3. ICCI 1991:
Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Frantisek Fiala, Waldemar W. Koczkodaj (Eds.):
Advances in Computing and Information - ICCI'91, International Conference on Computing and Information, Ottawa, Canada, May 27-29, 1991, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 497 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-54029-6 BibTeX
editor = {Frank K. H. A. Dehne and
Frantisek Fiala and
Waldemar W. Koczkodaj},
title = {Advances in Computing and Information - ICCI'91, International
Conference on Computing and Information, Ottawa, Canada, May
27-29, 1991, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICCI},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {497},
year = {1991},
isbn = {3-540-54029-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
1. Invited Papers
2. Algorithms and Complexity
- Yung-Chen Hung, Gen-Huey Chen:
On the Quickest Path Problem.
44-46 BibTeX
- Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood:
Practical Adaptive Sorting.
47-54 BibTeX
- Nader H. Bshouty:
Lower Bounds for Algebraic Computation Trees of Functions with Finite Domains.
55-65 BibTeX
- James Haralambides, Fillia Makedon:
Approximation Algorithms for the Bandwidth Minimization Problem for a Large Class of Trees.
66-77 BibTeX
- Aris M. Ouksel, Anan Yaagoub:
The Interpolation-Based Bintree and its Application to Graphics.
78-89 BibTeX
- Martin C. Carlisle, Errol L. Lloyd:
On the k-Coloring of Intervals.
90-101 BibTeX
- Ali A. Kooshesh, Bernard M. E. Moret:
Folding a Triangulated Simple Polygon: Structural and Algorithmic Results.
102-110 BibTeX
- Tony W. Lai, Derick Wood:
A Relationship Between Self-Organizing Lists and Binary Search Trees.
111-116 BibTeX
- Helen Cameron, Derick Wood:
How Costly Can Red-Black Trees Be?
117-126 BibTeX
- Helen Cameron, Derick Wood:
Balance in AVL Trees.
127-133 BibTeX
- Michel Cosnard, Afonso Ferreira:
A Tight Lower Bound for Selection in Sorted X+Y.
134-138 BibTeX
- Christos Levcopoulos, Andrzej Lingas:
Greedy Triangulation Approximates the Optimum and Can Be Implemented in Linear Time in the Average Case.
139-148 BibTeX
- Rajeev Raman:
Generating Random Graphs Efficiently.
149-160 BibTeX
- Ivan Rival, Siming Zhan:
Linear Extensions with Backtracking.
161-168 BibTeX
- Jindong Chen, Yijie Han:
Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron.
169-180 BibTeX
3. Databases and Information Systems
- Kok-Phuang Tan, T. C. Tan:
An Improved Join Dependency for Efficient Constraint Checking.
182-184 BibTeX
- Jiawei Han:
On the Power of Query-Independent Compilation.
185-196 BibTeX
- Anestis A. Toptsis:
Parallel Transitive Closure Computation in Highly Scalable Multiprocessors.
197-206 BibTeX
- Bogdan D. Czejdo, Malcolm C. Taylor:
Methods and Tools for Integrating Database Systems and Object-Oriented Programming Systems.
207-218 BibTeX
- Ke Wang, Li-Yan Yuan:
Incremental Database Design Revisited.
219-230 BibTeX
- Dik Lun Lee, Wai Yee Peter Wong:
Partial Document Ranking by Heuristic Methods.
231-239 BibTeX
- Li Yu, Sylvia L. Osborn:
Context Inheritance and Content Inheritance in an Object-Oriented Data Model.
240-251 BibTeX
- Bogdan D. Czejdo, Ralph P. Tucci, David W. Embley:
Graphical Specification of Recursive Queries.
252-263 BibTeX
- Michio Nakanishi, Yoshiki Katsuyama, Minoru Ito, Akihiro Hashimoto:
On Designing Relational Database Schemes for Efficient Query Processing.
264-275 BibTeX
- Mohamed Eltoweissy, Nagwa M. El-Makky, M. Abougabal, Souheir A. Fouad:
The Mean Value Approach to Performance Evaluation of Time-Stamp Ordering Algorithms.
276-287 BibTeX
- Budi Yuwono, Dik Lun Lee:
A Backend Text Retrieval Machine for Signature-Based Document Ranking.
288-297 BibTeX
4. Parallel Processing and Systems
- Piyush Maheshwari:
Partitioning and Scheduling of Parallel Functional Programs Using Complexity Information.
300-311 BibTeX
- Ravi Mittal, Bijendra N. Jain, Rakesh K. Patney:
Subtree Availability in Binary Tree Architectures.
312-322 BibTeX
- Ip-Wang Chan, Donald K. Friesen:
An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for the Vertical Segment Visibility Reporting Problem.
323-334 BibTeX
- Siu-Cheung Chau, Arthur L. Liestman:
A Fault-Tolerant Binary Tree Architecture.
335-346 BibTeX
- Lih-Hsing Hsu, Jones J. J. Wang:
Undordered Tree Contraction.
347-349 BibTeX
- Chang-Biau Yang, Richard C. T. Lee, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
Conflict-Free Sorting Algorithms Under Single-Channel and Multi-Channel Broadcast Communication Models.
350-359 BibTeX
- Ke Qiu, Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl:
Parallel Routing and Sorting of the Pancake Network.
360-371 BibTeX
- Eric S. Kirsch, Jean R. S. Blair:
Practical Parallel Algorithms for Chordal Graphs.
372-382 BibTeX
- Lin Chen:
Logarithmic Time NC Algorithms for Comparability Graphs and Circle Graphs.
