
Marisa López-Vallejo

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13EEPedro Echeverría, David B. Thomas, Marisa López-Vallejo, Wayne Luk: An FPGA run-time parameterisable Log-Normal Random Number Generator. ARC 2008: 219-230
12EEMiguel Angel Sánchez, Pedro Echeverría, Francisco Mansilla, Marisa López-Vallejo: Designing Highly Parameterized Hardware using xHdl. FDL 2008: 78-83
11 Angel Fernandez Herrero, Ignacio Elguezábal, Marisa López-Vallejo: A Web-Based Environment Providing Remote Access To FPGA Platforms For Teaching Digital Hardware Design. e-Learning 2008: 161-165
10EEDavid Atienza, Praveen Raghavan, José Luis Ayala, Giovanni De Micheli, Francky Catthoor, Diederik Verkest, Marisa López-Vallejo: Joint hardware-software leakage minimization approach for the register file of VLIW embedded architectures. Integration 41(1): 38-48 (2008)
9EEPablo Ituero, Gorka Landaburu, Javier Del Ser, Marisa López-Vallejo, Pedro M. Crespo, Vicente Atxa, Jon Altuna: Joint Source-Channel Decoding ASIP Architecture for Sensor Networks. ICESS 2007: 98-108
8EEPraveen Raghavan, José L. Ayala, David Atienza, Francky Catthoor, Giovanni De Micheli, Marisa López-Vallejo: Reduction of Register File Delay Due to Process Variability in VLIW Embedded Processors. ISCAS 2007: 121-124
7EEPablo Ituero, José L. Ayala, Marisa López-Vallejo: Leakage-based On-Chip Thermal Sensor for CMOS Technology. ISCAS 2007: 3327-3330
6EEJosé Luis Ayala, Anya Apavatjrut, David Atienza, Marisa López-Vallejo, Carlos A. López-Barrio: Thermal Characterization and Thermal Management in Processor-Based Systems. Power-aware Computing Systems 2007
5EEJosé L. Ayala, Marisa López-Vallejo, David Atienza, Praveen Raghavan, Francky Catthoor, Diederik Verkest: Energy-aware compilation and hardware design for VLIW embedded systems. IJES 3(1/2): 73-82 (2007)
4EEPablo Ituero, Marisa López-Vallejo: New Schemes in Clustered VLIW Processors Applied to Turbo Decoding. ASAP 2006: 291-296
3EEDavid Atienza, Praveen Raghavan, José L. Ayala, Giovanni De Micheli, Francky Catthoor, Diederik Verkest, Marisa López-Vallejo: Compiler-Driven Leakage Energy Reduction in Banked Register Files. PATMOS 2006: 107-116
2EEJosé Luis Ayala, Marisa López-Vallejo: Compiler-Driven Power Optimizations in the Register File of Processor-Based Systems. Power-aware Computing Systems 2005
1EEJosé Luis Ayala, Marisa López-Vallejo: Integrating functional and power simulation in embedded systems design. J. Embedded Computing 1(3): 325-340 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Jon Altuna [9]
2Anya Apavatjrut [6]
3David Atienza [3] [5] [6] [8] [10]
4Vicente Atxa [9]
5José Luis Ayala (José L. Ayala) [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
6Francky Catthoor [3] [5] [8] [10]
7Pedro M. Crespo [9]
8Pedro Echeverría [12] [13]
9Ignacio Elguezábal [11]
10Angel Fernandez Herrero [11]
11Pablo Ituero [4] [7] [9]
12Gorka Landaburu [9]
13Carlos A. López-Barrio [6]
14Wayne Luk [13]
15Francisco Mansilla [12]
16Giovanni De Micheli [3] [8] [10]
17Praveen Raghavan [3] [5] [8] [10]
18Miguel Angel Sánchez [12]
19Javier Del Ser [9]
20David B. Thomas [13]
21Diederik Verkest [3] [5] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)