
Hon Wai Leong

Hon-Wai Leong

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40EEKang Ning, Hoong Kee Ng, Hon Wai Leong: Analysis of the Relationships among Longest Common Subsequences, Shortest Common Supersequences and Patterns and its application on Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences CoRR abs/0903.2310: (2009)
39EEKang Ning, Hon Wai Leong: The Distribution and Deposition Algorithm for Multiple Sequences Sets CoRR abs/0904.1242: (2009)
38EEXinguo Yu, Xin Yan, Liyuan Li, Hon Wai Leong: An instant semantics acquisition system of live soccer video with application to live event alert and on-the-fly language selection. CIVR 2008: 495-504
37EERuixuan Wang, Wee Kheng Leow, Hon Wai Leong: 3D-2D spatiotemporal registration for sports motion analysis. CVPR 2008
36EESriganesh Srihari, Hoong Kee Ng, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong: Detecting hubs and quasi cliques in scale-free networks. ICPR 2008: 1-4
35EEMelvin Zhang, Hon Wai Leong: Gene Team Tree: A Compact Representation of All Gene Teams. RECOMB-CG 2008: 100-112
34EEKang Ning, Ket Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: De Novo Peptide Sequencing for Mass Spectra Based on Multi-Charge Strong Tags. APBC 2007: 287-296
33EEHoong Kee Ng, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong: A New Approach for Similarity Queries of Biological Sequences in Databases. PAKDD 2007: 728-736
32EEKet Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: A Merge-Decoupling Dead End Elimination algorithm for protein side-chain conformation. IJDMB 1(4): 372-388 (2007)
31EEKet Fah Chong, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong, Pavel A. Pevzner: Characterization of Multi-Charge Mass Spectra for Peptide Sequencing. APBC 2006: 109-119
30 Kang Ning, Hoong Kee Ng, Hon Wai Leong: Finding Patterns in Biological Sequences by Longest Common Subsequencesand Shortest Common Supersequences. BIBE 2006: 53-60
29EEKang Ning, Ket Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: A Database Search Algorithm for Identification of Peptides with Multiple Charges Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry. BioDM 2006: 2-13
28EEKang Ning, Hon Wai Leong: Towards a Better Solution to the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem: A Post. IMSCCS (1) 2006: 84-90
27EEHon Wai Leong, Ming Liu: A multi-agent algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time window. SAC 2006: 106-111
26EEKet Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: An extension of dead end elimination for protein side-chain conformation using merge-decoupling. SAC 2006: 195-199
25EEHon Wai Leong, Bo Guan: Improving the performances of proxy cache replacement policies by considering infrequent objects. SAC 2006: 791-796
24EEXinguo Yu, Hon Wai Leong, Changsheng Xu, Qi Tian: Trajectory-Based Ball Detection and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(6): 1164-1178 (2006)
23EEKet Fah Chong, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong, Pavel A. Pevzner: Modeling and Characterization of Multi-charge Mass Spectra for Peptide Sequencing. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4(6): 1329-1352 (2006)
22EEXinguo Yu, Hoe Chee Lai, Sophie Xiao Fan Liu, Hon Wai Leong: A gridding Hough transform for detecting the straight lines in sports video. ICME 2005: 518-521
21EEHon Wai Leong, Franco P. Preparata, Wing-Kin Sung, Hugo Willy: Adaptive Control of Hybridization Noise in Dna Sequencing-by-hybridization. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3(1): 79-98 (2005)
20EEShaofa Yang, Hon Wai Leong: Improved Algorithms for Low Power Multiplexor Decomposition. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 14(6): 1085-1100 (2005)
19EEXinguo Yu, Hon Wai Leong, Changsheng Xu, Qi Tian: A robust and accumulator-free ellipse hough transform. ACM Multimedia 2004: 256-259
18EEXinguo Yu, Xin Yan, Tze Sen Hay, Hon Wai Leong: 3D reconstruction and enrichment of broadcast soccer video. ACM Multimedia 2004: 260-263
17EEShuai Cheng Li, Hon Wai Leong, Steven K. Quek: New Approximation Algorithms for Some Dynamic Storage Allocation Problems. COCOON 2004: 339-348
16EEHoong Kee Ng, Hon Wai Leong: Path-Based Range Query Processing Using Sorted Path and Rectangle Intersection Approach. DASFAA 2004: 184-189
15 Shantanu Kumar Singh, Hon Wai Leong, Som Nath Chakravarty: A Dynamic-Priority Based Approach to Streaming Video Over Cellular Network. ICCCN 2004: 181-186
14 Xinguo Yu, Hon Wai Leong, Changsheng Xu, Qi Tian: A robust Hough-based algorithm for partial ellipse detection in broadcast soccer video. ICME 2004: 1555-1558
13EEHoong Kee Ng, Hon Wai Leong, Ngai Lam Ho: Efficient Algorithm for Path-Based Range Query in Spatial Databases. IDEAS 2004: 334-343
12EEXinguo Yu, Changsheng Xu, Hon Wai Leong, Qi Tian, Qing Tang, Kongwah Wan: Trajectory-based ball detection and tracking with applications to semantic analysis of broadcast soccer video. ACM Multimedia 2003: 11-20
11EEHon Wai Leong, Hiroshi Imai: Guest Editors' Foreword. Algorithmica 35(3): 193-193 (2003)
10EEYizhi Lao, Hon Wai Leong: A Multi-agent Based Approach to the Inventory Routing Problem. PRICAI 2002: 345-354
9EEHon Wai Leong, Franco P. Preparata, Wing-Kin Sung, Hugo Willy: On the Control of Hybridization Noise in DNA Sequencing-by-Hybridization. WABI 2002: 392-403
8 Hon Wai Leong, Hiroshi Imai, Sanjay Jain: Algorithms and Computation, 8th International Symposium, ISAAC '97, Singapore, December 17-19, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
7EEUnni Narayanan, Hon Wai Leong, Ki-Seok Chung, Chien-Liang Liu: Low power multiplexer decomposition. ISLPED 1997: 269-274
6EEChor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: On the reconfiguration of degradable VLSI/WSI arrays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(10): 1213-1221 (1997)
5 Chor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: A New Class of Efficient Algorithms for Reconfiguration of Memory Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(5): 614-618 (1996)
4EEChor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: Minimum fault coverage in memory arrays: a fast algorithm and probabilistic analysis. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(6): 681-690 (1996)
3 Chor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: On the Reconfiguration of Degradable VLSI/WSI Arrays. DFT 1993: 64-71
2 Nachum Dershowitz, Hon Wai Leong: Fast Exchange Sorts. FODO 1989: 102-113
1 K. P. Tan, Hon Wai Leong: Hybrid Sorting Techniques in Grid Structures. FODO 1985: 415-423

