
Ket Fah Chong

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6EEKang Ning, Ket Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: De Novo Peptide Sequencing for Mass Spectra Based on Multi-Charge Strong Tags. APBC 2007: 287-296
5EEKet Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: A Merge-Decoupling Dead End Elimination algorithm for protein side-chain conformation. IJDMB 1(4): 372-388 (2007)
4EEKet Fah Chong, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong, Pavel A. Pevzner: Characterization of Multi-Charge Mass Spectra for Peptide Sequencing. APBC 2006: 109-119
3EEKang Ning, Ket Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: A Database Search Algorithm for Identification of Peptides with Multiple Charges Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry. BioDM 2006: 2-13
2EEKet Fah Chong, Hon Wai Leong: An extension of dead end elimination for protein side-chain conformation using merge-decoupling. SAC 2006: 195-199
1EEKet Fah Chong, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong, Pavel A. Pevzner: Modeling and Characterization of Multi-charge Mass Spectra for Peptide Sequencing. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4(6): 1329-1352 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Hon Wai Leong (Hon-Wai Leong) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Kang Ning [1] [3] [4] [6]
3Pavel A. Pevzner [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)