
Rohit Parikh

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58EERohit Parikh: Knowledge, Games and Tales from the East. ICLA 2009: 65-76
57EERohit Parikh: Some Puzzles About Probability and Probabilistic Conditionals. LFCS 2007: 449-456
56EERohit Parikh, Lawrence S. Moss, Chris Steinsvold: Topology and Epistemic Logic. Handbook of Spatial Logics 2007: 299-341
55EERohit Parikh: Logical omniscience and common knowledge: WHAT do we know and what do WE know? TARK 2005: 62-77
54EERohit Parikh, Jouko A. Väänänen: Finite information logic. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 134(1): 83-93 (2005)
53EEEric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh: The Logic of Communication Graphs. DALT 2004: 256-269
52EESamir Chopra, Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh: Knowledge-Theoretic Properties of Strategic Voting. JELIA 2004: 18-30
51EERohit Parikh, Ramaswamy Ramanujam: A Knowledge Based Semantics of Messages. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12(4): 453-467 (2003)
50EEMarc Pauly, Rohit Parikh: Editorial Introduction. Studia Logica 75(2): 163-164 (2003)
49EEMarc Pauly, Rohit Parikh: Game Logic - An Overview. Studia Logica 75(2): 165-182 (2003)
48EERohit Parikh: States of Knowledge. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 67: (2002)
47 M. Angela Weiss, Rohit Parikh: Completeness of Certain Bimodal Logics for Subset Spaces. Studia Logica 71(1): 1-30 (2002)
46 Samir Chopra, Konstantinos Georgatos, Rohit Parikh: Relevance Sensitive Non-Monotonic Inference on Belief Sequences. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11(1-2): 131-150 (2001)
45EERohit Parikh, Laxmi Parida, Vaughan R. Pratt: Sock Sorting: An Example of a Vague Algorithm. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(5): (2001)
44EESamir Chopra, Rohit Parikh, Renata Wassermann: Approximate Belief Revision. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(6): (2001)
43 Samir Chopra, Rohit Parikh: Relevance sensitive belief structures. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 28(1-4): 259-285 (2000)
42EESamir Chopra, Konstantinos Georgatos, Rohit Parikh: Relevance Sensitive Non-Monotonic Inference on Belief Sequences CoRR cs.AI/0003021: (2000)
41 Rohit Parikh: Gems of Theoretical Computer Science, Uwe Schöning and Randall Pruim. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9(1): 131-132 (2000)
40 Samir Chopra, Rohit Parikh: An Inconsistency Tolerant Model for Belief Representation and Belief Revision. IJCAI 1999: 192-199
39 Rohit Parikh: Propositions, Propositional Attitudes and Belief Revision. Advances in Modal Logic 1998: 381-400
38 Andrew Dabrowski, Lawrence S. Moss, Rohit Parikh: Topological Reasoning and the Logic of Knowledge. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 78(1-3): 73-110 (1996)
37 Rohit Parikh: Knowledge Based Computation (Extended Abstract). AMAST 1995: 127-132
36 Kamal Lodaya, Rohit Parikh, Ramaswamy Ramanujam, P. S. Thiagarajan: A Logical Study of Distributed Transition Systems Inf. Comput. 119(1): 91-118 (1995)
35 Rohit Parikh: Logical Omniscience. LCC 1994: 22-29
34 Lawrence S. Moss, Rohit Parikh: Topological Reasoning and The Logic of Knowledge. TARK 1992: 95-105
33 Rohit Parikh: Dumb-Founded Sets. Bulletin of the EATCS 43: 183 (1991)
32 Rohit Parikh: Monotonic and non-monotonic logics of knowledge. Fundam. Inform. 15(3-4): 255-274 (1991)
31 Rohit Parikh: Preface Inf. Comput. 93(1): iii (1991)
30 Rohit Parikh: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge, Pacific Grove, CA, March 1990 Morgan Kaufmann 1990
29 Rohit Parikh: Recent Issues in Reasoning about Knowledge. TARK 1990: 3-10
28 Martin Davis, Rohit Parikh: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: New York City, May 1987. J. Symb. Log. 53(4): 1270-1274 (1988)
