
Michael J. Butler

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54 Egon Börger, Michael J. Butler, Jonathan P. Bowen, Paul Boca: Abstract State Machines, B and Z, First International Conference, ABZ 2008, London, UK, September 16-18, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
53EEColin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: UML-B: A Plug-in for the Event-B Tool Set. ABZ 2008: 344
52EEJean-Raymond Abrial, Michael J. Butler, Stefan Hallerstede, Laurent Voisin: A Roadmap for the Rodin Toolset. ABZ 2008: 347
51EEKriangsak Damchoom, Michael J. Butler, Jean-Raymond Abrial: Modelling and Proof of a Tree-Structured File System in Event-B and Rodin. ICFEM 2008: 25-44
50EEMichael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler: ProB: an automated analysis toolset for the B method. STTT 10(2): 185-203 (2008)
49EEMichael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler, Corinna Spermann, Edd Turner: Symmetry Reduction for B by Permutation Flooding. B 2007: 79-93
48EEManoranjan Satpathy, Michael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, S. Ramesh: Automatic Testing from Formal Specifications. TAP 2007: 95-113
47EEEdd Turner, Michael Leuschel, Corinna Spermann, Michael J. Butler: Symmetry Reduced Model Checking for B. TASE 2007: 25-34
46 Michael J. Butler, Cliff B. Jones, Alexander Romanovsky, Elena Troubitsyna: Rigorous Development of Complex Fault-Tolerant Systems [FP6 IST-511599 RODIN project] Springer 2006
45EENeil Evans, Michael J. Butler: A Proposal for Records in Event-B. FM 2006: 221-235
44EEGary T. Leavens, Jean-Raymond Abrial, Don S. Batory, Michael J. Butler, Alessandro Coglio, Kathi Fisler, Eric C. R. Hehner, Cliff B. Jones, Dale Miller, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Murali Sitaraman, Douglas R. Smith, Aaron Stump: Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification. GPCE 2006: 221-236
43EEJean-Raymond Abrial, Michael J. Butler, Stefan Hallerstede, Laurent Voisin: An Open Extensible Tool Environment for Event-B. ICFEM 2006: 588-605
42EEColin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: UML-B: Formal modeling and design aided by UML. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 15(1): 92-122 (2006)
41EEMichael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, Colin F. Snook: Tools for System Validation with B Abstract Machines. Abstract State Machines 2005: 57-69
40EERoberto Bruni, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, C. A. R. Hoare, Hernán C. Melgratti, Ugo Montanari: Comparing Two Approaches to Compensable Flow Composition. CONCUR 2005: 383-397
39EEMichael J. Butler, Shamim Ripon: Executable Semantics for Compensating CSP. EPEW/WS-FM 2005: 243-256
38EEMichael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel: Combining CSP and B for Specification and Property Verification. FM 2005: 221-236
37EEMichael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler: Automatic Refinement Checking for B. ICFEM 2005: 345-359
36EEAbdolbaghi Rezazadeh, Michael J. Butler: Some Guidelines for Formal Development of Web-Based Applications in B-Method. ZB 2005: 472-492
35EEManoranjan Satpathy, Michael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler: ProTest: An Automatic Test Environment for B Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 111: 113-136 (2005)
34EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Muan Yong Ng: Precise Modelling of Compensating Business Transactions and its Application to BPEL. J. UCS 11(5): 712-743 (2005)
33EEMichael J. Butler, C. A. R. Hoare, Carla Ferreira: A Trace Semantics for Long-Running Transactions. 25 Years Communicating Sequential Processes 2004: 133-150
32EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira: An Operational Semantics for StAC, a Language for Modelling Long-Running Business Transactions. COORDINATION 2004: 87-104
31EEStéphane Lo Presti, Michael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, Chris Booth: A Trust Analysis Methodology for Pervasive Computing Systems. Trusting Agents for Trusting Electronic Societies 2004: 129-143
30EEMichael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, Stéphane Lo Presti, Phillip Turner: The Use of Formal Methods in the Analysis of Trust (Position Paper). iTrust 2004: 333-339
29EEStefan Hallerstede, Michael J. Butler: Performance analysis of probabilistic action systems. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(4): 313-331 (2004)
28EEJuan Carlos Augusto, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Stephen-John Craig: Using SPIN and STeP to Verify Business Processes Specifications. Ershov Memorial Conference 2003: 207-213
27EEMichael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler: ProB: A Model Checker for B. FME 2003: 855-874
26EEMuan Yong Ng, Michael J. Butler: Towards Formalizing UML State Diagrams in CSP. SEFM 2003: 138-
