
Chris Melhuish

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27EEMyra Wilson, Frédéric Labrosse, Ulrich Nehmzow, Chris Melhuish, Mark Witkowski: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems - Mobile Robotics in the UK. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(12): 1015 (2008)
26EEPeter Jaeckel, Neill Campbell, Chris Melhuish: Facial behaviour mapping - From video footage to a robot head. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(12): 1042-1049 (2008)
25EEMartin J. Pearson, Anthony G. Pipe, Benjamin Mitchinson, Kevin N. Gurney, Chris Melhuish, Ian Gilhespy, Mokhtar Nibouche: Implementing Spiking Neural Networks for Real-Time Signal-Processing and Control Applications: A Model-Validated FPGA Approach. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(5): 1472-1487 (2007)
24EEUlrich Nehmzow, Chris Melhuish, Mark Witkowski, Eddie Moxey, Alex Ellery: Mobile robotics in the UK and worldwide: Fast changing, and as exciting as ever. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(9): 659-660 (2007)
23EEMartin J. Pearson, Mokhtar Nibouche, Anthony G. Pipe, Chris Melhuish, Ian Gilhespy, Benjamin Mitchinson, Kevin N. Gurney, Tony J. Prescott, Peter Redgrave: A Biologically Inspired FPGA Based Implementation of a Tactile Sensory System for Object Recognition and Texture Discrimination. FPL 2006: 1-4
22EEBenjamin Mitchinson, Martin J. Pearson, Chris Melhuish, Tony J. Prescott: A Model of Sensorimotor Coordination in the Rat Whisker System. SAB 2006: 77-88
21EEChris Melhuish, Ioannis Ieropoulos, John Greenman, Ian Horsfield: Energetically autonomous robots: Food for thought. Auton. Robots 21(3): 187-198 (2006)
20EESergey Skachek, Andrew Adamatzky, Chris Melhuish: Manipulating Planar Shapes with a Light-Sensitive Excitable Medium: Computational Studies of Closed-Loop Systems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(8): 2333-2349 (2006)
19EEAntony Waldock, Brian Carse, Chris Melhuish: Hierarchical fuzzy rule based systems using an information theoretic approach. Soft Comput. 10(10): 867-879 (2006)
18 Martin J. Pearson, Chris Melhuish, Anthony G. Pipe, Mokhtar Nibouche, Ian Gilhespy, Kevin N. Gurney, Benjamin Mitchinson: Design and FPGA Implementation of an Embedded Real-Time Biologically Plausible Spiking Neural Network Processor. FPL 2005: 582-585
17EEMartin J. Pearson, Ian Gilhespy, Kevin N. Gurney, Chris Melhuish, Benjamin Mitchinson, Mokhtar Nibouche, Anthony G. Pipe: A Real-Time, FPGA Based, Biologically Plausible Neural Network Processor. ICANN (2) 2005: 1021-1026
16EEUlrich Nehmzow, Chris Melhuish: Mobile robotics in the United Kingdom. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 51(1): 1-2 (2005)
15EEMatt Wilson, Chris Melhuish, Ana B. Sendova-Franks, Samuel Scholes: Algorithms for Building Annular Structures with Minimalist Robots Inspired by Brood Sorting in Ant Colonies. Auton. Robots 17(2-3): 115-136 (2004)
14EEHiroshi Yokoi, Andy Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Chris Melhuish: Excitable Chemical Medium Controller for a Robotic Hand: Closed-Loop Experiments. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(9): 3347-3354 (2004)
13EEIoannis Ieropoulos, Chris Melhuish, John Greenman: Artificial Metabolism: Towards True Energetic Autonomy in Artificial Life. ECAL 2003: 792-799
12EEJan Wessnitzer, Chris Melhuish: Collective Decision-Making and Behaviour Transitions in Distributed Ad Hoc Wireless Networks of Mobile Robots: Target-Hunting. ECAL 2003: 893-902
11EEAntony Waldock, Brian Carse, Chris Melhuish: A hierarchical fuzzy rule-based learning system based on an information theoretic. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 534-538
10EEAndrew Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello, Chris Melhuish, Norman Ratcliffe: Experimental Reaction-Diffusion Chemical Processors for Robot Path Planning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 37(3): 233-249 (2003)
9EEJacob Hurst, Larry Bull, Chris Melhuish: TCS Learning Classifier System Controller on a Real Robot. PPSN 2002: 588-600
8EEIan Kelly, Chris Melhuish: SlugBot: A Robot Predator. ECAL 2001: 519-528
7EEChris Melhuish, Matt Wilson, Ana B. Sendova-Franks: Patch Sorting: Multi-object Clustering Using Minimalist Robots. ECAL 2001: 543-552
6EEJan Wessnitzer, Andrew Adamatzky, Chris Melhuish: Towards Self-Organising Structure Formations: A Decentralized Approach. ECAL 2001: 573-581
5 Andrew Adamatzky, Owen Holland, Chris Melhuish: Laziness + Sensitivity + Mobility = Structure. Emergence of Patterns in Lattice Swarms. ECAL 1999: 432-441
4 Chris Melhuish: Exploiting Domain Physics: Using Stigmergy to Control Cluster Building with Real Robots. ECAL 1999: 585-595
3 Owen Holland, Chris Melhuish: Stimergy, Self-Organization, and Sorting in Collective Robotics. Artificial Life 5(2): 173-202 (1999)
2EEChris Melhuish, Owen Holland, Steve Hoddell: Convoying: using chorusing to form travelling groups of minimal agents. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 28(2-3): 207-216 (1999)
1 Chris Melhuish, Terence C. Fogarty: Applying a Restricted Mating Policy to Determine State Space Niches Using Immediate and Delayed Reinforcement. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1994: 224-237

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Adamatzky (Andy Adamatzky) [5] [6] [10] [14] [20]
2Larry Bull [9]
3Neill Campbell [26]
4Brian Carse [11] [19]
5Ben de Lacy Costello [10] [14]
6Alex Ellery [24]
7Terence C. Fogarty [1]
8Ian Gilhespy [17] [18] [23] [25]
9John Greenman [13] [21]
10Kevin N. Gurney [17] [18] [23] [25]
11Steve Hoddell [2]
12Owen Holland [2] [3] [5]
13Ian Horsfield [21]
14Jacob Hurst [9]
15Ioannis Ieropoulos [13] [21]
16Peter Jaeckel [26]
17Ian Kelly [8]
18Frédéric Labrosse [27]
19Benjamin Mitchinson [17] [18] [22] [23] [25]
20Eddie Moxey [24]
21Ulrich Nehmzow [16] [24] [27]
22Mokhtar Nibouche [17] [18] [23] [25]
23Martin J. Pearson [17] [18] [22] [23] [25]
24Anthony G. Pipe [17] [18] [23] [25]
25Tony J. Prescott [22] [23]
26Norman Ratcliffe [10]
27Peter Redgrave [23]
28Samuel Scholes [15]
29Ana B. Sendova-Franks [7] [15]
30Sergey Skachek [20]
31Antony Waldock [11] [19]
32Jan Wessnitzer [6] [12]
33Matt Wilson [7] [15]
34Myra Wilson [27]
35Mark Witkowski [24] [27]
36Hiroshi Yokoi [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)