
Hans Bekic

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16 Hans Bekic: Note on a Test Example for ALGOL 60 Compilers by D. E. Knuth. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 1
15 Hans Bekic, Dines Bjørner, Wolfgang Henhapl, Cliff B. Jones, Peter Lucas: On the Formal Definition of a PL/I Subset (Selected parts). Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 107-155
14 Hans Bekic: Mathematical Semantics and Compiler Correctness. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 156-167
13 Hans Bekic: Towards a Mathematical Theory of Processes. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 168-206
12 Hans Bekic: Defining a Language in its Own Terms. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 17-25
11 Hans Bekic: The Assignment to a Type Procedure Identifier in ALGOL 60. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 2-3
10 Hans Bekic: Comments on [Opus 46]. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 207-214
9 Hans Bekic: The Semantics of Parallel Processing. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 215-229
8 Hans Bekic: Nondeterministic Functions and the Semantics of CSP. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 230-239
7 Hans Bekic: Nondeterministic Programs: An Example. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 240-247
6 Hans Bekic: A Model of Nondeterminism: Indexed Sets and Their Equivalence. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 248-254
5 Hans Bekic: Note on Some Problems Concerning the PL/I Manual and its Rewriting. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 26-29
4 Hans Bekic: Definable Operation in General Algebras, and the Theory of Automata and Flowcharts. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 30-55
3 Hans Bekic: The Meaning of Names in PL/I. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 4-16
2 Hans Bekic, Kurt Walk: Formalization of Storage Properties. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 56-85
1 Hans Bekic: On the formal Definition of Programming Language. Programming Languages and Their Definition 1984: 86-106

Coauthor Index

1Dines Bjørner [15]
2Wolfgang Henhapl [15]
3Cliff B. Jones [15]
4Peter Lucas [15]
5Kurt Walk [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)