Volume 39,
Number 1,
March 1974
Volume 39,
Number 2,
June 1974
- Louise Hay:
A Noninitial Segment of Index Sets.
209-224 BibTeX
- M. H. Lob:
Correction to 'A Model Theoretic Characterisation of Effective Operations'.
225 BibTeX
- John Staples:
Combinator Realizability of a Constructive Morse Set Theory.
226-234 BibTeX
- Daniel Richardson:
Sets of Theorems with Short Proofs.
235-242 BibTeX
- Joan D. Lukas, Hilary Putnam:
Systems of Notations and the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy.
243-253 BibTeX
- William Boos:
Boolean Extensions which Efface the Mahlo Property.
254-268 BibTeX
- Alexander S. Kechris:
On Projective Ordinals.
269-282 BibTeX
- William P. Hanf:
Nonrecursive Tilings of the Plane. I.
283-285 BibTeX
- Dale Myers:
Nonrecursive Tilings of the Plane. II.
286-294 BibTeX
- Richard A. Shore:
sigman Sets which are trianglen-Incomparable (Uniformly).
295-304 BibTeX
- Leo Harrington:
Recursively Presentable Prime Models.
305-309 BibTeX
- Douglas A. Cenzer:
Analytic Inductive Definitions.
310-312 BibTeX
- Gordon D. Plotkin:
The lambda-Calculus is omega-Incomplete.
313-317 BibTeX
- Harvey Friedman:
On Existence Proofs of Hanf Numbers.
318-324 BibTeX
- J. P. Calais, John Derrick, Gabriel Sabbagh:
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Orleans, France, 1972.
371-389 BibTeX
- C. Ward Henson, Bjarni Jónsson, E. G. K. López-Escobar, Michael D. Resnik:
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Atlanta 1973.
390-405 BibTeX
- H. E. Rose, John C. Shepherdson:
European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Bristol, England, 1973.
406-432 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 3,
September 1974
Volume 39,
Number 4,
December 1974
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:12:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)