
Michael Kessler

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3EEErik Jan Marinissen, Bart Vermeulen, Robert Madge, Michael Kessler, Michael Müller: Creating Value Through Test. DATE 2003: 10402-10409
2 Michael Kessler, Gundolf Kiefer, Jens Leenstra, Knut Schünemann, Thomas Schwarz, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: Using a hierarchical DfT methodology in high frequency processor designs for improved delay fault testability. ITC 2001: 461-469
1 Makoto Kaneko, Michael Kessler, Alexandra Weigl, Henning Tolle: Capturing Pyramidal-Like Objects. ICRA 1998: 3619-3624

Coauthor Index

1Makoto Kaneko [1]
2Gundolf Kiefer [2]
3Jens Leenstra [2]
4Robert Madge [3]
5Erik Jan Marinissen [3]
6Michael Müller [3]
7Knut Schünemann [2]
8Thomas Schwarz [2]
9Henning Tolle [1]
10Bart Vermeulen [3]
11Alexandra Weigl [1]
12Hans-Joachim Wunderlich [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)