
Christian Menard

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8EEDaniel Slamanig, Christian Stingl, Christian Menard, Martina Heiligenbrunner, Jürgen Thierry: Anonymity and Application Privacy in Context of Mobile Computing in eHealth. Mobile Response 2008: 148-157
7 Christian Menard: Spatial approach in river basin management using decision making strategies. ICINCO 2005: 319-322
6EERobert Sablatnig, Christian Menard: On Estimating the Position of Fragments on Rotational Symmetric Pottery. 3DIM 1999: 455-462
5 Christian Menard: Stereo Correspondences in Scale Space. ACCV (1) 1998: 550-557
4 Christian Menard, Robert Sablatnig: Adaptive Area-based Stereo Matching. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1998: 14-24
3 Christian Menard, Ales Leonardis: Stereo Matching Using M-Estimators. CAIP 1997: 305-312
2 Christian Menard, Walter G. Kropatsch: Adaptive Stereo Matching in Correlation Scale-Space. ICIAP (1) 1997: 677-684
1 Robert Sablatnig, Christian Menard: Stereo and Structured Light as Acquisition Methods in the Field of Archaeology. DAGM-Symposium 1992: 398-404

Coauthor Index

1Martina Heiligenbrunner [8]
2Walter G. Kropatsch [2]
3Ales Leonardis [3]
4Robert Sablatnig [1] [4] [6]
5Daniel Slamanig [8]
6Christian Stingl [8]
7Jürgen Thierry [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)