
Jerzy Tiuryn

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88EEBartek Wilczynski, Jerzy Tiuryn: Reconstruction of Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulatory Network from Microarray Data Using Stochastic Logical Networks. CMSB 2007: 121-135
87EEJanusz Dutkowski, Jerzy Tiuryn: Identification of functional modules from conserved ancestral protein-protein interactions. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 149-158
86EEPawel Górecki, Jerzy Tiuryn: Inferring phylogeny from whole genomes. Bioinformatics 23(2): 116-122 (2007)
85EEPawel Górecki, Jerzy Tiuryn: URec: a system for unrooted reconciliation. Bioinformatics 23(4): 511-512 (2007)
84EESzymon Nowakowski, Jerzy Tiuryn: A new approach to the assessment of the quality of predictions of transcription factor binding sites. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(2): 139-149 (2007)
83EEDamian Wójtowicz, Jerzy Tiuryn: Evolution of Gene Families Based on Gene Duplication, Loss, Accumulated Change, and Innovation. Journal of Computational Biology 14(4): 479-495 (2007)
82EEBartek Wilczynski, Jerzy Tiuryn: Regulatory Network Reconstruction Using Stochastic Logical Networks. CMSB 2006: 142-154
81EEDamian Wójtowicz, Jerzy Tiuryn: On Genome Evolution with Accumulated Change and Innovation. Comparative Genomics 2006: 39-50
80EEDamian Wójtowicz, Jerzy Tiuryn: On Genome Evolution with Innovation. MFCS 2006: 801-811
79EENorbert Dojer, Anna Gambin, Andrzej Mizera, Bartek Wilczynski, Jerzy Tiuryn: Applying dynamic Bayesian networks to perturbed gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 249 (2006)
78EEAnna Gambin, Jerzy Tiuryn, Jerzy Tyszkiewicz: Alignment with Context Dependent Scoring Function. Journal of Computational Biology 13(1): 81-101 (2006)
77EEPawel Górecki, Jerzy Tiuryn: DLS-trees: A model of evolutionary scenarios. Theor. Comput. Sci. 359(1-3): 378-399 (2006)
76EESzymon Nowakowski, Krzysztof Fidelis, Jerzy Tiuryn: Introducing Dependencies into Alignment Analysis and Its Use for Local Structure Prediction in Proteins. PPAM 2005: 1106-1113
75EEPawel Górecki, Jerzy Tiuryn: On the Structure of Reconciliations. Comparative Genomics 2004: 42-54
74EEJerzy Tiuryn, Ryszard Rudnicki, Damian Wójtowicz: A Case Study of Genome Evolution: From Continuous to Discrete Time Model. MFCS 2004: 1-24
73EEViviana Bono, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Type Inference for Nested Self Types. TYPES 2003: 99-114
72EEDexter Kozen, Jerzy Tiuryn: Substructural logic and partial correctness. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 4(3): 355-378 (2003)
71 Anna Gambin, Slawomir Lasota, Radoslaw Szklarczyk, Jerzy Tiuryn, Jerzy Tyszkiewicz: Contextual alignment of biological sequences. ECCB 2002: 116-127
70 Viviana Bono, Jerzy Tiuryn: Products and Polymorphic Subtypes. Fundam. Inform. 51(1-2): 13-41 (2002)
69EEJerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Subtyping Problem for Second-Order Types Is Undecidable. Inf. Comput. 179(1): 1-18 (2002)
68 Dexter Kozen, Jerzy Tiuryn: Intuitionistic Linear Logic and Partial Correctness. LICS 2001: 259-268
67 Jerzy Tiuryn: A Sequent Calculus for Subtyping Polymorphic Types. Inf. Comput. 164(2): 345-369 (2001)
66 Dexter Kozen, Jerzy Tiuryn: On the completeness of propositional Hoare logic. Inf. Sci. 139(3-4): 187-195 (2001)
65 Jerzy Tiuryn: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, Third International Conference, FOSSACS 2000, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software,ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25 - April 2, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
64 Dexter Kozen, Jerzy Tiuryn: On the Completeness of Propositional Hoare Logic. RelMiCS 2000: 195-202
63 Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Reconstruction for Functional Programs with Subtyping over a Lattice of Atomic Types. MFCS 1999: 443-453
62 A. J. Kfoury, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Alpha-Conversion and Typability. Inf. Comput. 150(1): 1-21 (1999)
61 Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Discrimination by Parallel Observers: The Algorithm. Inf. Comput. 150(2): 153-186 (1999)
60 Jerzy Tiuryn: Subtyping over a Lattice (Abstract). Kurt Gödel Colloquium 1997: 84-88
59EEMariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Discrimination by Parallel Observers. LICS 1997: 396-407
