
Thor I. Fossen

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11EEGianluca Antonelli, Thor I. Fossen, Dana R. Yoerger: Underwater Robotics. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 987-1008
10EEHåvard Fjær Grip, Lars Imsland, Tor Arne Johansen, Thor I. Fossen, Jens Kalkkuhl, Avshalom Suissa: Nonlinear vehicle side-slip estimation with friction adaptation. Automatica 44(3): 611-622 (2008)
9EEEva Alfaro-Cid, Euan William McGookin, David James Murray-Smith, Thor I. Fossen: Genetic Programming for the Automatic Design of Controllers for a Surface Ship. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(2): 311-321 (2008)
8EEIvar-André F. Ihle, Murat Arcak, Thor I. Fossen: Passivity-based designs for synchronized path-following. Automatica 43(9): 1508-1518 (2007)
7EEMorten Breivik, Maxim V. Subbotin, Thor I. Fossen: Guided Formation Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots. ICARCV 2006: 1-7
6EEFilippo Arrichiello, Stefano Chiaverini, Thor I. Fossen: Formation Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels using the Null-Space-Based Behavioral Control. IROS 2006: 5942-5947
5EELars Imsland, Tor Arne Johansen, Thor I. Fossen, Håvard Fjær Grip, Jens Kalkkuhl, Avshalom Suissa: Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers. Automatica 42(12): 2091-2103 (2006)
4EERoger Skjetne, Thor I. Fossen, Petar V. Kokotovic: Adaptive maneuvering, with experiments, for a model ship in a marine control laboratory. Automatica 41(2): 289-298 (2005)
3EEThor I. Fossen: A Nonlinear Unified State-Space Model for Ship Maneuvering and Control in a Seaway. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(9): 2717-2746 (2005)
2EERoger Skjetne, Thor I. Fossen, Petar V. Kokotovic: Robust output maneuvering for a class of nonlinear systems. Automatica 40(3): 373-383 (2004)
1EEAlbert Figueras, Joan Colomer-Llinas, Thor I. Fossen, Josep Lluís de la Rosa: Supervision of Robot Control. RoboCup 2001: 337-342

Coauthor Index

1Eva Alfaro-Cid [9]
2Gianluca Antonelli [11]
3Murat Arcak [8]
4Filippo Arrichiello [6]
5Morten Breivik [7]
6Stefano Chiaverini [6]
7Joan Colomer-Llinas [1]
8Albert Figueras [1]
9Håvard Fjær Grip [5] [10]
10Ivar-André F. Ihle [8]
11Lars Imsland [5] [10]
12Tor Arne Johansen [5] [10]
13Jens Kalkkuhl [5] [10]
14Petar V. Kokotovic [2] [4]
15Euan William McGookin [9]
16David James Murray-Smith [9]
17Josep Lluís de la Rosa [1]
18Roger Skjetne [2] [4]
19Maxim V. Subbotin [7]
20Avshalom Suissa [5] [10]
21Dana R. Yoerger [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)