
Irene Greif

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19EEIrene Greif, Michael Rhodin: Introduction. IBM Systems Journal 45(4): 658- (2006)
18EEIrene Greif, Alexander Birman, John J. Ritsko: Preface. IBM Systems Journal 45(4): 659-662 (2006)
17EEIrene Greif: Research at internet speed: is it necessary? CSCW 2000: 363
16EEIrene Greif: Everyone is Talking About Knowledge Management (Panel). CSCW 1998: 405-406
15 Irene Greif: Desktop Agents in Group-Enabled Products. Commun. ACM 37(7): 100-105 (1994)
14EEIrene Greif, Robert Seliger, William E. Weihl: A Case Study Of CES: A Distributed Collaborative Editing System Implemented In Argus. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(9): 827-839 (1992)
13EEIrene Greif, Sunil K. Sarin: Data Sharing in Group Work. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 187-211 (1987)
12 Irene Greif, Robert Seliger, William E. Weihl: Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System. POPL 1986: 160-172
11 Sunil K. Sarin, Irene Greif: Computer-Based real-Time Conferencing Systems. IEEE Computer 18(10): 33-45 (1985)
10 Irene Greif: Distributed Data Bases in a Callendar System. Berkeley Workshop 1981: 67
9EEIrene Greif, Albert R. Meyer: Specifying the Semantics of while Programs: A Tutorial and Critique of a Paper by Hoare and Lauer. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 3(4): 484-507 (1981)
8EEIrene Greif, Albert R. Meyer: Specifying Programming Language Semantics. POPL 1979: 180-189
7 Albert R. Meyer, Irene Greif: Can Partial Correctness Assertions Specify Programming Language Semantics?. Theoretical Computer Science 1979: 25-26
6 Irene Greif: A Language for Formal Problem Specification. Commun. ACM 20(12): 931-935 (1977)
5 Irene Greif: On Proofs of Programs for Synchronization. ICALP 1976: 494-507
4 Irene Greif, Carl Hewitt: Actor Semantics of Planner-73. POPL 1975: 67-77
3 Irene Greif, Richard J. Waldinger: A more mechanical approach to program verification. Symposium on Programming 1974: 109-119
2 Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, Richard Steiger, Irene Greif, Brian Cantwell Smith, Todd Matson, Roger Hale: Behavioral semantics of nonrecursive control structures. Symposium on Programming 1974: 385-407
1 Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, Irene Greif, Brian Cantwell Smith, Todd Matson, Richard Steiger: Actor Induction and Meta-Evaluation. POPL 1973: 153-168

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Birman [18]
2Peter Bishop [1] [2]
3Roger Hale [2]
4Carl Hewitt [1] [2] [4]
5Todd Matson [1] [2]
6Albert R. Meyer [7] [8] [9]
7Michael Rhodin [19]
8John J. Ritsko [18]
9Sunil K. Sarin [11] [13]
10Robert Seliger [12] [14]
11Brian Cantwell Smith [1] [2]
12Richard Steiger [1] [2]
13Richard J. Waldinger [3]
14William E. Weihl [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)