58 Jerzy Tiuryn, Mitchell Wand: Untyped Lambda-Calculus with Input-Output. CAAP 1996: 317-329
57 Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Subtyping Problem for Second-Order Types is Undecidable. LICS 1996: 74-85
56 Jerzy Tiuryn: A Sequent Calculus for Subtyping Polymorphic Types. MFCS 1996: 135-155
55 Vaughan R. Pratt, Jerzy Tiuryn: Satisfiability of Inequalities in a Poset. Fundam. Inform. 28(1-2): 165-182 (1996)
54 Leszek Pacholski, Jerzy Tiuryn: Computer Science Logic, 8th International Workshop, CSL '94, Kazimierz, Poland, September 25-30, 1994, Selected Papers Springer 1995
53 Jerzy Tiuryn: Equational Axiomatization of Bicoercibility for Polymorphic Types. FSTTCS 1995: 166-179
52EEA. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: An Analysis of ML Typability. J. ACM 41(2): 368-398 (1994)
51 Jerzy Tiuryn, Mitchell Wand: Type Reconstruction with Recursive Types and Atomic Subtyping. TAPSOFT 1993: 686-701
50 Achim Jung, Jerzy Tiuryn: A New Characterization of Lambda Definability. TLCA 1993: 245-257
49EEA. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15(2): 290-311 (1993)
48 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Undecidability of the Semi-unification Problem Inf. Comput. 102(1): 83-101 (1993)
47 Jerzy Tiuryn: Solving Equational Constraints in Polymorphic Types. LFCS 1992: 480-492
46 Jerzy Tiuryn: Subtype Inequalities LICS 1992: 308-315
45 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Reconstruction in Finite Rank Fragments of the Second-Order lambda-Calculus Inf. Comput. 98(2): 228-257 (1992)
44 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: On the Expressive Power of Finitely and Universally Polymorphic Recursive Procedures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 93(1): 1-41 (1992)
43 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: ML Typability is DEXTIME-Complete. CAAP 1990: 206-220
42 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Reconstruction in Finite-Rank Fragments of the Polymorphic lambda-Calculus (Extended Summary) LICS 1990: 2-11
41 Jerzy Tiuryn: Type Inference Problems: A Survey. MFCS 1990: 105-120
40 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Undecidability of the Semi-Unification Problem (Preliminary Report) STOC 1990: 468-476
39 Dexter Kozen, Jerzy Tiuryn: Logics of Programs. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B: Formal Models and Sematics (B) 1990: 789-840
38 Jerzy Tiuryn, David B. Benson: Fixed Points in Free Process Algebras, Part II. Theor. Comput. Sci. 70(2): 179-192 (1990)
37 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Computational Consequences and Partial Solutions of a Generalized Unification Problem (Partial Report) LICS 1989: 98-105
36 Jerzy Tiuryn: A Simplified Proof of DDL < DL Inf. Comput. 81(1): 1-12 (1989)
35 David B. Benson, Jerzy Tiuryn: Fixed Points in Free Process Algebras, Part I. Theor. Comput. Sci. 63(3): 275-294 (1989)
34 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: On the Computational Power of Universally Polymorphic Recursion LICS 1988: 72-81
33 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: A Proper Extension of ML with an Effective Type-Assignment. POPL 1988: 58-69
32 Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Some Relationships Between Logics of Programs and Complexity Theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 60: 83-108 (1988)
31 A. J. Kfoury, Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: The Hierarchy of Finitely Typed Functional Programs (Short Version) LICS 1987: 225-235
30 Jerzy Tiuryn: Higher-Order Arrays and Stacks in Programming. An Application of Complexity Theory to Logics of Programs. MFCS 1986: 177-198
29 David B. Benson, Jerzy Tiuryn: Fixed Ponts in Process Algebras with Internal Actions ( a preliminary note). Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 53-58
28 Jerzy Tiuryn: Preface Information and Control 67(1-3): 1 (1985)
27 Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Remarks on Comparing Expressive Power of Logics of Programs. MFCS 1984: 535-543
26 Jerzy Tiuryn: Unbounded Program Memory Adds to the Expressive Power of First-Order Programming Logic Information and Control 60(1-3): 12-35 (1984)
25 Albert R. Meyer, Jerzy Tiuryn: Equivalences among Logics of Programs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 29(2): 160-170 (1984)
