
A. Prasad Sistla

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93EESergio Ilarri, Ouri Wolfson, Eduardo Mena, Arantza Illarramendi, A. Prasad Sistla: A query processor for prediction-based monitoring of data streams. EDBT 2009: 415-426
92EEJoel Booth, A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Isabel F. Cruz: A data model for trip planning in multimodal transportation systems. EDBT 2009: 994-1005
91EEKalpana Gondi, Yogeshkumar Patel, A. Prasad Sistla: Monitoring the Full Range of omega-Regular Properties of Stochastic Systems. VMCAI 2009: 105-119
90EEA. Prasad Sistla, V. N. Venkatakrishnan, Michelle Zhou, Hilary Branske: CMV: automatic verification of complete mediation for java virtual machines. ASIACCS 2008: 100-111
89EERohit Chadha, A. Prasad Sistla, Mahesh Viswanathan: On the Expressiveness and Complexity of Randomization in Finite State Monitors. LICS 2008: 18-29
88EEA. Prasad Sistla, Abhigna R. Srinivas: Monitoring Temporal Properties of Stochastic Systems. VMCAI 2008: 294-308
87EEA. Prasad Sistla, Min Zhou: Analysis of dynamic policies. Inf. Comput. 206(2-4): 185-212 (2008)
86EEKrishna K. Mehra, Sriram K. Rajamani, A. Prasad Sistla, Sumit Kumar Jha: Verification of Object Relational Maps. SEFM 2007: 283-292
85EEA. Prasad Sistla, Xiaodong Wang, Min Zhou: Checking extended CTL properties using guarded quotient structures. Formal Methods in System Design 31(3): 197-219 (2007)
84EEEduard C. Dragut, Wensheng Wu, A. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng: Merging Source Query Interfaces onWeb Databases. ICDE 2006: 46
83EEA. Prasad Sistla, Min Zhou, Lenore D. Zuck: Monitoring Off-the-Shelf Components. VMCAI 2006: 222-236
82EEArun K. Eamani, A. Prasad Sistla: Language based policy analysis in a SPKI Trust Management System. Journal of Computer Security 14(4): 327-357 (2006)
81EETiziana Margaria, A. Prasad Sistla, Bernhard Steffen, Lenore D. Zuck: Taming Interface Specifications. CONCUR 2005: 548-561
80EEA. Prasad Sistla, Min Zhou: Combining Static Analysis and Model Checking for Systems Employing Commutative Functions. FORTE 2005: 68-82
79EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Bo Xu: Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks. SSTD 2005: 346-363
78EEA. Prasad Sistla, Min Zhou, Xiaodong Wang: Model Checking of Systems Employing Commutative Functions. VMCAI 2005: 250-266
77EEA. Prasad Sistla: Formal Languages and Algorithms for Similarity based Retrieval from Sequence Databases CoRR abs/cs/0501006: (2005)
76EEA. Prasad Sistla, Xiaodong Wang, Min Zhou: Checking Extended CTL properties Using Guarded Quotient Structures. SEFM 2004: 87-94
75EEOuri Wolfson, Bo Xu, A. Prasad Sistla: An Economic Model for Resource Exchange in Mobile Peer to Peer Networks. SSDBM 2004: 235-244
74EEA. Prasad Sistla, Patrice Godefroid: Symmetry and reduced symmetry in model checking. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 26(4): 702-734 (2004)
73EEA. Prasad Sistla: Employing symmetry reductions in model checking. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 30(3-4): 99-137 (2004)
72EEA. Prasad Sistla: Symmetry Reductions in Model-Checking. VMCAI 2003: 25
71EEA. Prasad Sistla, Tao Hu, Vikas Chowdhry: Similarity based retrieval from sequence databases using automata as queries. CIKM 2002: 237-244
70EEA. Prasad Sistla: Formal Languages and Algorithms for Similarity Based Retrieval from Sequence Databases. FSTTCS 2002: 324-335
69EEIsabel F. Cruz, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Bing Liu, A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Clement T. Yu: Research Activities in Database Management and Information Retrieval at the University of Illinois at Chicago. SIGMOD Record 31(3): 103-108 (2002)
68EEA. Prasad Sistla, Patrice Godefroid: Symmetry and Reduced Symmetry in Model Checking. CAV 2001: 91-103
67EEE. Allen Emerson, Charanjit S. Jutla, A. Prasad Sistla: On model checking for the µ-calculus and its fragments. Theor. Comput. Sci. 258(1-2): 491-522 (2001)
