
Cliff B. Jones

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91EECliff B. Jones, Ken G. Pierce: Splitting Atoms with Rely/Guarantee Conditions Coupled with Data Reification. ABZ 2008: 360-377
90EECliff B. Jones: Reflections on, and Predictions for, Support Systems for the Development of Programs. ASE 2008: 7-8
89EEJohn R. D. Hughes, Cliff B. Jones: Reasoning about programs via operational semantics: requirements for a support system. Autom. Softw. Eng. 15(3-4): 299-312 (2008)
88EECliff B. Jones, Jim Woodcock: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(1): 1-3 (2008)
87EECliff B. Jones: Valediction. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(6): 561 (2008)
86EEJohn S. Fitzgerald, Cliff B. Jones: The connection between two ways of reasoning about partial functions. Inf. Process. Lett. 107(3-4): 128-132 (2008)
85 Cliff B. Jones, Zhiming Liu, Jim Woodcock: Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems, Essays in Honor of Dines Bjørner and Chaochen Zhou on the Occasion of Their 70th Birthdays, Papers presented at a Symposium held in Macao, China, September 24-25, 2007 Springer 2007
84 Cliff B. Jones, Zhiming Liu, Jim Woodcock: Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2007, 4th International Colloquium, Macau, China, September 26-28, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
83EECliff B. Jones: Understanding Programming Language Concepts Via Operational Semantics. Domain Modeling and the Duration Calculus 2007: 177-235
82EECliff B. Jones, Ian J. Hayes, Michael A. Jackson: Deriving Specifications for Systems That Are Connected to the Physical World. Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems 2007: 364-390
81EECliff B. Jones, Ken G. Pierce: What Can the pi-calculus Tell Us About the Mondex Purse System? ICECCS 2007: 300-306
80EECliff B. Jones, Jim Woodcock: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(4): 415-416 (2007)
79EEJoey W. Coleman, Cliff B. Jones: A Structural Proof of the Soundness of Rely/guarantee Rules. J. Log. Comput. 17(4): 807-841 (2007)
78EEJoey W. Coleman, Cliff B. Jones: Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. J. UCS 13(8): 1042-1043 (2007)
77EECliff B. Jones: Splitting atoms safely. Theor. Comput. Sci. 375(1-3): 109-119 (2007)
76 Cliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander Romanovsky, Gerhard Weikum: Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science, 19.03. - 24.03.2006 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
75 Michael J. Butler, Cliff B. Jones, Alexander Romanovsky, Elena Troubitsyna: Rigorous Development of Complex Fault-Tolerant Systems [FP6 IST-511599 RODIN project] Springer 2006
74EEGerhard Weikum, Cliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander Romanovsky: 06121 Abstracts Collection -- Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science 2006
73EEGerhard Weikum, Cliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander Romanovsky: 06121 Executive Summary -- Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science 2006
72EEGary T. Leavens, Jean-Raymond Abrial, Don S. Batory, Michael J. Butler, Alessandro Coglio, Kathi Fisler, Eric C. R. Hehner, Cliff B. Jones, Dale Miller, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Murali Sitaraman, Douglas R. Smith, Aaron Stump: Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification. GPCE 2006: 221-236
71EECliff B. Jones: Reasoning About Partial Functions in the Formal Development of Programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 145: 3-25 (2006)
70EECliff B. Jones: An Approach to Splitting Atoms Safely: Extended Abstract. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 155: 43-60 (2006)
69EECliff B. Jones, Peter W. O'Hearn, Jim Woodcock: Verified Software: A Grand Challenge. IEEE Computer 39(4): 93-95 (2006)
68 Ali E. Abdallah, Cliff B. Jones, Jeff W. Sanders: Communicating Sequential Processes: The First 25 Years, Symposium on the Occasion of 25 Years of CSP, London, UK, July 7-8, 2004, Revised Invited Papers Springer 2005
