
Andreas Hildebrandt

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10EEAlexander Rurainski, Andreas Hildebrandt, Hans-Peter Lenhof: A consensus line search algorithm for molecular potential energy functions. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(9): 1499-1509 (2009)
9EEOle Schulz-Trieglaff, Rene Hussong, Clemens Gröpl, Andreas Leinenbach, Andreas Hildebrandt, Christian G. Huber, Knut Reinert: Computational Quantification of Peptides from LC-MS Data. Journal of Computational Biology 15(7): 685-704 (2008)
8EEOle Schulz-Trieglaff, Rene Hussong, Clemens Gröpl, Andreas Hildebrandt, Knut Reinert: A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for the Quantification of Peptides from Mass Spectrometry Data. RECOMB 2007: 473-487
7EEAndreas Hildebrandt, Ralf Blossey, Sergej Rjasanow, Oliver Kohlbacher, Hans-Peter Lenhof: Electrostatic potentials of proteins in water: a structured continuum approach. Bioinformatics 23(2): 99-103 (2007)
6EEEva Lange, Clemens Gröpl, Knut Reinert, Oliver Kohlbacher, Andreas Hildebrandt: High-Accuracy Peak Picking of Proteomics Data Using Wavelet Techniques. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 243-254
5EEAndreas Moll, Andreas Hildebrandt, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Oliver Kohlbacher: BALLView: a tool for research and education in molecular modeling. Bioinformatics 22(3): 365-366 (2006)
4EEJan Küntzer, Torsten Blum, Andreas Gerasch, Christina Backes, Andreas Hildebrandt, Michael Kaufmann, Oliver Kohlbacher, Hans-Peter Lenhof: BN++ - A Biological Information System. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(2): (2006)
3EEHansjörg Toll, Peter Berger, Andreas Hofmann, Andreas Hildebrandt, Herbert Oberacher, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Christian G. Huber: Glycosylation Patterns of Proteins Studied by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatic Tools. Computational Proteomics 2005
2EEEva Lange, Clemens Gröpl, Oliver Kohlbacher, Andreas Hildebrandt: High-accuracy peak picking of proteomics data. Computational Proteomics 2005
1EEOliver Kohlbacher, Andreas Burchardt, Andreas Moll, Andreas Hildebrandt, Peter Bayer, Hans-Peter Lenhof: A NMR-spectra-based scoring function for protein docking. RECOMB 2001: 184-192

Coauthor Index

1Christina Backes [4]
2Peter Bayer [1]
3Peter Berger [3]
4Ralf Blossey [7]
5Torsten Blum [4]
6Andreas Burchardt [1]
7Andreas Gerasch [4]
8Clemens Gröpl [2] [6] [8] [9]
9Andreas Hofmann [3]
10Christian G. Huber [3] [9]
11Rene Hussong [8] [9]
12Michael Kaufmann [4]
13Oliver Kohlbacher [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Jan Küntzer [4]
15Eva Lange [2] [6]
16Andreas Leinenbach [9]
17Hans-Peter Lenhof [1] [3] [4] [5] [7] [10]
18Andreas Moll [1] [5]
19Herbert Oberacher [3]
20Knut Reinert [6] [8] [9]
21Sergej Rjasanow [7]
22Alexander Rurainski [10]
23Ole Schulz-Trieglaff [8] [9]
24Hansjörg Toll [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)