
Brian Carse

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28EEJorge Casillas, Brian Carse, Larry Bull: Fuzzy-XCS: A Michigan Genetic Fuzzy System. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 15(4): 536-550 (2007)
27EEBrian Carse, Anthony G. Pipe: Introduction: Genetic fuzzy systems. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 22(9): 905-907 (2007)
26EEAnthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: Fuzzy classifier system architectures for mobile robotics: An experimental comparison. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 22(9): 993-1019 (2007)
25EEAntony Waldock, Brian Carse, Chris Melhuish: Hierarchical fuzzy rule based systems using an information theoretic approach. Soft Comput. 10(10): 867-879 (2006)
24EEAnthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: First Results from Further Experimental Comparisons between Pittsburgh and Michigan Fuzzy Classifier Systems for Mobile Robotics. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 1015-1020
23EEIngrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Brian Carse, Anthony G. Pipe, Lawrence B. Holder: Editorial. IJPRAI 19(2): 129-132 (2005)
22EELawrence B. Holder, Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: Current And Future Trends In Feature Selection And Extraction For Classification Problems. IJPRAI 19(2): 133-142 (2005)
21EEJulian C. Holley, Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: Oneiric Processing Utilising the Anticipatory Classifier System. PPSN 2004: 1103-1112
20EEAnthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: Fuzzy logic and the Pittsburgh classifier system for mobile robot control. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 120-125
19EEAntony Waldock, Brian Carse, Chris Melhuish: A hierarchical fuzzy rule-based learning system based on an information theoretic. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 534-538
18EEBrian Carse, Anthony G. Pipe, Ingo Renners, Adolf Grauel, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Fernando Jiménez, Gracia Sánchez, Oscar Cordón, Francisco Herrera, Fernando A. C. Gomide, Igor Walter, Antonio González, Raúl Pérez: Current issues and future directions in evolutionary fuzzy systems research. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 81-87
17EEAnthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: First Results from Experiments in Fuzzy Classifier System Architectures for Mobile Robotics. PPSN 2002: 578-587
16EEBrian Carse, Anthony G. Pipe: X-FCS: a fuzzy classifier system using accuracy based fitness - first results. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 195-198
15 Brian Carse, Anthony G. Pipe: A Framework for Evolving Fuzzy Classifier Systems Using Genetic Programming. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 465-469
14 S. A. Dolenko, I. V. Boychuk, I. V. Churina, Tatiana A. Dolenko, Victor V. Fadeev, I. G. Persiantsev, Brian Carse: Solution of Inverse Problems in Laser Spectroscopy of Water Media with the Help of Neural Networks. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 470-474
13 Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: "Michigan" and "Pittsburgh" Fuzzy Classifier Systems for Learning Mobile Robot Control Rules: An Experimental Comparison. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 493-497
12 Brian Carse, Johan Oreland: A Note on Learning and Evolution in Neural Networks. GECCO 2000: 66-73
11 Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: Autonomous Acquisition of Fuzzy Rules for Mobile Robot Control: First Results from two Evolutionary Computation Approaches. GECCO 2000: 849-856
10 Paul Cullen, Brian Carse: Connection Admission Control in ATM Networks Using Neural Networks: Research Directions and Issues in Commercial Exploitation. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 325-331
9 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty: Fast Evolutionary Learning of Minimal Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Using a Genetic Algorithm. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1996: 1-22
8 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty: Tackling the "Curse of Dimensionality" of Radial Basis Functional Neural Networks Using a Genetic Algorithm. PPSN 1996: 710-719
7 Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty, Alan F. T. Winfield: Learning Subjective "Cognitive Maps" in the Presence of Sensory-Motor Errors. ECAL 1995: 463-476
6 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty, Alistair Munro: Evolutionary Learning in Computational Ecologies: An Application to Adaptive, Distributed Routing in Communication Networks. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1995: 103-116
5 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty, Alistair Munro: Adaptive Distributed Routing Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Control. ICGA 1995: 389-396
4 Brian Carse: Learning Anticipatory Behaviour Using a Delayed Action Classifier System. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1994: 210-223
3 Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse: A Comparison Between Two Architectures for Searching and Learning in Maze Problems. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1994: 238-249
2 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty: A Delayed-Action Classifier System for Learning in Temporal Environments. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 670-673
1 Brian Carse, Terence C. Fogarty: A Fuzzy Classifier System Using the Pittsburgh Approach. PPSN 1994: 260-269

Coauthor Index

1I. V. Boychuk [14]
2Larry Bull [28]
3Jorge Casillas [28]
4I. V. Churina [14]
5Oscar Cordón [18]
6Paul Cullen [10]
7S. A. Dolenko [14]
8Tatiana A. Dolenko [14]
9Victor V. Fadeev [14]
10Terence C. Fogarty [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
11Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta (Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta) [18]
12Fernando A. C. Gomide [18]
13Antonio González [18]
14Adolf Grauel [18]
15Francisco Herrera [18]
16Lawrence B. Holder [22] [23]
17Julian C. Holley [21]
18Fernando Jiménez [18]
19Zdravko Markov [22] [23]
20Chris Melhuish [19] [25]
21Alistair Munro [5] [6]
22Johan Oreland [12]
23Raúl Pérez [18]
24I. G. Persiantsev [14]
25Anthony G. Pipe [3] [7] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27]
26Ingo Renners [18]
27Ingrid Russell [22] [23]
28Gracia Sánchez [18]
29Antony Waldock [19] [25]
30Igor Walter [18]
31Alan F. T. Winfield [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)