383-394 BibTeX
- Alfred J. Boals, Ajay K. Gupta, Jahangir A. Hashmi, Naveed A. Sherwani:
Compact Hypercubes: Properties and Recognition.
395-402 BibTeX
- Zhiyong Liu, Jia-Huai You:
Increasing Communication Bandwidth on Hypercube.
403-414 BibTeX
- Daniel Herman, Laurent Trilling:
Programming a Parallel Sort Using Distributed Procedure Calls.
415-417 BibTeX
- Danny Krizanc:
A Note on Off-Line Permutation Routing on a Mesh-Connected Processor Array.
418-420 BibTeX
- Jean Frédéric Myoupo:
A Fully-Pipelined Solutions Constructor for Dynamic Programming Problems.
421-430 BibTeX
- Marc Baumslag:
On the Fault-Tolerance of Quasi-Minimal Cayley Networks.
431-442 BibTeX
- Sajal K. Das, Calvin Ching-Yuen Chen, Gene Lewis, Sushil K. Prasad:
Some Fast Parallel Algorithms for Parentheses Matching.
443-454 BibTeX
- Rong Lin, Stephan Olariu:
A Simple Optimal Parallel Algorithm to Solve the Lowest Common Ancestor Problem.
455-461 BibTeX
- Supratim Biswas, Amitabha Sanyal, L. M. Tewari:
Extended Cycle Shrinking: A Restructuring Method for Parallel Compilation.
462-470 BibTeX
- J. Ben Rosen, Guoliang Xue:
Sequential and Distributed Algorithms for the All Pairs Quickest Path Problem.
471-473 BibTeX
- Alfred J. Boals, Ajay K. Gupta, Jahangir A. Hashmi, Naveed A. Sherwani:
An Efficient Approximation Algorithm for Hypercube Scheduling.
474-483 BibTeX
- Stephan Olariu, C. Michael Overstreet, Zhaofang Wen:
An Optimal Parallel Algorithm to Reconstruct a Binary Tree from its Traversals.
484-495 BibTeX
- Hee Yong Youn:
An Efficient Multiprocessor Architecture for Image Processing in VLSI.
496-507 BibTeX
5. Distributed Computing and Systems
- Pradip K. Srimani:
Generalized Fault Tolerance Properties of Star Graphs.
510-519 BibTeX
- B. Gopinath, Ambuj K. Singh, Prem Uppaluru:
A Formal Description of the IC* Model of Parallel Computation.
520-531 BibTeX
- Satyendra P. Rana:
An Efficient Algorithm for Quiescence Detection in a Distributed System.
532-534 BibTeX
- C. Murray Woodside, Shikharesh Majumdar, John E. Neilson:
Interval Arithmetic for Computing Performance Guarantees in Client-Server Software.
535-546 BibTeX
- Ghasem S. Alijani, Horst Wedde:
Enhanced Reliability in Scheduling Critical Tasks for Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems.
547-558 BibTeX
- Reda A. Ammar, Ping Zhang:
A Design and Modeling Environment to Develop Real-Time, Distributed Software Systems.
559-570 BibTeX
- Wanlei Zhou, Brian Molinari:
On the Management of Remote Procedure Call Transactions.
571-581 BibTeX
- Lefteris M. Kirousis, Paul G. Spirakis, Philippas Tsigas:
Simple Atomic Snapshots: A Linear Complexity Solution with Unbounded Time-Stamps.
582-587 BibTeX
- Osman ZeinElDine, Mohamed Eltoweissy, Ravi Mukkamala:
A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems.
588-598 BibTeX
- Michel Raynal:
A Distributed Solution to the k-out of-M Resources Allocation Problem.
599-609 BibTeX
- Horst Wedde, Douglas C. Daniels, Dorota M. Huizinga:
Efficient Distributed Resource Scheduling for Adaptive Real-Time Operation Support.
610-627 BibTeX
- Uma Bhattacharya, Swapan Bhattacharya:
Mapping of Fault-Tolerant Permutations in Omega.
628-639 BibTeX
6. Expert Systems,
Artificial Intelligence
- Abhay B. Bulsari, Henrik Saxén:
Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Silicon Content in Raw Iron From Blast Furnaces.
642-644 BibTeX
- Abhay B. Bulsari, Bjørn Saxén, Henrik Saxén:
A Chemical Reactor Selection Expert System Created by Training an Artificial Neural Network.
645-656 BibTeX
- Rattikorn Hewett:
A Modeling Technique for Generating Causal Explanations of Physical Systems.
657-668 BibTeX
- Leixuan Yang, Stan Szpakowicz:
Planning in Conceptual Networks.
669-671 BibTeX
- Patricia Cerrito, Waldemar Karwowski, Krzysztof Ostaszewski:
Empirical Study of the Meaning of the Hedge "VERY".
672-674 BibTeX
- M. A. Nait Abdallah:
Kernel Knowledge Versus Belt Knowledge in Default Reasoning: a Logical Approach.
675-686 BibTeX
- Eugeniusz Eberbach:
Neural Network Processing Elements as a New Generation of "Flip-Flops".
687-698 BibTeX
- Li-Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You, Cheng Hui Wang:
A Proof-Theoretic Framework for Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming.
699-708 BibTeX
- Li-Yan Yuan:
On Semantics, Syntactics and Fixpoints of General Programs.
709-720 BibTeX
- Anup Basu, Xiaobo Li:
A Framework for Variable -Resolution Vision.
721-732 BibTeX
- V. Sundararajan, Hitesh N. Dholakia, N. Parameswaran:
An RMS for Temporal Reasoning with Abstraction.
733-744 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:45 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)