67EECliff B. Jones: Some Interdisciplinary Observations about Getting the "Right" Specification. VSTTE 2005: 64-69
66EECliff B. Jones: Specification Before Satisfaction: The Case for Research into Obtaining the Right Specification - Extended Abstract. ZB 2005: 1-5
65EEJon Burton, Cliff B. Jones: Atomicity in System Design and Execution (Proceedings of Dagstuhl-Seminar 04181) J.UCS Special Issue. J. UCS 11(5): 634-635 (2005)
64EECliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Gerhard Weikum: The Atomic Manifesto. J. UCS 11(5): 636-651 (2005)
63EEJon Burton, Cliff B. Jones: Investigating Atomicity and Observability. J. UCS 11(5): 661-686 (2005)
62EECliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Gerhard Weikum, Alan Fekete, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Henry F. Korth, Rogério de Lemos, J. Eliot B. Moss, Ravi Rajwar, Krithi Ramamritham, Brian Randell, Luís Rodrigues: The atomic manifesto: a story in four quarks. Operating Systems Review 39(2): 41-46 (2005)
61EECliff B. Jones, David B. Lomet, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Gerhard Weikum, Alan Fekete, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Henry F. Korth, Rogério de Lemos, J. Eliot B. Moss, Ravi Rajwar, Krithi Ramamritham, Brian Randell, Luís Rodrigues: The atomic manifesto: a story in four quarks. SIGMOD Record 34(1): 63-69 (2005)
60EECliff B. Jones, John Cooke: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(1): 1- (2004)
59EECliff B. Jones, D. J. Cooke, Christiane Notarmarco: Online First Publication. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(1): 4- (2004)
58EECliff B. Jones, Michael R. Hansen: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(2): 95- (2004)
57EEIan J. Hayes, Michael A. Jackson, Cliff B. Jones: Determining the Specification of a Control System from That of Its Environment. FME 2003: 154-169
56EECliff B. Jones: The Early Search for Tractable Ways of Reasoning about Programs. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 25(2): 26-49 (2003)
55EECliff B. Jones: Operational semantics: Concepts and their expression. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(1-2): 27-32 (2003)
54EECliff B. Jones: A Formal Basis for Some Dependability Notions. 10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST 2002: 191-206
53EECliff B. Jones, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch: A Structured Approach to Handling On-Line Interface Upgrades. COMPSAC 2002: 1000-1005
52EECliff B. Jones, Panayiotis Periorellis, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch: Structured Handling of Online Interface Upgrades in Integrating Dependable Systems of Systems. FIDJI 2002: 73-86
51EEJohn E. Dobson, Cliff B. Jones, Rob Procter, Mark Rouncefield, Robin Williams: Editorial message: special track on inter-disciplinary approaches to the design of dependable computer systems. SAC 2002: 704-705
50EECliff B. Jones: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 14(2): 91 (2002)
49EECliff B. Jones: Thinking Tools for the Future of Computing Science. Informatics 2001: 112-130
48EEM. Lonergan, Cliff B. Jones: An Iterative Displacement Method for Conflict Resolution in Map Generalization. Algorithmica 30(2): 287-301 (2001)
47EECliff B. Jones: The Transition from VDL to VDM. J. UCS 7(8): 631-640 (2001)
46 Mohammad Reza Sirouspour, Simon P. DiMaio, S. E. Salcudean, Purang Abolmaesumi, Cliff B. Jones: Haptic Interface Control - Design Issues and Experiments with a Planar Device. ICRA 2000: 789-794
45 Cliff B. Jones: Formal Methods and Dependability. MPC 2000: 140-143
44 Pierre Collette, Cliff B. Jones: Enhancing the tractability of rely/guarantee specifications in the development of interfering operations. Proof, Language, and Interaction 2000: 277-308
43EECliff B. Jones: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 12(6): 417 (2000)
42EECliff B. Jones: Scientific Decisions which Characterize VDM. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 28-47
