3. ICALP 1976:
S. Michaelson,
Robin Milner (Eds.):
Third International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming,
University of Edinburgh,
July 20-23,
1976. Edinburgh University Press,
ISBN 0-85224-308-1
- Matti Linna:
On omega-sets Associated with Context-Free Languages.
1-19 BibTeX
- Eljas Soisalon-Soininen, Esko Ukkonen:
A Characterization of LL(k) Languages.
20-30 BibTeX
- Leslie G. Valiant:
The Equivalence Problem for D0L Systems and its Decidability for Binary Alphabets.
31-37 BibTeX
- Antonio Restivo:
On a Family of Codes Related to Factorization of Cyclotomic Polynomials.
38-44 BibTeX
- Dominique Perrin:
Sur la longeur moyenne des codes préfixes.
45-51 BibTeX
- Jacques Sakarovitch:
Sur les monoïdes syntactiques des langages algébriques déterministes.
52-65 BibTeX
- Joffroy Beauquier:
Générateurs algébriques non-ambigus.
66-73 BibTeX
- André Arnold, Max Dauchet:
Bi-transductions de forêts.
74-86 BibTeX
- Fred Kröger:
Logical Rules of Natural Reasoning about Programs.
87-98 BibTeX
- Maarten H. van Emden:
Verification Conditions as Programs.
99-119 BibTeX
- Witold Lipski Jr.:
Informational Systems with Incomplete Information.
120-130 BibTeX
- J. Schwarz:
Event Based Reasoning - A System for Proving Correct Termination of Programs.
131-146 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Longo, Marisa Venturini Zilli:
A Theory of Computation with an Identity Discriminator.
147-167 BibTeX
- Gérard Berry, Bruno Courcelle:
Program Equivalence and Canonical Forms in Stable Discrete Interpretations.
168-188 BibTeX
- Irène Guessarian:
Semantic Equivalence of Program Schemes and its Syntactic Characterization.
189-200 BibTeX
- Daniel Brand:
Proving Programs Incorrect.
201-227 BibTeX
- Robert Cartwright:
User-Defined Data Types as an Aid to Verifying LISP Programs.
228-256 BibTeX
- Daniel P. Friedman, David S. Wise:
CONS Should Not Evaluate its Arguments.
257-284 BibTeX
- John Gill, István Simon:
Ink, Dirty-Tape Turing Machines, and Quasicomplexity Measures.
285-306 BibTeX
- William F. McColl:
The Depth of Boolean Functions.
307-321 BibTeX
- Claus-Peter Schnorr:
Optimal Algorithms for Self-Reducible Problems.
322-337 BibTeX
- Helmut Alt, Kurt Mehlhorn:
Lower Bounds for the Space Complexity of Context-Free Recognition.
338-354 BibTeX
- Zvi Galil:
On Enumeration Procedures for Theorem Proving and for Integer Programming.
355-381 BibTeX
- Jan van Leeuwen:
On the Construction of Huffman Trees.
382-410 BibTeX
- Max Fontet:
A Linear Algorithm for Testing Isomorphism of Planar Graphs.
411-424 BibTeX
- Peter A. Bloniarz, Michael J. Fischer, Albert R. Meyer:
A Note on the Average Time to Compute Transitive Closures.
425-434 BibTeX
- J. W. de Bakker:
Semantics and Termination of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs.
435-477 BibTeX
- Matthew Hennessy, Edward A. Ashcroft:
The Semantics of Nondeterminism.
478-493 BibTeX
- Irene Greif:
On Proofs of Programs for Synchronization.
494-507 BibTeX
- Hans-Dieter Ehrich:
Outline of an Algebraic Theory of Structured Objects.
508-530 BibTeX
- Michel Sintzoff:
Eliminating Blind Alleys from Backtrack Programs.
531-557 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)