66 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Computer Aided Verification, 12th International Conference, CAV 2000, Chicago, IL, USA, July 15-19, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
65EEA. Prasad Sistla, Viktor Gyuris, E. Allen Emerson: SMC: a symmetry-based model checker for verification of safety and liveness properties. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 9(2): 133-166 (2000)
64 A. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu: Reasoning about Qualitative Spatial Relationships. J. Autom. Reasoning 25(4): 291-328 (2000)
63EEOuri Wolfson, Liqin Jiang, A. Prasad Sistla, Sam Chamberlain, Naphtali Rishe, Minglin Deng: Databases for Tracking Mobile Units in Real Time. ICDT 1999: 169-186
62EEOuri Wolfson, A. Prasad Sistla, Bo Xu, Jutai Zhou, Sam Chamberlain, Yelena Yesha, Naphtali Rishe: Tracking Moving Objects Using Database Technology in DOMINO. NGITS 1999: 112-119
61EEOuri Wolfson, A. Prasad Sistla, Bo Xu, Jutai Zhou, Sam Chamberlain: DOMINO: Databases fOr MovINg Objects tracking. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 547-549
60EEOuri Wolfson, A. Prasad Sistla, Sam Chamberlain, Yelena Yesha: Updating and Querying Databases that Track Mobile Units. Distributed and Parallel Databases 7(3): 257-387 (1999)
59EEA. Prasad Sistla, Viktor Gyuris: Parameterized Verification of Linear Networks using Automata as Invariants. Formal Asp. Comput. 11(4): 402-425 (1999)
58 Viktor Gyuris, A. Prasad Sistla: On-the-Fly Model Checking Under Fairness that Exploits Symmetry. Formal Methods in System Design 15(3): 217-238 (1999)
57EEAvinash Sahay, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, A. Prasad Sistla: An Incremental Verification Algorithm for Real-Time Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 9(2): 203-216 (1999)
56 Edmund M. Clarke, E. Allen Emerson, Somesh Jha, A. Prasad Sistla: Symmetry Reductions inModel Checking. CAV 1998: 147-158
55EEKing-Lup Liu, A. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu, Naphtali Rishe: Query Processing in a Video Retrieval System. ICDE 1998: 276-283
54EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Yelena Yesha, Robert H. Sloan: Towards a Theory of Cost Management for Digital Libraries and Electronic Commerce. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 23(4): 411-452 (1998)
53EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Yixiu Huang: Minimization of Communication Cost Through Caching in Mobile Environments. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(4): 378-390 (1998)
52EEJeffrey J. P. Tsai, A. Prasad Sistla, Avinash Sahay, Raymond A. Paul: Incremental Verification of Architecture Specification Language for Real-Time Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 8(3): 347-360 (1998)
51 Viktor Gyuris, A. Prasad Sistla: On-the-Fly Model Checking Under Fairness That Exploits Symmetry. CAV 1997: 232-243
50 A. Prasad Sistla: Parametrized Verification of Linear Networks Using Automata as Invariants. CAV 1997: 412-423
49 A. Prasad Sistla, L. Miliades, Viktor Gyuris: SMC: A Symmetry Based Model Checker for Verification of Liveness Properties. CAV 1997: 464-467
48EEA. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu, R. Venkatasubrahmanian: Similarity Based Retrieval of Videos. ICDE 1997: 181-190
47EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Sam Chamberlain, Son Dao: Modeling and Querying Moving Objects. ICDE 1997: 422-432
46EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Sam Chamberlain, Son Dao: Querying the Uncertain Position of Moving Objects. Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 310-337
45EEE. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Utilizing Symmetry when Model-Checking under Fairness Assumptions: An Automata-Theoretic Approach. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 19(4): 617-638 (1997)
44EEChengwen Liu, Aris M. Ouksel, A. Prasad Sistla, Jing Wu, Clement T. Yu, Naphtali Rishe: Performance Evaluation of G-tree and Its Application in Fuzzy Databases. CIKM 1996: 235-242