24 Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn: Some Relationships between Logics of Programs and Complexity Theory (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1983: 180-184
23 Jerzy Tiuryn: Implicit definability of finite binary trees by sets of equations. Logic and Machines 1983: 320-332
22 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: PC-Compactness, a Necessary Condition for the Existence of Sound and Complete Logics of Partial Correctness. Logic of Programs 1983: 45-56
21 Piotr Berman, Joseph Y. Halpern, Jerzy Tiuryn: On the Power of Nondeterminism in Dynamic Logic. ICALP 1982: 48-60
20 Jan A. Bergstra, Anna Chmielinska, Jerzy Tiuryn: Another Incompleteness Result for Hoare's Logic Information and Control 52(2): 159-171 (1982)
19 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn, J. V. Tucker: Floyds Principle, Correctness Theories and Program Equivalence. Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 113-149 (1982)
18 Jerzy Tiuryn: Unbounded Program Memory Adds to the Expressive Power of First-Order Dynamic Logic (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1981: 335-339
17 Albert R. Meyer, Jerzy Tiuryn: A Note On Equivalences Among Logics of Programs. Logic of Programs 1981: 282-299
16 Jan A. Bergstra, Anna Chmielinska, Jerzy Tiuryn: Hoare's Logic is Incomplete When It Does Not Have To Be. Logic of Programs 1981: 9-23
15 Jerzy Tiuryn: Logic of effective definitions. Fundam. Inform. 4(3): 629-660 (1981)
14 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: Logic of effective definitions. Fundam. Inform. 4(3): 661-674 (1981)
13 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: Algorithmic degrees of algebraic structures. Fundam. Inform. 4(4): 851-862 (1981)
12 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: Regular extensions of iterative algebras and metric interpretations. Fundam. Inform. 4(4): 997-1014 (1981)
11 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: Regular extensions of iterative algebras and metric interpretations. CLAAP 1980: 1-10
10 Jerzy Tiuryn: Unique Fixed Points Vs. Least Fixed Points. Theor. Comput. Sci. 12: 229-254 (1980)
9 Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn: Implicit definability of algebraic structures by means of program properties. FCT 1979: 58-63
8 Jerzy Tiuryn: Unique Fixed Points v. Least Fixed Points. ICALP 1979: 633-645
7 Jerzy Tiuryn: A Survey of the Logic of Effective Definitions. Logic of Programs 1979: 198-245
6 Jerzy Tiuryn: Fixed Points in the Power-Set Algebra of Infinite Trees (Abstract). MFCS 1979: 443-452
5 Jerzy Tiuryn: Some Results on the Decomposition of Finite Automata Information and Control 38(3): 288-297 (1978)
4 Jerzy Tiuryn: Fixed-Points and Algebras with Infinitely Long Expressions, II. FCT 1977: 332-339
3 Jerzy Tiuryn: Fixed-Points and Algebras with Infinitely Long Expressions, I. MFCS 1977: 513-522
2 Jerzy Tiuryn: On the Domain of Iteration in Iterative Algebraic Theories. MFCS 1976: 544-550
1 Jerzy Tiuryn: The Algebraic Approach to the Theory of Computing Systems. MFCS 1974: 126-142

Coauthor Index

1David B. Benson [29] [35] [38]
2Jan A. Bergstra [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [19] [20] [22]
3Piotr Berman [21]
4Viviana Bono [70] [73]
5Anna Chmielinska [16] [20]
6Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini [59] [61]
7Norbert Dojer [79]
8Janusz Dutkowski [87]
9Krzysztof Fidelis [76]
10Anna Gambin [71] [78] [79]
11Pawel Górecki [75] [77] [85] [86]
12Joseph Y. Halpern [21]
13Achim Jung [50]
14Assaf J. Kfoury (A. J. Kfoury) [31] [33] [34] [37] [40] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48] [49] [52] [62]
15Dexter Kozen [39] [64] [66] [68] [72]
16Slawomir Lasota [71]
17Albert R. Meyer [17] [25]
18Andrzej Mizera [79]
19Szymon Nowakowski [76] [84]
20Leszek Pacholski [54]
21Vaughan R. Pratt [55]
22Simona Ronchi Della Rocca [62]
23Ryszard Rudnicki [74]
24Radoslaw Szklarczyk [71]
25J. V. Tucker (John V. Tucker) [19]
26Jerzy Tyszkiewicz [71] [78]
27Pawel Urzyczyn [24] [27] [31] [32] [33] [34] [37] [40] [43] [44] [48] [49] [52] [57] [59] [61] [62] [69] [73]
28Mitchell Wand [51] [58]
29Bartek Wilczynski [79] [82] [88]
30Damian Wójtowicz [74] [80] [81] [83]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)