27 Rohit Parikh: Some Recent Applications of Knowledge. FSTTCS 1987: 528-539
26 Rohit Parikh: Knowledge and the Problem of Logical Omniscience. ISMIS 1987: 432-439
25 Rohit Parikh: Logic and Computation (Panel). IFIP Congress 1986: 391-392
24 Rohit Parikh: Levels of Knowledge in Distributed Computing LICS 1986: 314-321
23 Rohit Parikh: Logics of Programs, Conference, Brooklyn College, June 17-19, 1985, Proceedings Springer 1985
22 Rohit Parikh, Ramaswamy Ramanujam: Distributed Processes and the Logic of Knowledge. Logic of Programs 1985: 256-268
21 Rohit Parikh, Ashok K. Chandra, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer: Equations Between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic. SIAM J. Comput. 14(4): 935-942 (1985)
20 Rohit Parikh: Logics of Knowledge, Games and Dynamic Logic. FSTTCS 1984: 202-222
19 Rohit Parikh: Propositional Logics of Programs: New Directions. FCT 1983: 347-359
18 Rohit Parikh: Propositional Game Logic FOCS 1983: 195-200
17 Dexter Kozen, Rohit Parikh: A Decision Procedure for the Propositional µ-Calculus. Logic of Programs 1983: 313-325
16 Rohit Parikh, Anne Mahoney: A Theory of Probabilistic Programs. Logic of Programs 1983: 396-402
15 Rohit Parikh: Some Applications of Topology to Program Semantics. Mathematical Systems Theory 16(2): 111-131 (1983)
14 David Harel, Dexter Kozen, Rohit Parikh: Process Logic: Expressiveness, Decidability, Completeness. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 25(2): 144-170 (1982)
13 Rohit Parikh: Some Applications of Topology to Program Semantics. Logic of Programs 1981: 375-386
12 Ashok K. Chandra, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Equations between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic STOC 1981: 384-390
11 Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Definability in Dynamic Logic. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 23(2): 279-298 (1981)
10 Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Rohit Parikh, Grzegorz Rozenberg: Pumping Lemmas for Regular Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 10(3): 536-541 (1981)
9 Dexter Kozen, Rohit Parikh: An Elementary Proof of the Completness of PDL. Theor. Comput. Sci. 14: 113-118 (1981)
8 David Harel, Dexter Kozen, Rohit Parikh: Process Logic: Expressiveness, Decidability, Completeness FOCS 1980: 129-142
7 Rohit Parikh: Propositional Logics of Programs: Systems, Models, and Complexity. POPL 1980: 186-192
6 Albert R. Meyer, Rohit Parikh: Definability in Dynamic Logic STOC 1980: 1-7
5 Rohit Parikh: Propositional Dynamic Logics of Programs: a Survey. Logic of Programs 1979: 102-144
4 Rohit Parikh: A Decidability Result for a Second Order Process Logic FOCS 1978: 177-183
3 Rohit Parikh: The Completeness of Propositional Dynamic Logic. MFCS 1978: 403-415
2 Rohit Parikh: Existence and Feasibility in Arithmetic. J. Symb. Log. 36(3): 494-508 (1971)
1EERohit Parikh: On Context-Free Languages. J. ACM 13(4): 570-581 (1966)

Coauthor Index

1Ashok K. Chandra [12] [21]
2Samir Chopra [40] [42] [43] [44] [46] [52]
3Andrew Dabrowski [38]
4Martin Davis [28]
5Andrzej Ehrenfeucht [10]
6Konstantinos Georgatos [42] [46]
7Joseph Y. Halpern [12] [21]
8David Harel [8] [14]
9Dexter Kozen [8] [9] [14] [17]
10Kamal Lodaya [36]
11Anne Mahoney [16]
12Albert R. Meyer [6] [11] [12] [21]
13Lawrence S. Moss [34] [38] [56]
14Eric Pacuit [52] [53]
15Laxmi Parida [45]
16Marc Pauly [49] [50]
17Vaughan R. Pratt [45]
18Ramaswamy Ramanujam [22] [36] [51]
19Grzegorz Rozenberg [10]
20Chris Steinsvold [56]
21P. S. Thiagarajan [36]
22Jouko A. Väänänen [54]
23Renata Wassermann [44]
24M. Angela Weiss [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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