41EECliff B. Jones: Some Mistakes I Have and What I Have Learned from Them. FASE 1998: 7-20
40 John S. Fitzgerald, Cliff B. Jones, Peter Lucas: FME '97: Industrial Applications and Strengthened Foundations of Formal Methods, 4th International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Graz, Austria, September 15-19, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
39 Cliff B. Jones: Some Practical Problems and Their Influence on Semantics. ESOP 1996: 1-17
38 Cliff B. Jones: Formal Methods Light. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 121 (1996)
37 Cliff B. Jones: Accommodating Interference in the Formal Design of Concurrent Object-Based Programs. Formal Methods in System Design 8(2): 105-122 (1996)
36 Jonathan P. Bowen, Ricky W. Butler, David L. Dill, Robert L. Glass, David Gries, Anthony Hall, Michael G. Hinchey, C. Michael Holloway, Daniel Jackson, Cliff B. Jones, Michael J. Lutz, David Lorge Parnas, John M. Rushby, Jeannette M. Wing, Pamela Zave: An Invitation to Formal Methods. IEEE Computer 29(4): 16-30 (1996)
35 Steve J. Hodges, Cliff B. Jones: Non-Interference Properties of a Concurrent Object-Based Language: Proofs Based on an Operational Semantics. Object Orientation with Parallelism and Persistence 1995: 1-22
34EECliff B. Jones: Fixing the semantics of some concurrent object-oriented concepts. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 1: (1995)
33EECliff B. Jones: Granularity and the development of concurrent programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 1: (1995)
32EECliff B. Jones: Partial Functions and Logics: A Warning. Inf. Process. Lett. 54(2): 65-67 (1995)
31 Cliff B. Jones, C. A. Middelburg: A Typed Logic of Partial Functions Reconstructed Classically. Acta Inf. 31(5): 399-430 (1994)
30 Cliff B. Jones: A pi-Calculus Semantics for an Object-Based Design Notation. CONCUR 1993: 158-172
29 Cliff B. Jones: Reasoning about Interference in an Object-Based Design Method. FME 1993: 1-18
28 Cliff B. Jones: Constraining Inference in an Object-Based Design Model. TAPSOFT 1993: 136-150
27 John S. Fitzgerald, Cliff B. Jones: Modularizing the Formal Description of a Database System. VDM Europe 1990: 189-210
26 Cliff B. Jones: Interference Revisited. Z User Workshop 1990: 58-73
25 Cliff B. Jones: Position Statement for the Panel on Foundations of Software Engineering. IFIP Congress 1989: 955
24 Cliff B. Jones, Peter A. Lindsay: A Support System for Formal Reasoning: Requirements and Status. VDM Europe 1988: 139-152
23 Cliff B. Jones, Richard Moore: MUFFIN: A User Interface Design Experiment for a Theorem Proving Assistant. VDM Europe 1988: 337-375
22 Dines Bjørner, Cliff B. Jones, Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh, Erich J. Neuhold: VDM '87, VDM - A Formal Method at Work, VDM-Europe Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, March 23-26, 1987, Proceedings Springer 1987
21 Cliff B. Jones: VDM Proof Obligations and their Justification. VDM Europe 1987: 260-286
20 Cliff B. Jones: Software Development Based on Formal Methods. System Development and Ada 1986: 153-172
19EECliff B. Jones, T. N. Nipkow, Mario Wolczko: MDB: A Graph-Like Persistent Database. Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings 1985: 25-34
18 Cliff B. Jones: The Role of Proof Obligations in Software Design. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1985: 27-41
17 Cliff B. Jones: Programming Languages and Their Definition - Hans Bekic (1936-1982) Springer 1984
16 Hans Bekic, Dines Bjørner, Wolfgang Henhapl, Cliff B. Jones, Peter Lucas: On the Formal Definition of a PL/I Subset (Selected parts). Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 107-155
15 Howard Barringer, J. H. Cheng, Cliff B. Jones: A Logic Covering Undefinedness in Program Proofs. Acta Inf. 21: 251-269 (1984)
14 Cliff B. Jones: Specification and Design of (Parallel) Programs. IFIP Congress 1983: 321-332