25EECarla Ferreira, Michael J. Butler: Using B Refinement to Analyse Compensating Business Processes. ZB 2003: 477-496
24 Michael J. Butler, Luigia Petre, Kaisa Sere: Integrated Formal Methods, Third International Conference, IFM 2002, Turku, Finland, May 15-18, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
23EEMuan Yong Ng, Michael J. Butler: Tool Support for Visualizing CSP in UML. ICFEM 2002: 287-298
22EELeonid Mikhailov, Michael J. Butler: An Approach to Combining B and Alloy. ZB 2002: 140-161
21EEMichael J. Butler: On the Use of Data Refinement in the Development of Secure Communications Systems. Formal Asp. Comput. 14(1): 2-34 (2002)
20EEMandy Chessell, Catherine Griffin, David Vines, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Peter Henderson: Extending the concept of transaction compensation. IBM Systems Journal 41(4): 743-758 (2002)
19EEPieter H. Hartel, Michael J. Butler, Eduard de Jong, Mark Longley: Transacted Memory for Smart Cards. FME 2001: 478-499
18EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira: A Process Compensation Language. IFM 2000: 61-76
17EEManoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison, Colin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: A Generic Model for Assessing Process Quality. IWSM 2000: 94-110
16EEMichael J. Butler, Mairead Meagher: Performing Algorithmic Refinement before Data Refinement in B. ZB 2000: 324-343
15EEMichael J. Butler: csp2B: A Practical Approach to Combining CSP and B. Formal Asp. Comput. 12(3): 182-198 (2000)
14EEPieter H. Hartel, Michael J. Butler, Moshe Levy: The Operational Semantics of a Java Secure Processor. Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java 1999: 313-352
13EEMichael J. Butler: csp2B: A Practical Approach to Combining CSP and B. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 490-508
12EEMichael J. Butler, Pieter H. Hartel: Reasoning about Grover's quantum search algorithm using probabilistic wp. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 21(3): 417-429 (1999)
11 Michael J. Butler: Calculational Derivation of Pointer Algorithms from Tree Operations. Sci. Comput. Program. 33(3): 221-260 (1999)
10EERalph-Johan Back, Michael J. Butler: Fusion and Simultaneous Execution in the Refinement Calculus. Acta Inf. 35(11): 921-949 (1998)
9 Michael J. Butler: An Approach to the Design of Distributed Systems with B AMN. ZUM 1997: 223-241
8 Michael J. Butler, Thomas Långbacka: Program Derivation Using the Refinement Calculator. TPHOLs 1996: 93-108
7 Michael J. Butler: Stepwise Refinement of Communicating Systems. Sci. Comput. Program. 27(2): 139-173 (1996)
6 Michael J. Butler, Emil Sekerinski, Kaisa Sere: An Action System Approach to the Steam Boiler Problem. Formal Methods for Industrial Applications 1995: 129-148
5 Ralph-Johan Back, Michael J. Butler: Exploring Summation and Product Operators in the Refinement Calculus. MPC 1995: 128-158
4 Michael J. Butler, Carroll Morgan: Action Systemes, Unbounded Nondeterminism, and Infinite Traces. Formal Asp. Comput. 7(1): 37-53 (1995)
3 Michael J. Butler: Refinement and Decomposition of Value-Passing Action Systems. CONCUR 1993: 217-232
2 Michael J. Butler: Behavioural Extension for CSP. VDM Europe (1) 1991: 254-267
1 Michael J. Butler: Service Extension at the Specification Level. Z User Workshop 1990: 319-333

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Raymond Abrial [43] [44] [51] [52]
2Juan Carlos Augusto [28]
3Ralph-Johan Back [5] [10]
4Don S. Batory [44]
5Paul Boca [54]
6Chris Booth [31]
7Egon Börger [54]
8Jonathan P. Bowen [54]
9Roberto Bruni [40]
10Mandy Chessell [20]
11Alessandro Coglio [44]
12Stephen-John Craig [28]
13Kriangsak Damchoom [51]
14Neil Evans [45]
15Carla Ferreira [18] [20] [25] [28] [32] [33] [34] [40]
16Kathi Fisler [44]
17Catherine Griffin [20]
18Stefan Hallerstede [29] [43] [52]
19Rachel Harrison [17]
20Pieter H. Hartel [12] [14] [19]
21Eric C. R. Hehner [44]
22Peter Henderson [20]
23C. A. R. Hoare (Tony Hoare) [33] [40]
24Cliff B. Jones [44] [46]
25Simon L. Peyton Jones [44]
26Eduard de Jong [19]
27Thomas Långbacka [8]
28Gary T. Leavens [44]
29Michael Leuschel [27] [30] [31] [35] [37] [38] [41] [47] [48] [49] [50]
30Moshe Levy [14]
31Mark Longley [19]
32Mairead Meagher [16]
33Hernán C. Melgratti [40]
34Leonid Mikhailov [22]
35Dale Miller [44]
36Ugo Montanari [40]
37Carroll Morgan [4]
38Muan Yong Ng [23] [26] [34]
39Luigia Petre [24]
40Stéphane Lo Presti [30] [31]
41S. Ramesh (Sethu Ramesh) [48]
42Abdolbaghi Rezazadeh [36]
43Shamim Ripon [39]
44Alexander Romanovsky (Alexander B. Romanovsky) [46]
45Manoranjan Satpathy [17] [35] [48]
46Emil Sekerinski [6]
47Kaisa Sere [6] [24]
48Murali Sitaraman [44]
49Douglas R. Smith [44]
50Colin F. Snook [17] [41] [42] [53]
51Corinna Spermann [47] [49]
52Aaron Stump [44]
53Elena Troubitsyna [46]
54Edd Turner [47] [49]
55Phillip Turner [30]
56David Vines [20]
57Laurent Voisin [43] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)