
Tomás Pajdla

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55EEAkihiko Torii, Michal Havlena, Tomás Pajdla: Omnidirectional Image Stabilization by Computing Camera Trajectory. PSIVT 2009: 71-82
54EEMartin Bujnak, Zuzana Kukelova, Tomás Pajdla: A general solution to the P4P problem for camera with unknown focal length. CVPR 2008
53EEMartin Byröd, Zuzana Kukelova, Klas Josephson, Tomás Pajdla, Karl Åström: Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion. CVPR 2008
52EEAkihiko Torii, Michal Havlena, Tomás Pajdla, Bastian Leibe: Measuring camera translation by the dominant apical angle. CVPR 2008
51EEZuzana Kukelova, Martin Bujnak, Tomás Pajdla: Automatic Generator of Minimal Problem Solvers. ECCV (3) 2008: 302-315
50EEJörn Anemüller, Jörg-Hendrik Bach, Barbara Caputo, Michal Havlena, Jie Luo, Hendrik Kayser, Bastian Leibe, Petr Motlícek, Tomás Pajdla, Misha Pavel, Akihiko Torii, Luc J. Van Gool, Alon Zweig, Hynek Hermansky: The DIRAC AWEAR audio-visual platform for detection of unexpected and incongruent events. ICMI 2008: 289-292
49 Michal Havlena, Tomás Pajdla, Kurt Cornelis: Structure from Omnidirectional Stereo Rig Motion for City Modeling. VISAPP (2) 2008: 407-414
48 Akihiko Torii, Tomás Pajdla: Omnidirectional Camera Motion Estimation. VISAPP (2) 2008: 577-584
47EETobias Ehlgen, Tomás Pajdla, D. Ammon: Eliminating Blind Spots for Assisted Driving. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(4): 657-665 (2008)
46EEZuzana Kukelova, Tomás Pajdla: A minimal solution to the autocalibration of radial distortion. CVPR 2007
45EEBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla: Multi-label image segmentation via max-sum solver. CVPR 2007
44EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: Robust Rotation and Translation Estimation in Multiview Reconstruction. CVPR 2007
43EEZuzana Kukelova, Tomás Pajdla: Two Minimal Problems for Cameras with Radial Distortion. ICCV 2007: 1-8
42EETobias Ehlgen, Tomás Pajdla: Maneuvering Aid for Large Vehicle using Omnidirectional Cameras. WACV 2007: 17
41EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: 3D Reconstruction by Gluing Pair-Wise Euclidean Reconstructions, or "How to Achieve a Good Reconstruction from Bad Images". 3DPVT 2006: 25-32
40EEGeorge Kamberov, Gerda Kamberova, Ondrej Chum, Stepán Obdrzálek, Daniel Martinec, J. Kostková, Tomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas, R. Sára: 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images. ISVC (2) 2006: 802-813
39EEBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla: Structure from Motion with Wide Circular Field of View Cameras. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(7): 1135-1149 (2006)
38EETomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas: Editorial: Selection of Papers for the ECCV 2004 Special Issue. International Journal of Computer Vision 67(2): 139 (2006)
37EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: 3D Reconstruction by Fitting Low-Rank Matrices with Missing Data. CVPR (1) 2005: 198-205
36EEOndrej Chum, Tomás Pajdla, Peter Sturm: The geometric error for homographies. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 97(1): 86-102 (2005)
35 Tomás Svoboda, Daniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: A Convenient Multicamera Self-Calibration for Virtual Environments. Presence 14(4): 407-422 (2005)
34 Tomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas: Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings, Part I Springer 2004
33 Tomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas: Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings, Part II Springer 2004
32 Tomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas: Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings, Part III Springer 2004
31 Tomás Pajdla, Jiri Matas: Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings, Part IV Springer 2004
30EEBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla: Autocalibration & 3D Reconstruction with Non-Central Catadioptric Cameras. CVPR (1) 2004: 58-65
29EEHugo Cornelius, R. Sára, Daniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla, Ondrej Chum, Jiri Matas: Towards Complete Free-Form Reconstruction of Complex 3D Scenes from an Unordered Set of Uncalibrated Images. ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004: 1-12
28EEJiri Matas, Ondrej Chum, Martin Urban, Tomás Pajdla: Robust wide-baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions. Image Vision Comput. 22(10): 761-767 (2004)
27EEBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla: Estimation of omnidirectional camera model from epipolar geometry. CVPR (1) 2003: 485-490
26EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: Line Reconstruction from Many Perspective Images by Factorization. CVPR (1) 2003: 497-502
25EEDoron Feldman, Tomás Pajdla, Daphna Weinshall: On the Epipolar Geometry of the Crossed-Slits Projection. ICCV 2003: 988-995
24EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: Consistent Multi-view Reconstruction from Epipolar Geometries with Outliers. SCIA 2003: 493-500
23EEBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla: Omnidirectional Camera Model and Epipolar Geometry Estimation by RANSAC with Bucketing. SCIA 2003: 83-90
22EEJiri Matas, Ondrej Chum, Martin Urban, Tomás Pajdla: Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions. BMVC 2002
21EEDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla: Structure from Many Perspective Images with Occlusions. ECCV (2) 2002: 355-369
20EEPavel Krsek, Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Differential Invariants as the Base of Triangulated Surface Registration. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 87(1-3): 27-38 (2002)
19EETomás Werner, Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác, Ales Leonardis, Martin Matousek: Selection of Reference Images for Image-Based Scene Representations. Computing 68(2): 163-180 (2002)
18 Tomás Pajdla: Stereo with Oblique Cameras. International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1-3): 161-170 (2002)
17 Tomás Svoboda, Tomás Pajdla: Epipolar Geometry for Central Catadioptric Cameras. International Journal of Computer Vision 49(1): 23-37 (2002)
16EETomás Werner, Tomás Pajdla: Oriented Matching Constraints. BMVC 2001
15EETomás Svoboda, Tomás Pajdla: Matching in Catadioptric Images with Appropriate Windows, and Outliers Removal. CAIP 2001: 733-740
14EEHynek Bakstein, Tomás Pajdla: 3D Reconstruction from 360 x 360 Mosaics. CVPR (2) 2001: 72-77
13EETomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Image-Based Self-Localization by Means of Zero Phase Representation in Panoramic Images. ICAPR 2001: 24-31
12 Tomás Werner, Tomás Pajdla: Cheirality in Epipolar Geometry. ICCV 2001: 548-553
11EETomás Pajdla, J. P. Mellor, Camillo J. Taylor, Tomás Brodský, Andrew J. Davison: Panel Session on Extended Environments. SMILE 2000: 235-242
10EETomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Zero Phase Representation of Panoramic Images for Image Vased Localization. CAIP 1999: 550-557
9EEMartin Urban, Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Projective Reconstruction from N Views Having One View in Common. Workshop on Vision Algorithms 1999: 116-131
8 Vladimír Smutny, Václav Hlavác, Tomás Pajdla, P. Palatka: Vision-based sensors for production control- The experience gathered in applications. BASYS 1998: 525-532
7EETomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Camera Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction from Known Observer Translations. CVPR 1998: 421-426
6EETomás Svoboda, Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Epipolar Geometry of Panoramic Cameras. ECCV (1) 1998: 218-231
5EETomás Werner, Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Efficient 3-D Scene Visualization by Image Extrapolation. ECCV (2) 1998: 382-396
4 Tomás Werner, Václav Hlavác, Ales Leonardis, Tomás Pajdla: Choosing Reference Views for Image-Based Representation. SOFSEM 1996: 459-466
3 Tomás Pajdla, Luc J. Van Gool: Efficient matching of space curves. CAIP 1995: 25-32
2EETomás Pajdla, Luc J. Van Gool: Matching of 3D Curves Using Semi-Differential Invariants. ICCV 1995: 390-395
1 Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác: Surface Discontinuities in Range Images. CAIP 1993: 412-419

