J. Comput. 14(4): 935-942 (1985)
54 Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: The Semantics of Local Storage, or What Makes the Free-List Free? POPL 1984: 245-257
53 Kim B. Bruce, Albert R. Meyer: The Semantics of Second Order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus. Semantics of Data Types 1984: 131-144
52 A. Prasad Sistla, Edmund M. Clarke, Nissim Francez, Albert R. Meyer: Can Message Buffers Be Axiomatized in Linear Temporal Logic? Information and Control 63(1/2): 88-112 (1984)
51 Albert R. Meyer, Jerzy Tiuryn: Equivalences among Logics of Programs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 29(2): 160-170 (1984)
50 Albert R. Meyer: Understanding ALGOL: The View of a Recent Convert to Denotational Semantics. IFIP Congress 1983: 951-961
49 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer: From Denotational to Operational and Axiomatic Semantics for ALGOL-like Languages: an Overview. Logic of Programs 1983: 474-500
48 Albert R. Meyer, John C. Mitchell: Termination Assertions for Recursive Programs: Completeness and Axiomatic Definability Information and Control 56(1/2): 112-138 (1983)
47 Albert R. Meyer, John C. Mitchell: Axiomatic Definability and Completeness for Recursive Programs. POPL 1982: 337-346
46 Albert R. Meyer: What is a Model of the Lambda Calculus? Information and Control 52(1): 87-122 (1982)
45EEAlbert R. Meyer, Joseph Y. Halpern: Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages: A Theoretical Assessment. J. ACM 29(2): 555-576 (1982)
44 Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Mike Paterson: Omega(n log n) Lower Bounds on Length of Boolean Formulas. SIAM J. Comput. 11(3): 416-427 (1982)
43 Albert R. Meyer, Karl Winklmann: Expressing Program Looping in Regular Dynamic Logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 18: 301-323 (1982)
42 Albert R. Meyer, Robert S. Streett, Grazyna Mirkowska: The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic. ICALP 1981: 238-248
41 Albert R. Meyer, Jerzy Tiuryn: A Note On Equivalences Among Logics of Programs. Logic of Programs 1981: 282-299
40 Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer: Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages, II. POPL 1981: 139-148
39 Ashok K. Chandra, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Equations between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic STOC 1981: 384-390
38EEIrene Greif, Albert R. Meyer: Specifying the Semantics of while Programs: A Tutorial and Critique of a Paper by Hoare and Lauer. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 3(4): 484-507 (1981)
37EEErnst W. Mayr, Albert R. Meyer: The Complexity of the Finite Containment Problem for Petri Nets. J. ACM 28(3): 561-576 (1981)
36 Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Definability in Dynamic Logic. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 23(2): 279-298 (1981)
35 Albert R. Meyer, Joseph Y. Halpern: Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages: A Theoretical Assessment. POPL 1980: 203-212
34 Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Definability in Dynamic Logic STOC 1980: 1-7
33 Ronald L. Rivest, Albert R. Meyer, Daniel J. Kleitman, Karl Winklmann, Joel Spencer: Coping with Errors in Binary Search Procedures. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 20(3): 396-404 (1980)
32 Anna R. Bruss, Albert R. Meyer: On Time-Space Classes and their Relation to the Theory of Real Addition. Theor. Comput. Sci. 11: 59-69 (1980)
31 Albert R. Meyer, Robert S. Streett, Grazyna Mirkowska: The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic. Logic of Programs 1979: 12-22
30EEIrene Greif, Albert R. Meyer: Specifying Programming Language Semantics. POPL 1979: 180-189
29 Albert R. Meyer, Karl Winklmann: On the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logic (Preliminary Report) STOC 1979: 167-175
28 Albert R. Meyer, Irene Greif: Can Partial Correctness Assertions Specify Programming Language Semantics?. Theoretical Computer Science 1979: 25-26
27 Ronald L. Rivest, Albert R. Meyer, Daniel J. Kleitman, Karl Winklmann, Joel Spencer: Coping with Errors in Binary Search Procedures (Preliminary Report) STOC 1978: 227-232
26 Anni R. Bruss, Albert R. Meyer: On Time-Space Classes and Their Relation to the Theory of Real Addition STOC 1978: 233-239
25EEJoel I. Seiferas, Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer: Separating Nondeterministic Time Complexity Classes. J. ACM 25(1): 146-167 (1978)
24 David Harel, Albert R. Meyer, Vaughan R. Pratt: Computability and Completeness in Logics of Programs (Preliminary Report) STOC 1977: 261-268
