Volume 9,
Number 1,
Volume 9,
Number 2,
- T. Berger, A. Hekstra, Alon Orlitsky:
Asymptotic Component Densities in Programmable Gate Arrays Realizing All Circuits of a Given Size.
101-127 BibTeX
- Michael T. Goodrich, Colm Ó'Dúnlaing, Chee-Keng Yap:
Constructing the Voronoi Diagram of a Set of Line Segments in Parallel.
128-141 BibTeX
- Barry Joe, Cao An Wang:
Duality of Constrained Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations.
142-155 BibTeX
- Mikhail J. Atallah:
A Faster Parallel Algorithm for a Matrix Searching Problem.
156-167 BibTeX
- Jon Louis Bentley, Kenneth L. Clarkson, David B. Levine:
Fast Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Computing Maxima and Convex Hulls.
168-183 BibTeX
- Robert A. Bosch, Kurt M. Anstreicher:
On Partial Updating in a Potential Reduction Linear Programming Algorithm of Kojima, Mizuno, and Yoshise.
184-197 BibTeX
Volume 9,
Number 3,
Volume 9,
Number 4,
Volume 9,
Number 5,
Volume 9,
Number 6,
- David P. Dobkin, John Hershberger, David G. Kirkpatrick, Subhash Suri:
Computing the Intersection-Depth of Polyhedra.
518-533 BibTeX
- Leonidas J. Guibas, David Salesin, Jorge Stolfi:
Constructing Strongly Convex Approximate Hulls with Inaccurate Primitives.
534-560 BibTeX
- János Pach, Richard Pollack, Emo Welzl:
Weaving Patterns of Lines and Line Segments in Space.
561-571 BibTeX
- Tetsuo Asano, Takeshi Tokuyama:
Algorithms for Projecting Points To Give the Most Uniform Distribution with Applications to Hashing.
572-590 BibTeX
- Feng Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas, David G. Kirkpatrick, William T. Laaser, James B. Saxe:
Finding Extrema with Unary Predicates.
591-600 BibTeX
- Kuo-Hui Tsai, Wen-Lian Hsu:
Fast Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem on Permutation Graphs.
601-614 BibTeX
- Tak Wah Lam, Kwong-fai Chan:
Finding Least-Weight Subsequences with Fewer Processors.
615-628 BibTeX
- Svante Carlsson, Christos Levcopoulos, Ola Petersson:
Sublinear Merging and Natural Mergesort.
629-648 BibTeX
- Kazumiti Numata, Takeshi Tokuyama:
Splitting a Configuration in a Simplex.
649-668 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:08 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)