43 A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson, Son Dao, Kailash Narayanan, Ramya Raj: An Architecture for Consumer-Oriented Online Database Services. RIDE-NDS 1996: 50-60
42 A. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu: Retrieval of Pictures Using Approximate Matching. Multimedia Database System: Issues and Research Direction 1996: 101-112
41 A. Prasad Sistla: Hybrid and Incremental Modelchecking Techniques. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 125 (1996)
40 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Symmetry and Model Checking. Formal Methods in System Design 9(1/2): 105-131 (1996)
39 Minglin Deng, A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson: Temporal Conditons with Retroactive and Proactive Updates. ARTDB 1995: 122-141
38 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Utilizing Symmetry when Model Checking under Fairness Assumptions: An Automata-theoretic Approach. CAV 1995: 309-324
37EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson: Temporal Conditions and Integrity Constraints in Active Database Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 269-280
36EEA. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu, Chengwen Liu, King-Lup Liu: Similarity based Retrieval of Pictures Using Indices on Spatial Relationships. VLDB 1995: 619-629
35EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson: Temporal Triggers in Active Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(3): 471-486 (1995)
34EEOuri Wolfson, A. Prasad Sistla, Son Dao, Kailash Narayanan, Ramya Raj: View Maintenance in Mobile Computing. SIGMOD Record 24(4): 22-27 (1995)
33 Vivek G. Naik, A. Prasad Sistla: Modeling and Verification of a Real Life Protocol Using Symbolic Model Checking. CAV 1994: 194-206
32EEYixiu Huang, A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson: Data Replication for Mobile Computers. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 13-24
31EEA. Prasad Sistla, Clement T. Yu, R. Haddad: Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems. VLDB 1994: 570-581
30 A. Prasad Sistla: Safety, Liveness and Fairness in Temporal Logic. Formal Asp. Comput. 6(5): 495-512 (1994)
29 E. Allen Emerson, Charanjit S. Jutla, A. Prasad Sistla: On Model-Checking for Fragments of µ-Calculus. CAV 1993: 385-396
28 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Symmetry and Model Checking. CAV 1993: 463-478
27 A. Prasad Sistla, Lenore D. Zuck: Reasoning in a Restricted Temporal Logic Inf. Comput. 102(2): 167-195 (1993)
26EEA. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson: Triggers on Database Histories. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 48-51 (1992)
25EESteven M. German, A. Prasad Sistla: Reasoning about Systems with Many Processes. J. ACM 39(3): 675-735 (1992)
24 E. Allen Emerson, Aloysius K. Mok, A. Prasad Sistla, Jai Srinivasan: Quantitative Temporal Reasoning. Real-Time Systems 4(4): 331-352 (1992)
23 A. Prasad Sistla, Lenore D. Zuck: Automatic Temporal Verification of Buffer Systems. CAV 1991: 59-69
22 A. Prasad Sistla: Proving Correctness with Respect to Nondeterministic Safety Specifications. Inf. Process. Lett. 39(1): 45-49 (1991)
21 E. Allen Emerson, Aloysius K. Mok, A. Prasad Sistla, Jai Srinivasan: Quantitative Temporal Reasoning. CAV 1990: 136-145
20 A. Prasad Sistla, Jennifer L. Welch: Efficient Distributed Recovery Using Message Logging. PODC 1989: 223-238
19 A. Prasad Sistla: On Verifying that a Concurrent Program Satisfies a Nondeterministic Specification. Inf. Process. Lett. 32(1): 17-23 (1989)
18 A. Prasad Sistla, Steven M. German: Reasoning with Many Processes LICS 1987: 138-152
17 A. Prasad Sistla, Lenore D. Zuck: On the Eventuality Operator in Temporal Logic LICS 1987: 153-166
16 A. Prasad Sistla, Moshe Y. Vardi, Pierre Wolper: The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Appplications to Temporal Logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 49: 217-237 (1987)
15EEEdmund M. Clarke, E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Automatic Verification of Finite-State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 8(2): 244-263 (1986)
