
Meryem Marzouki

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9EEMounir Benabdenbi, Walid Maroufi, Meryem Marzouki: CAS-BUS: A Test Access Mechanism and a Toolbox Environment for Core-Based System Chip Testing. J. Electronic Testing 18(4-5): 455-473 (2002)
8EEMounir Benabdenbi, Walid Maroufi, Meryem Marzouki: Testing TAPed cores and wrapped cores with the same test access mechanism. DATE 2001: 150-155
7EEP. Bukovjan, L. Ducerf-Bourbon, Meryem Marzouki: Cost/Quality Trade-off in Synthesis for BIST. J. Electronic Testing 17(2): 109-119 (2001)
6EEMounir Benabdenbi, Walid Maroufi, Meryem Marzouki: CAS-BUS: A Scalable and Reconfigurable Test Access Mechanism for Systems on a Chip. DATE 2000: 141-145
5EEJ. Abraham, P. Frankl, Christian Landrault, Meryem Marzouki, Paolo Prinetto, Chantal Robach, Pascale Thévenod-Fosse: Hardware Test: Can We Learn from Software Testing? VTS 1997: 320-321
4EEVladimir Castro Alves, A. Ribeiro Antunes, Meryem Marzouki: A Pragmatic, Systematic And Flexible Synthesis For Testability Methodology. Asian Test Symposium 1996: 263-268
3EEFiras Mohamed, Meryem Marzouki: Test and diagnosis of analog circuits: When fuzziness can lead to accuracy. J. Electronic Testing 9(1-2): 203-216 (1996)
2EEMeryem Marzouki, Marcelo Lubaszewski, Mohamed Hedi Touati: Unifying test and diagnosis of interconnects and logic clusters in partial boundary scan boards. ICCAD 1993: 654-657
1EEMeryem Marzouki: Model-based reasoning for electron-beam debugging of VLSI circuits. J. Electronic Testing 2(4): 385-394 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1J. Abraham [5]
2Vladimir Castro Alves [4]
3A. Ribeiro Antunes [4]
4Mounir Benabdenbi [6] [8] [9]
5P. Bukovjan [7]
6L. Ducerf-Bourbon [7]
7P. Frankl [5]
8Christian Landrault [5]
9Marcelo Lubaszewski [2]
10Walid Maroufi [6] [8] [9]
11Firas Mohamed [3]
12Paolo Prinetto [5]
13Chantal Robach [5]
14Pascale Thévenod-Fosse [5]
15Mohamed Hedi Touati [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)