
Nacer K. M'Sirdi

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9 Nacer K. M'Sirdi, Abdelhamid Rabhi, Aziz Naamane: Vehicle models and estimation of contact forces and tire road friction. ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 351-358
8EEAziz Naamane, Nacer K. M'Sirdi: An event based control architecture for non linear systems diagnosis. SCSC 2007: 8
7 Nacer K. M'Sirdi, A. Boubezoul, Abdelhamid Rabhi, L. Fridman: Estimation of performance of heavy vehicles by sliding modes observers. ICINCO-RA 2006: 360-365
6 Abdelhamid Rabhi, Nacer K. M'Sirdi, M. Ouladsine, L. Fridman: Estimation of road profile using second order sliding mode observer. ICINCO-RA 2006: 531-534
5EEAbdellah Mokhtari, Nacer K. M'Sirdi, K. Meghriche, A. Belaidi: Feedback linearization and linear observer for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle. Advanced Robotics 20(1): 71-91 (2006)
4 Boubaker Daachi, Abdelaziz Benallegue, Nacer K. M'Sirdi: A Stable Neural Adaptive Force Controller for a Hydraulic Actuator. ICRA 2001: 3465-3470
3EENacer K. M'Sirdi, Noureddine Manamanni, D. El Ghanami: Control Approach for Legged Robots with Fast Gaits. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 27(4): 321-343 (2000)
2EECostas S. Tzafestas, Nacer K. M'Sirdi, N. Manamani: Adaptive Impedance Control Applied to a Pneumatic Legged Robot. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 20(2-4): 105-129 (1997)
1 Marina Guihard, Philippe Gorce, Jean-Guy Fontaine, Nacer K. M'Sirdi: A Solution to Control the Dynamic Behaviour of a Pneumatic Qudruped Robot. ICRA 1995: 1000-1005

Coauthor Index

1A. Belaidi [5]
2Abdelaziz Benallegue [4]
3A. Boubezoul [7]
4Boubaker Daachi [4]
5Jean-Guy Fontaine [1]
6L. Fridman [6] [7]
7D. El Ghanami [3]
8Philippe Gorce [1]
9Marina Guihard [1]
10N. Manamani [2]
11Noureddine Manamanni [3]
12K. Meghriche [5]
13Abdellah Mokhtari [5]
14Aziz Naamane [8] [9]
15M. Ouladsine [6]
16Abdelhamid Rabhi [6] [7] [9]
17Costas S. Tzafestas [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)