14 A. Prasad Sistla, Moshe Y. Vardi, Pierre Wolper: The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1985: 465-474
13 A. Prasad Sistla: On Characterization of Safety and Liveness Properties in Temporal Logic. PODC 1985: 39-48
12EEA. Prasad Sistla, Edmund M. Clarke: The Complexity of Propositional Linear Temporal Logics J. ACM 32(3): 733-749 (1985)
11 John H. Reif, A. Prasad Sistla: A Multiprocess Network Logic with Temporal and Spatial Modalities. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 30(1): 41-53 (1985)
10 A. Prasad Sistla: Distributed Algorithms for Ensuring Fair Interprocess Communications. PODC 1984: 266-277
9 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Deciding Branching Time Logic STOC 1984: 14-24
8 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Deciding Full Branching Time Logic Information and Control 61(3): 175-201 (1984)
7 A. Prasad Sistla, Edmund M. Clarke, Nissim Francez, Albert R. Meyer: Can Message Buffers Be Axiomatized in Linear Temporal Logic? Information and Control 63(1/2): 88-112 (1984)
6 Pierre Wolper, Moshe Y. Vardi, A. Prasad Sistla: Reasoning about Infinite Computation Paths (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1983: 185-194
5 John H. Reif, A. Prasad Sistla: A Multiprocess Network Logic with Temporal and Spatial Modalities. ICALP 1983: 629-639
4 E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Deciding Branching Time Logic: A Triple Exponential Decision Procedure for CTL*. Logic of Programs 1983: 176-192
3 Edmund M. Clarke, E. Allen Emerson, A. Prasad Sistla: Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications: A Practical Approach. POPL 1983: 117-126
2 A. Prasad Sistla, Edmund M. Clarke, Nissim Francez, Yuri Gurevich: Can Message Buffers be Characterized in Linear Temporal Logic? PODC 1982: 148-156
1 A. Prasad Sistla, Edmund M. Clarke: The Complexity of Propositional Linear Temporal Logics STOC 1982: 159-168

Coauthor Index

1Joel Booth [92]
2Hilary Branske [90]
3Rohit Chadha [89]
4Sam Chamberlain [46] [47] [60] [61] [62] [63]
5Vikas Chowdhry [71]
6Edmund M. Clarke [1] [2] [3] [7] [12] [15] [56]
7Isabel F. Cruz [69] [92]
8Son Dao [34] [43] [46] [47]
9Minglin Deng [39] [63]
10Eduard C. Dragut [84]
11Arun K. Eamani [82]
12E. Allen Emerson [3] [4] [8] [9] [15] [21] [24] [28] [29] [38] [40] [45] [56] [65] [66] [67]
13Nissim Francez [2] [7]
14Steven M. German [18] [25]
15Patrice Godefroid [68] [74]
16Kalpana Gondi [91]
17Yuri Gurevich [2]
18Viktor Gyuris [49] [51] [58] [59] [65]
19R. Haddad [31]
20Tao Hu [71]
21Yixiu Huang [32] [53]
22Sergio Ilarri [93]
23Arantza Illarramendi [93]
24Somesh Jha [56]
25Sumit Kumar Jha [86]
26Liqin Jiang [63]
27Charanjit S. Jutla [29] [67]
28Ashfaq A. Khokhar [69]
29Bing Liu [69]
30Chengwen Liu [36] [44]
31King-Lup Liu [36] [55]
32Tiziana Margaria (Tiziana Margaria-Steffen) [81]
33Krishna K. Mehra [86]
34Eduardo Mena [93]
35Weiyi Meng [84]
36Albert R. Meyer [7]
37L. Miliades [49]
38Aloysius K. Mok [21] [24]
39Vivek G. Naik [33]
40Kailash Narayanan [34] [43]
41Aris M. Ouksel [44]
42Yogeshkumar Patel [91]
43Raymond A. Paul [52]
44Ramya Raj [34] [43]
45Sriram K. Rajamani [86]
46John H. Reif [5] [11]
47Naphtali Rishe [44] [55] [62] [63]
48Avinash Sahay [52] [57]
49Robert H. Sloan [54]
50Abhigna R. Srinivas [88]
51Jai Srinivasan [21] [24]
52Bernhard Steffen [81]
53Jeffrey J. P. Tsai [52] [57]
54Moshe Y. Vardi [6] [14] [16]
55V. N. Venkatakrishnan [90]
56R. Venkatasubrahmanian [48]
57Mahesh Viswanathan [89]
58Xiaodong Wang [76] [78] [85]
59Jennifer L. Welch [20]
60Ouri Wolfson [26] [32] [34] [35] [37] [39] [43] [46] [47] [53] [54] [60] [61] [62] [63] [69] [75] [79] [92] [93]
61Pierre Wolper [6] [14] [16]
62Jing Wu [44]
63Wensheng Wu [84]
64Bo Xu [61] [62] [75] [79]
65Yelena Yesha [54] [60] [62]
66Clement T. Yu [31] [36] [42] [44] [48] [55] [64] [69] [84]
67Jutai Zhou [61] [62]
68Michelle Zhou [90]
69Min Zhou [76] [78] [80] [83] [85] [87]
70Lenore D. Zuck [17] [23] [27] [81] [83]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)