
Ali Jahanian

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8EEAli Jahanian, Morteza Saheb Zamani: Improved performance and yield with chip master planning design methodology. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 185-190
7EEAdel Dokhanchi, Mostafa Rezvani, Ali Jahanian, Morteza Saheb Zamani: Performance Improvement of Physical Retiming with Shortcut Insertion. ISVLSI 2008: 215-220
6EEAli Jahanian, Morteza Saheb Zamani: Improved timing closure by early buffer planning in floor-placement design flow. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 558-563
5EEMehdi Saeedi, Morteza Saheb Zamani, Ali Jahanian: Evaluation, prediction and reduction of routing congestion. Microelectronics Journal 38(8-9): 942-958 (2007)
4EEMehdi Saeedi, Morteza Saheb Zamani, Ali Jahanian: Prediction and reduction of routing congestion. ISPD 2006: 72-77
3EEAli Jahanian, Morteza Saheb Zamani: Multi-Level Buffer Block Planning and Buffer Insertion for Large Design Circuits. ISVLSI 2006: 411-415
2EEHamid Safizadeh, Hamid Noori, Mehdi Sedighi, Ali Jahanian, Neda Zolfaghari: Efficient Host-Independent Coprocessor Architecture for Speech Coding Algorithms. DSD 2005: 227-230
1EEMohammad K. Akbari, Ali Jahanian, Mohsen Naderi, Bahman Javadi: Area Efficient, Low Power and Robust Design for Add-Compare-Select Units. DSD 2004: 611-614

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad K. Akbari [1]
2Adel Dokhanchi [7]
3Bahman Javadi [1]
4Mohsen Naderi [1]
5Hamid Noori [2]
6Mostafa Rezvani [7]
7Mehdi Saeedi [4] [5]
8Hamid Safizadeh [2]
9Mehdi Sedighi [2]
10Morteza Saheb Zamani [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11Neda Zolfaghari [2]

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