
Grazyna Mirkowska

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17EEGrazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki, Oskar Swida: Algorithmic Logic + SpecVer = the Methodology for High Integrity Programming - Invited Paper. Fundam. Inform. 85(1-4): 1-17 (2008)
16EEGrazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki, Marian Srebrny, Andrzej Tarlecki: First-Order Specifications of Programmable Data Types. SIAM J. Comput. 30(6): 2084-2096 (2000)
15 Grazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki: The Algebraic Specifications do not Have the Tennenbaum Property. Fundam. Inform. 28(1-2): 141-152 (1996)
14 Antoni Kreczmar, Grazyna Mirkowska: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989, MFCS'89, Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland, August 28 - September 1, 1989, Proceedings Springer 1989
13 Grazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki: On Applications of Algorithmic Logic. CAAP 1986: 288-306
12 Grazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki: On Axiomatic Definition of Max-Model of Concurrency. Mathematical Models for the Semantics of Parallelism 1986: 199-230
11 Albert R. Meyer, Robert S. Streett, Grazyna Mirkowska: The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic. ICALP 1981: 238-248
10 Grazyna Mirkowska: The Representation Theorem for Algorithmic Algebras. Logic of Programs 1981: 300-310
9 Grazyna Mirkowska: PAL - propositional algorithmic logic. Fundam. Inform. 4(3): 675- (1981)
8 Grazyna Mirkowska: On the propositional algorithmic theory of arithmetic. Logic of Programs 1980: 166-185
7 Grazyna Mirkowska: Complete Axiomatization of Algorithmic Properties of Program Schemes with Bounded Nondeterministic Interpretations STOC 1980: 14-21
6 Grazyna Mirkowska: Algorithmic logic with nondeterministic programs. Fundam. Inform. 3(1): 45-64 (1980)
5 Grazyna Mirkowska: Model existence theorems in algorithmic logic with non-deterministic programs. Fundam. Inform. 3(2): 157-170 (1980)
4 Albert R. Meyer, Robert S. Streett, Grazyna Mirkowska: The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic. Logic of Programs 1979: 12-22
3 Grazyna Mirkowska: PAL - Propositional Algorithmic Logic. Logic of Programs 1979: 23-101
2 Grazyna Mirkowska: On the Propositional Algorithmic Logic. MFCS 1979: 381-389
1 Grazyna Mirkowska, Andrzej Salwicki: A Complete Axiomatic Characterization of Algorithmic Properties of Block-Structured Programs with Procedures. MFCS 1976: 602-606

Coauthor Index

1Antoni Kreczmar [14]
2Albert R. Meyer [4] [11]
3Andrzej Salwicki [1] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17]
4Marian Srebrny [16]
5Robert S. Streett [4] [11]
6Oskar Swida [17]
7Andrzej Tarlecki [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)