
Eugene R. Hnatek

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9EEDonald Staab, Eugene R. Hnatek: Diagnosing IC Failures in a Fast Environment. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 14(3): 70-75 (1997)
8 Alex M. Ijaz, Eugene R. Hnatek: User Application of Statistical Process Monitor Techniques to ASIC Critical Parameters. ITC 1995: 233-241
7 Rick Boyle, Jack Donovan, Eugene R. Hnatek, Alex M. Ijaz: Application of Statistical Techniques to Critical System Parameters. ITC 1993: 108-114
6 Eugene R. Hnatek, Billy R. Livesay: Quality Issues of High Pin Count Fine Pitch VLSI Packages. ITC 1989: 397-422
5 Eugene R. Hnatek: IC Burn-In : The Changing Scene. ITC 1986: 228-231
4 Eugene R. Hnatek: Thoughts on VLSI Burn-in. ITC 1984: 531-535
3 Beau R. Wilson Jr., Eugene R. Hnatek: Problems Encountered in Developing VLSI Test Programs for COT (A Practical Outlook). ITC 1984: 778-788
2 Eugene R. Hnatek, Beau R. Wilson Jr.: An Evaluation of the 2816 EEPROM. ITC 1982: 225-235
1 Eugene R. Hnatek: Documentation for Testability : The Supplier's Responsibility to the User. ITC 1981: 370-372

Coauthor Index

1Rick Boyle [7]
2Jack Donovan [7]
3Alex M. Ijaz [7] [8]
4Billy R. Livesay [6]
5Donald Staab [9]
6Beau R. Wilson Jr. [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)