
Ian Welch

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23EEDavid Stirling, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk: Designing Workflows for Grid Enabled Internet Instruments. CCGRID 2008: 218-225
22EEChristian Seifert, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, Deborah A. Frincke, Peter Komisarczuk, Radu Muschevici, Ian Welch: Identifying and Analyzing Web Server Attacks. IFIP Int. Conf. Digital Forensics 2008: 151-161
21EEChristian Seifert, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk, Chiraag Uday Aval, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky: Identification of malicious web pages through analysis of underlying DNS and web server relationships. LCN 2008: 935-941
20EEChristian Seifert, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk: Application of divide-and-conquer algorithm paradigm to improve the detection speed of high interaction client honeypots. SAC 2008: 1426-1432
19EEYvonne Coady, Corrado Santoro, Emiliano Tramontana, Ian Welch: Special track on Programming for Separation of Concerns: editorial message. SAC 2008: 251-252
18EEKris Bubendorfer, Ian Welch, Blayne Chard: Trustworthy Auctions for Grid-Style Economies. CCGRID 2006: 386-390
17EEIan Welch, Fan Lu: Policy-driven reflective enforcement of security policies. SAC 2006: 1580-1584
16EEEmiliano Tramontana, Ian Welch: Reflections on Programming with Grid Toolkits. RAM-SE 2004: 3-8
15EECliff B. Jones, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch: A Structured Approach to Handling On-Line Interface Upgrades. COMPSAC 2002: 1000-1005
14EECliff B. Jones, Panayiotis Periorellis, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch: Structured Handling of Online Interface Upgrades in Integrating Dependable Systems of Systems. FIDJI 2002: 73-86
13 Ian Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Using Reflection as a Mechanism for Enforcing Security Policies on Compiled Code. Journal of Computer Security 10(4): 399-432 (2002)
12EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Kava - Using Byte code Rewriting to add Behavioural Reflection to Java. COOTS 2001: 119-130
11EEEric Jul, Andrew P. Black, Doug Lea, Robert E. Filman, Ian Welch: Panel: The Next 700 Distributed Object Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2001: 208-212
10EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud, Alexander B. Romanovsky: Aspects of Exceptions at the Meta-level. Reflection 2001: 280-281
9EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Using Reflection as a Mechanism for Enforcing Security Policies in Mobile Code. ESORICS 2000: 309-323
8 Ian Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Runtime Implementation of Aspects Using Kava. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 303-304
7EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Supporting Real World Security Models in Java. FTDCS 1999: 155-162
6EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: From Dalang to Kava - The Evolution of a Reflective Java Extension. Reflection 1999: 2-21
5EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Kava - A Reflective Java Based on Bytecode Rewriting. Reflection and Software Engineering 1999: 155-167
4 Avelino F. Zorzo, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Jie Xu, Brian Randell, Robert J. Stroud, Ian Welch: Using Coordinated Atomic Actions to Design Safety-Critical Systems: a Production Cell Case Study. Softw., Pract. Exper. 29(8): 677-697 (1999)
3EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Adaptation of Connectors in Software Architectures. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 145-146
2EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: Dynamic Adaptation of the Security Properties of Applications and Components. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 282
1EEIan Welch, Robert J. Stroud: A Reflective Java Class Loader. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 374-375

Coauthor Index

1Chiraag Uday Aval [21]
2Andrew P. Black [11]
3Kris Bubendorfer [18]
4Blayne Chard [18]
5Yvonne Coady [19]
6Barbara Endicott-Popovsky [21] [22]
7Robert E. Filman [11]
8Deborah A. Frincke [22]
9Cliff B. Jones [14] [15]
10Eric Jul [11]
11Peter Komisarczuk [20] [21] [22] [23]
12Doug Lea [11]
13Fan Lu [17]
14Radu Muschevici [22]
15Panayiotis Periorellis [14]
16Brian Randell [4]
17Alexander Romanovsky (Alexander B. Romanovsky) [4] [10] [14] [15]
18Corrado Santoro [19]
19Christian Seifert [20] [21] [22]
20David Stirling [23]
21Robert J. Stroud [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
22Emiliano Tramontana [16] [19]
23Jie Xu [4]
24Avelino Francisco Zorzo (Avelino F. Zorzo) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)