Coauthor Index

1D. Ammon [47]
2Jörn Anemüller [50]
3Karl Åström [53]
4Jörg-Hendrik Bach [50]
5Hynek Bakstein [14]
6Tomás Brodský [11]
7Martin Bujnak [51] [54]
8Martin Byröd [53]
9Barbara Caputo [50]
10Ondrej Chum [22] [28] [29] [36] [40]
11Kurt Cornelis [49]
12Hugo Cornelius [29]
13Andrew J. Davison [11]
14Tobias Ehlgen [42] [47]
15Doron Feldman [25]
16Luc J. Van Gool [2] [3] [50]
17Michal Havlena [49] [50] [52] [55]
18Hynek Hermansky [50]
19Václav Hlavác [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [19] [20]
20Klas Josephson [53]
21George Kamberov [40]
22Gerda Kamberova [40]
23Hendrik Kayser [50]
24J. Kostková [40]
25Pavel Krsek [20]
26Zuzana Kukelova [43] [46] [51] [53] [54]
27Bastian Leibe [50] [52]
28Ales Leonardis [4] [19]
29Jie Luo [50]
30Daniel Martinec [21] [24] [26] [29] [35] [37] [40] [41] [44]
31Jiri Matas [22] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [34] [38] [40]
32Martin Matousek [19]
33J. P. Mellor [11]
34Branislav Micusík [23] [27] [30] [39] [45]
35Petr Motlícek [50]
36Stepán Obdrzálek [40]
37P. Palatka [8]
38Misha Pavel [50]
39R. Sára [29] [40]
40Vladimír Smutny [8]
41Peter Sturm [36]
42Tomás Svoboda [6] [15] [17] [35]
43Camillo J. Taylor [11]
44Akihiko Torii [48] [50] [52] [55]
45Martin Urban [9] [22] [28]
46Daphna Weinshall [25]
47Tomás Werner [4] [5] [12] [16] [19]
48Alon Zweig [50]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)