Coauthor Index

1Som Nath Chakravarty [15]
2Ket Fah Chong [23] [26] [29] [31] [32] [34]
3Ki-Seok Chung [7]
4Nachum Dershowitz [2]
5Bo Guan [25]
6Tze Sen Hay [18]
7Ngai Lam Ho [13]
8Hiroshi Imai [8] [11]
9Sanjay Jain [8]
10Hoe Chee Lai [22]
11Yizhi Lao [10]
12Wee Kheng Leow [37]
13Liyuan Li [38]
14Shuai Cheng Li [17]
15Chien-Liang Liu [7]
16Ming Liu [27]
17Sophie Xiao Fan Liu [22]
18Chor Ping Low [3] [4] [5] [6]
19Unni Narayanan [7]
20Hoong Kee Ng [13] [16] [30] [33] [36] [40]
21Kang Ning [23] [28] [29] [30] [31] [33] [34] [36] [39] [40]
22Pavel A. Pevzner [23] [31]
23Franco P. Preparata [9] [21]
24Steven K. Quek [17]
25Shantanu Kumar Singh [15]
26Sriganesh Srihari [36]
27Wing-Kin Sung [9] [21]
28K. P. Tan [1]
29Qing Tang [12]
30Qi Tian [12] [14] [19] [24]
31Kongwah Wan [12]
32Ruixuan Wang [37]
33Hugo Willy [9] [21]
34Changsheng Xu [12] [14] [19] [24]
35Xin Yan [18] [38]
36Shaofa Yang [20]
37Xinguo Yu [12] [14] [18] [19] [22] [24] [38]
38Melvin Zhang [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)