13EECliff B. Jones: Tentative Steps Toward a Development Method for Interfering Programs. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 5(4): 596-619 (1983)
12 Cliff B. Jones: Specification as a Design Base (Extended Abstract). ECI 1981: 103-105
11 Cliff B. Jones: Towards More Formal Specifictations. Software Engineering 1980: 19-45
10 Cliff B. Jones: Models of Programming Language Concepts. Abstract Software Specifications 1979: 100-143
9 Cliff B. Jones: Constructing a Theory of a Data Structure as an Aid to Program Development. Acta Inf. 11: 119-137 (1979)
8 Dines Bjørner, Cliff B. Jones: The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language Springer 1978
7 Cliff B. Jones: The META-Language: A Reference Manual. The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language 1978: 218-277
6 Cliff B. Jones: Denotational Semantics of GOTO: An Exit Formulation and Its Relation to Continuations. The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language 1978: 278-304
5 Wolfgang Henhapl, Cliff B. Jones: A Formal Definition of Algol 60 as Described in the 1975 Modified Report. The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language 1978: 305-336
4 Cliff B. Jones: Program Specifications and Formal Development. International Computing Symposium 1977: 537-553
3 Cliff B. Jones: Formal Definition in Program Development. Programming Methodology 1974: 387-443
2 Cliff B. Jones: A New Approach to the 'Hidden Line' Problem. Comput. J. 14(3): 232-237 (1971)
1 Wolfgang Henhapl, Cliff B. Jones: A Run-Time Mechanism for Referencing Variables. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(1): 14-16 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Ali E. Abdallah [68]
2Purang Abolmaesumi [46]
3Jean-Raymond Abrial [72]
4Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh [22]
5Howard Barringer [15]
6Don S. Batory [72]
7Hans Bekic [16]
8Dines Bjørner [8] [16] [22]
9Jonathan P. Bowen [36]
10Jon Burton [63] [65]
11Michael J. Butler [72] [75]
12Ricky W. Butler [36]
13J. H. Cheng [15]
14Alessandro Coglio [72]
15Joey W. Coleman [78] [79]
16Pierre Collette [44]
17D. J. Cooke [59]
18John Cooke [60]
19Simon P. DiMaio [46]
20David L. Dill [36]
21John E. Dobson [51]
22Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [61] [62]
23Kathi Fisler [72]
24John S. Fitzgerald [27] [40] [86]
25Marie-Claude Gaudel [61] [62]
26Robert L. Glass [36]
27David Gries [36]
28Anthony Hall [36]
29Michael R. Hansen [58]
30Ian J. Hayes [57] [82]
31Eric C. R. Hehner [72]
32Wolfgang Henhapl [1] [5] [16]
33Michael G. Hinchey (Mike Hinchey) [36]
34Steve J. Hodges [35]
35C. Michael Holloway [36]
36John R. D. Hughes [89]
37Daniel Jackson [36]
38Michael A. Jackson [57] [82]
39Simon L. Peyton Jones [72]
40Henry F. Korth [61] [62]
41Gary T. Leavens [72]
42Rogério de Lemos [61] [62]
43Peter A. Lindsay [24]
44Zhiming Liu [84] [85]
45David B. Lomet [61] [62] [64] [73] [74] [76]
46M. Lonergan [48]
47Peter Lucas [16] [40]
48Michael J. Lutz [36]
49Kees Middelburg (C. A. Middelburg) [31]
50Dale Miller [72]
51Richard Moore [23]
52J. Eliot B. Moss [61] [62]
53Erich J. Neuhold [22]
54T. N. Nipkow [19]
55Christiane Notarmarco [59]
56Peter W. O'Hearn [69]
57David Lorge Parnas [36]
58Panayiotis Periorellis [52]
59Ken G. Pierce [81] [91]
60Rob Procter [51]
61Ravi Rajwar [61] [62]
62Krithi Ramamritham [61] [62]
63Brian Randell [61] [62]
64Luís Rodrigues [61] [62]
65Alexander Romanovsky (Alexander B. Romanovsky) [52] [53] [61] [62] [64] [73] [74] [75] [76]
66Mark Rouncefield [51]
67John M. Rushby [36]
68S. E. Salcudean (Septimiu E. Salcudean, Tim Salcudean) [46]
69Jeff W. Sanders [68]
70Mohammad Reza Sirouspour [46]
71Murali Sitaraman [72]
72Douglas R. Smith [72]
73Aaron Stump [72]
74Elena Troubitsyna [75]
75Gerhard Weikum [61] [62] [64] [73] [74] [76]
76Ian Welch [52] [53]
77Robin Williams [51]
78Jeannette M. Wing [36]
79Mario Wolczko [19]
80Jim Woodcock (J. C. P. Woodcock) [69] [80] [84] [85] [88]
81Pamela Zave [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)