
Boris A. Trakhtenbrot

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26EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: From Logic to Theoretical Computer Science - An Update. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 1-38
25EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: Preface. Fundam. Inform. 62(1): (2004)
24EED. Pardo, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Synchronous Circuits over Continuous Time: Feedback Reliability and mpleteness. Fundam. Inform. 62(1): 123-137 (2004)
23EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: Understanding Basic Automata Theory in the Continuous Time Setting. Fundam. Inform. 62(1): 69-121 (2004)
22EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: Automata, Circuits, and Hybrids: Facets of Continuous Time. ICALP 2001: 4-23
21EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: Automata, circuits and hybrids: facets of continuous time. STOC 2001: 754-755
20EEBoris A. Trakhtenbrot: Automata and Their Interaction: Definitional Suggestions. FCT 1999: 54-89
19 Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: From Finite Automata toward Hybrid Systems (Extended Abstract). FCT 1997: 411-422
18 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: On the Power of Compositional Proofs for Nets: Relationships Between Completeness and Modularity. Fundam. Inform. 30(1): 83-95 (1997)
17 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: On the Power of Compositional Proofs for Nets: Relationships Between Completeness and Modularity. Fundam. Inform. 28(1-2): 183-195 (1996)
16 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Origins and Metamorphoses of the Trinity: Logic, Nets, Automata LICS 1995: 506-507
15 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Compositional Proofs for Networks of Processes. Fundam. Inform. 20(1/2/3): 231-275 (1994)
14 Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: On Nets, Algebras and Modularity. TACS 1991: 176-203
13 Antoni W. Mazurkiewicz, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Connectedness and Synchronization. Theor. Comput. Sci. 90(1): 171-184 (1991)
12 Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Communication among Relations (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1990: 294-307
11 Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Nets and Data Flow Interpreters LICS 1989: 164-174
10 Yoram Hirshfeld, Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Discerning Causality in Interleaving Behavior. Logic at Botik 1989: 146-162
9 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Understanding Nets. MFCS 1989: 133-134
8 Alexander Moshe Rabinovich, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Nets of processes and data flow. REX Workshop 1988: 574-602
7 Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer, Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: The Semantics of Local Storage, or What Makes the Free-List Free? POPL 1984: 245-257
6 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot, Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer: From Denotational to Operational and Axiomatic Semantics for ALGOL-like Languages: an Overview. Logic of Programs 1983: 474-500
5 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Some reflections on the connection between computer science and the theory of algorithms. Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science 1979: 461-462
4 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: On Relaxation Rules in Algorithmic Logic. MFCS 1979: 453-462
3 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Frequency Algorithms and Computations. MFCS 1977: 148-161
2 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: Recursive Program Schemas and Computable Functionals. MFCS 1976: 137-152
1 Boris A. Trakhtenbrot: On Problems Solvable by Successive Trials. MFCS 1975: 125-137

Coauthor Index

1Joseph Y. Halpern [6] [7]
2Yoram Hirshfeld [10]
3Antoni W. Mazurkiewicz [13]
4Albert R. Meyer [6] [7]
5D. Pardo [24]
6Alexander Moshe Rabinovich (Alexander Rabinovich) [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [19] [24]

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