
Chor Ping Low

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39EEYan Zhang, Jim Mee Ng, Chor Ping Low: A distributed group mobility adaptive clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks. Computer Communications 32(1): 189-202 (2009)
38EEWei Ren, Gang Chen, Zhonghua Yang, Junhong Zhou, Jing-Bing Zhang, Chor Ping Low, David Chen, Chengzheng Sun: Semantic enhanced rule driven workflow execution in Collaborative Virtual Enterprise. ICARCV 2008: 910-915
37EECan Fang, Chor Ping Low: A Unified Framework for Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment. WCNC 2008: 2057-2062
36EEWei Ren, Gang Chen, Haifeng Shen, Zhonghua Yang, Jing-Bing Zhang, Chor Ping Low, David Chen, Chengzheng Sun: Dynamic Self-Healing for Service Flows with Semantic Web Services. Web Intelligence 2008: 598-604
35EEChor Ping Low, Can Fang, Jim Mee Ng, Yew Hock Ang: Efficient Load-Balanced Clustering Algorithms for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 31(4): 750-759 (2008)
34EEGang Chen, Chor Ping Low, Zhonghua Yang: Coordinated Services Provision in Peer-to-Peer Environments. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(4): 433-446 (2008)
33EEGang Chen, Chor Ping Low, Zhonghua Yang: Enhancing Search Performance in Unstructured P2P Networks Based on Users' Common Interest. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(6): 821-836 (2008)
32EEChor Ping Low, Can Fang, Jim Mee Ng, Yew Hock Ang: Load-Balanced Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICC 2007: 3485-3490
31EECan Fang, Chor Ping Low: Redundant Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICC 2007: 3535-3540
30EEGang Chen, Chor Ping Low, Zhonghua Yang: Extremal search of decision policies for scalable distributed applications. Infoscale 2007: 77
29EECan Fang, Chor Ping Low: A Flexible Wavelength Converter Placement Scheme for Guaranteed Wavelength Usage. JCM 2(1): 34-43 (2007)
28EECan Fang, Chor Ping Low: Optimal Wavelength Converter Placement with Guaranteed Wavelength Usage. Networking 2006: 1050-1061
27EEChor Ping Low: On Load-Balanced Semi-matchings for Weighted Bipartite Graphs. TAMC 2006: 159-170
26EEGang Chen, Zhonghua Yang, Chor Ping Low: Coordinating Agents in Shop Floor Environments From a Dynamic Systems Perspective. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 2(4): 269-280 (2006)
25EEChor Ping Low: An approximation algorithm for the load-balanced semi-matching problem in weighted bipartite graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 100(4): 154-161 (2006)
24EEChor Ping Low, Lai Woen Goh: On the construction of maximum residual energy resource broadcast trees with minimum diameter in static ad hoc wireless networks. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(1): 39-51 (2006)
23EEQingping Lin, Weihua Wang, Liang Zhang, Jim Mee Ng, Chor Ping Low: Behaviour-based multiplayer collaborative interaction management. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 17(1): 1-19 (2006)
22EEChor Ping Low, Can Fang: On the Load-Balanced Demand Points Assignment Problem in Large-Scale Wireless LANs. ICOIN 2005: 21-30
21EEChor Ping Low, Lai Woen Goh: On the construction of energy-efficient maximum residual battery capacity broadcast trees in static ad hoc wireless networks. Computer Communications 29(1): 93-102 (2005)
20EEChor Ping Low, Jim Mee Ng, Mohammed Iqbal Mohammed Safiq: Minimum Energy Maximum Residual Battery Capacity Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Network. HSNMC 2004: 624-635
19EEChor Ping Low, Chau Yuen: Energy Efficient Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PWC 2003: 625-639
18EEChor Ping Low, Choon Leng Tan: On anycast routing with bandwidth constraint. Computer Communications 26(14): 1541-1550 (2003)
17EEQingping Lin, Chor Ping Low, Jim Mee Ng, Juan Bu, Xiaohua Liu: Multiuser collaborative work in virtual environment based CASE tool. Information & Software Technology 45(5): 253-267 (2003)
16 Jim Mee Ng, Chor Ping Low, Ruth N. Susilo: Determination of the Availability of a Shared Backup Channel. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(4): 257-270 (2003)
15EEChor Ping Low, Xueyan Song: On Finding Feasible Solutions for the Delay Constrained Group Multicast Routing Problem. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(5): 581-588 (2002)
14EEChor Ping Low: An efficient retrieval selection algorithm for video servers with random duplicated assignment storage technique. Inf. Process. Lett. 83(6): 315-321 (2002)
13EEWeihua Wang, Qingping Lin, Jim Mee Ng, Chor Ping Low: SmartCU3D: a collaborative virtual environment system with behavior based interaction management. VRST 2001: 25-32
12EENing Wang, Chor Ping Low: On Finding Feasible Solutions to the Group Multicast Routing Problem. NETWORKING 2000: 213-227
11EEChor Ping Low, Ning Wang: An efficient algorithm for group multicast routing with bandwidth reservation. Computer Communications 23(18): 1740-1746 (2000)
10EEChor Ping Low, Y. J. Lee: Distributed multicast routing, with end-to-end delay and delay variation constraints. Computer Communications 23(9): 848-862 (2000)
9 Chor Ping Low: An efficient algorithm for the link allocation problem on ATM-based personal communication networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 18(7): 1279-1288 (2000)
8EEChor Ping Low: An Efficient Reconfiguration Algorithm for Degradable VLSI/WSI Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(6): 553-559 (2000)
7 Chor Ping Low: Loop-Free Multicast Routing with End-to-End Delay Constraint. Computer Communications 22(2): 181-192 (1999)
6EEChor Ping Low: A Fast Search Algorithm for the Quorumcast Routing Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(2): 87-92 (1998)
5EEChor Ping Low: A Polynomial Time Solvable Instance of the Feasible Minimum Cover Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 68(3): 141-146 (1998)
4EEChor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: On the reconfiguration of degradable VLSI/WSI arrays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(10): 1213-1221 (1997)
3 Chor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: A New Class of Efficient Algorithms for Reconfiguration of Memory Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(5): 614-618 (1996)
2EEChor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: Minimum fault coverage in memory arrays: a fast algorithm and probabilistic analysis. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(6): 681-690 (1996)
1 Chor Ping Low, Hon Wai Leong: On the Reconfiguration of Degradable VLSI/WSI Arrays. DFT 1993: 64-71

Coauthor Index

1Yew Hock Ang [32] [35]
2Juan Bu [17]
3David Chen [36] [38]
4Gang Chen [26] [30] [33] [34] [36] [38]
5Can Fang [22] [28] [29] [31] [32] [35] [37]
6Lai Woen Goh [21] [24]
7Y. J. Lee [10]
8Hon Wai Leong (Hon-Wai Leong) [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Qingping Lin [13] [17] [23]
10Xiaohua Liu [17]
11Jim Mee Ng [13] [16] [17] [20] [23] [32] [35] [39]
12Wei Ren [36] [38]
13Mohammed Iqbal Mohammed Safiq [20]
14Haifeng Shen [36]
15Xueyan Song [15]
16Chengzheng Sun [36] [38]
17Ruth N. Susilo [16]
18Choon Leng Tan [18]
19Ning Wang [11] [12]
20Weihua Wang [13] [23]
21Zhonghua Yang [26] [30] [33] [34] [36] [38]
22Chau Yuen [19]
23Jing-Bing Zhang [36] [38]
24Liang Zhang [23]
25Yan Zhang [39]
26Junhong Zhou [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)