23 Peter A. Bloniarz, Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer: A Note on the Average Time to Compute Transitive Closures. ICALP 1976: 425-434
22 E. Cardoza, Richard J. Lipton, Albert R. Meyer: Exponential Space Complete Problems for Petri Nets and Commutative Semigroups: Preliminary Report STOC 1976: 50-54
21 Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Mike Paterson: Lower Bounds on the Size of Boolean Formulas: Preliminary Report STOC 1975: 37-44
20 Robert Moll, Albert R. Meyer: Honest Bounds for Complexity Classes of Recursive Functions. J. Symb. Log. 39(1): 127-138 (1974)
19 Joel I. Seiferas, Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer: Refinements of the Nondeterministic Time and Space Hierarchies FOCS 1973: 130-137
18 Larry J. Stockmeyer, Albert R. Meyer: Word Problems Requiring Exponential Time: Preliminary Report STOC 1973: 1-9
17 Nancy A. Lynch, Albert R. Meyer, Michael J. Fischer: Sets that Don't Help STOC 1973: 130-134
16 Albert R. Meyer, Larry J. Stockmeyer: The Equivalence Problem for Regular Expressions with Squaring Requires Exponential Space FOCS 1972: 125-129
15 Albert R. Meyer, Robert Moll: Honest Bounds for Complexity Classes of Recursive Functions FOCS 1972: 61-66
14 Albert R. Meyer, A. Bagchi: Program Size and Economy of Descriptions: Preliminary Report STOC 1972: 183-186
13 Albert R. Meyer: Program Size in Restricted Programming Languages Information and Control 21(4): 382-394 (1972)
12EEPatrick C. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Real-Time Simulation of Multihead Tape Units. J. ACM 19(4): 590-607 (1972)
11 Albert R. Meyer, Patrick C. Fischer: Computational Speed-Up by Effective Operators. J. Symb. Log. 37(1): 55-68 (1972)
10 Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer: Boolean Matrix Multiplication and Transitive Closure FOCS 1971: 129-131
9 Albert R. Meyer, Michael J. Fischer: Economy of Description by Automata, Grammars, and Formal Systems FOCS 1971: 188-191
8 Patrick C. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Time-Restricted Sequence Generation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 4(1): 50-73 (1970)
7 Edward M. McCreight, Albert R. Meyer: Classes of Computable Functions Defined by Bounds on Computation: Preliminary Report STOC 1969: 79-88
6EEAlbert R. Meyer: A Note on Star-Free Events. J. ACM 16(2): 220-225 (1969)
5 Albert R. Meyer, C. Thompson: Remarks on Algebraic Decomposition of Automata. Mathematical Systems Theory 3(2): 110-118 (1969)
4 Albert R. Meyer, Patrick C. Fischer: On Computational Speed-Up FOCS 1968: 351-355
3 Patrick C. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Counter Machines and Counter Languages. Mathematical Systems Theory 2(3): 265-283 (1968)
2 Albert R. Meyer, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Patrick C. Fischer: Turing Machines with Several Read-Write Heads (Preliminary Report) FOCS 1967: 117-127
1 Patrick C. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Real Time Counter Machines (Preliminary Version) FOCS 1967: 148-154

Coauthor Index

1A. Bagchi [14]
2Peter A. Bloniarz [23]
3Bard Bloom [65] [69] [75] [81]
4Kim B. Bruce [53] [71]
5Anna R. Bruss [32]
6Anni R. Bruss [26]
7E. Cardoza [22]
8Ashok K. Chandra [39] [55]
9Edmund M. Clarke [52]
10Stavros S. Cosmadakis [72]
11Michael J. Fischer [9] [10] [17] [19] [21] [23] [25] [44]
12Patrick C. Fischer [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [11] [12]
13Nissim Francez [52]
14Irene Greif [28] [30] [38]
15Joseph Y. Halpern [35] [39] [40] [45] [49] [54] [55] [59]
16David Harel [24]
17Sorin Istrail [65] [81]
18Takayasu Ito [74]
19Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan (Lalita Jategaonkar) [76] [78] [79] [84]
20Trevor Jim [73] [85]
21Daniel J. Kleitman [27] [33]
22Richard J. Lipton [22]
23Michael C. Loui [59]
24Nancy A. Lynch [17]
25Ernst W. Mayr [37]
26Edward M. McCreight [7]
27Grazyna Mirkowska [31] [42]
28John C. Mitchell [47] [48] [57] [62] [71]
29Eugenio Moggi [62]
30Robert Moll (Robert N. Moll) [15] [20]
31Rohit Parikh [34] [36] [39] [55]
32Mike Paterson [21] [44]
33Vaughan R. Pratt [24]
34Alexander Moshe Rabinovich (Alexander Rabinovich) [86]
35Mark B. Reinhold [60]
36Jon G. Riecke [67] [72]
37Ronald L. Rivest [27] [33]
38Arnold L. Rosenberg [1] [2] [3] [8] [12]
39Joel I. Seiferas [19] [25] [82]
40Kurt Sieber [66]
41A. Prasad Sistla [52]
42Joel H. Spencer (Joel Spencer) [27] [33]
43Richard Statman [62]
44Larry J. Stockmeyer [16] [18] [87]
45Robert S. Streett [31] [42]
46Michael A. Taitslin [70]
47Val Tannen (Valeriu Breazu, Val Breazu-Tannen) [56] [63] [64] [77]
48C. Thompson [5]
49Jerzy Tiuryn [41] [51]
50Boris A. Trakhtenbrot [49] [54]
51Mitchell Wand [58]
52Daniel Weise [59]
53Karl Winklmann [27] [29] [33] [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)