1. FME 1993:
Jim Woodcock, Peter Gorm Larsen (Eds.):
FME '93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods, First International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Odense, Denmark, April 19-23, 1993, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 670 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-56662-7 BibTeX
editor = {Jim Woodcock and
Peter Gorm Larsen},
title = {FME '93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods, First International
Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Odense, Denmark, April 19-23,
1993, Proceedings},
booktitle = {FME},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {670},
year = {1993},
isbn = {3-540-56662-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
Industrial Usage Reports
- Egidio Astesiano, Gianna Reggio:
A Metalanguage for the Formal Requirement Specification of Reactive Systems.
110-128 BibTeX
- Geoff Barrett:
Model Checking in Practice - The T9000 Virtual Channel Processor.
129-147 BibTeX
- Juan Bicarregui:
Algorithm Refinement with Read and Write Frames.
148-161 BibTeX
- Juan Bicarregui, Brian Ritchie:
Invariants, Frames and Postconditions: a Comparison of the VDM and B Notations.
162-182 BibTeX
- Jonathan P. Bowen, Victoria Stavridou:
The Industrial Take-up of Formal Methods in Safety-Critical and Other Areas: A Perspective.
183-195 BibTeX
- Naima Brown, Dominique Méry:
A Proof Environment for Concurrent Programs.
196-215 BibTeX
- Andrew Butterfield:
A VDM Study of Fault-Tolerant Stable Storage - Towards a Computer Engineering Mathematics.
216-234 BibTeX
- Liang Chen, Alistair Munro:
Applications of Modal Logic for the Specification of Real-Time Systems.
235-249 BibTeX
- Dan Craigen, Susan L. Gerhart, Ted Ralston:
Formal Methods Reality Check: Industrial Usage.
250-267 BibTeX
- Jeremy Dick, Alain Faivre:
Automating the Generation and Sequencing of Test Cases from Model-Based Specifications.
268-284 BibTeX
- Guillaume Doumenc, Jean-François Monin:
The Parallel Abstract Machine: A Common Execution Model for FDTs.
285-293 BibTeX
- Kai Engelhardt, Willem P. de Roever:
Generalizing Abadi & Lamport's Method to Solve a Problem Posed by A. Pnueli.
294-313 BibTeX
- Colin J. Fidge:
Real-Time Refinement.
314-331 BibTeX
- Joachim Fischer, Andreas Prinz, Andreas Vogel:
Different FDT's Confronted with Different ODP-Viewpoints of the Trader.
332-350 BibTeX
- Thomas Günther, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Ingrid Wetzel:
On the Derivation of Executable Database Programs from Formal Specifications.
351-366 BibTeX
- Anne Elisabeth Haxthausen, Chris George:
A Concurrency Case Study Using RAISE.
367-387 BibTeX
- Jonathan Jacky:
Specifying a Safety-Critical Control System in Z.
388-402 BibTeX
- H. B. M. Jonkers:
An Overview of the SPRINT Method.
403-427 BibTeX
- Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Nikolaj S. Nikitchenko, Vladimir Zadorozhny:
Application of Composition Development Method for definition of SYNTHESIS information resource query language semantics.
428-441 BibTeX
- M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Paritosh K. Pandya, R. K. Shyamasundar:
Verification Tools in the Development of Provably Correct Compilers.
442-461 BibTeX
- Andrew Martin:
Encoding W: A Logic for Z in 2OBJ.
462-481 BibTeX
- Sam Owre, John M. Rushby, Natarajan Shankar, Friedrich W. von Henke:
Formal Verification for Fault-Tolerant Architectures: Some Lessons Learned.
482-500 BibTeX
- Graeme I. Parkin, Brian A. Wichmann:
Conformity Clause for VDM-SL.
501-520 BibTeX
- Simon Pickin, Yan Yang, Wiet Bouma, Sylvie Simon, Tanja de Groot:
Process Instances in LOTOS Simulation.
521-540 BibTeX
- Fiona Polack, Mark Whiston, Keith Mander:
The SAZ Project: Integrating SSADM and Z..
541-557 BibTeX
- Kelvin J. Ross, Peter A. Lindsay:
Maintaining Consistency Under Changes to Formal Specifications.
558-577 BibTeX
- Mark Saaltink, Sentot Kromodimoeljo, Bill Pase, Dan Craigen, Irwin Meisels:
An EVES Data Abstraction Example.
578-596 BibTeX
- Antti Valmari, Jukka Kemppainen, Matthew Clegg, Mikko Levanto:
Putting Advanced Reachability Analysis Techniques Together: the "ARA" Tool.
597-616 BibTeX
- Thony van der Vloedt, Kees Bogaards:
Integrating SA/RT with LOTOS.
617-631 BibTeX
- Farn Wang, Aloysius K. Mok, E. Allen Emerson:
Symbolic Model Checking for Distributed Real-Time Systems.
632-651 BibTeX
- Nigel Ward:
Adding Specification Constructors to the Refinement Calculus.
652-670 BibTeX
- Debora Weber-Wulff:
Selling Formal Methods to Industry.
671-678 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:14 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)