
John M. Emmert

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20EEJohn M. Emmert, Charles E. Stroud, Miron Abramovici: Online Fault Tolerance for FPGA Logic Blocks. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(2): 216-226 (2007)
19EEJason A. Cheatham, John M. Emmert, Stanley Baumgart: A survey of fault tolerant methodologies for FPGAs. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 11(2): 501-533 (2006)
18EEMiron Abramovici, Charles E. Stroud, John M. Emmert: Online BIST and BIST-based diagnosis of FPGA logic blocks. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(12): 1284-1294 (2004)
17EEJohn M. Emmert, Jason A. Cheatham, Badhri Jagannathan, Sandeep Umarani: A Monolithic Spectral BIST Technique for Control or Test of Analog or Mixed-Signal Circuits. DFT 2003: 303-
16EEJohn M. Emmert, Jason A. Cheatham, Badhri Jagannathan, Sandeep Umarani: An FFT Approximation Technique Suitable for On-Chip Generation and Analysis of Sinusoidal Signals. DFT 2003: 361-368
15 John M. Emmert, Sandeep Lodha, Dinesh Bhatia: On Using Tabu Search for Design Automation of VLSI Systems. J. Heuristics 9(1): 75-90 (2003)
14EEJohn M. Emmert, Jason A. Cheatham: On-Line Incremental Routing for Interconnect Fault Tolerance in FPGAs Minus the Router . DFT 2001: 149-
13EEJohn M. Emmert, Stanley Baumgart, Pankaj Kataria, Andrew M. Taylor, Charles E. Stroud, Miron Abramovici: On-Line Fault Tolerance for FPGA Interconnect with Roving STARs. DFT 2001: 445-454
12EEMiron Abramovici, John M. Emmert, Charles E. Stroud: Roving Stars: An Integrated Approach To On-Line Testing, Diagnosis, And Fault Tolerance For Fpgas In Adaptive Computing Systems. Evolvable Hardware 2001: 73-92
11EEMiron Abramovici, Charles E. Stroud, Matthew Lashinsky, Jeremy Nall, John M. Emmert: On-Line BIST and Diagnosis of FPGA Interconnect Using Roving STARs. IOLTW 2001: 27-33
10EEJohn M. Emmert, Charles E. Stroud, Brandon Skaggs, Miron Abramovici: Dynamic Fault Tolerance in FPGAs via Partial Reconfiguration. FCCM 2000: 165-174
9EEJohn M. Emmert, Charles E. Stroud, Jason A. Cheatham, Andrew M. Taylor, Pankaj Kataria, Miron Abramovici: Performance Penalty for Fault Tolerance in Roving STARs. FPL 2000: 545-554
8EEMiron Abramovici, Charles E. Stroud, Brandon Skaggs, John M. Emmert: Improving On-Line BIST-Based Diagnosis for Roving STARs. IOLTW 2000: 31-39
7 Charles E. Stroud, John M. Emmert, John R. Bailey, Khushru S. Chhor, Dragan Nikolic: Bridging fault extraction from physical design data for manufacturing test development. ITC 2000: 760-769
6EEJohn M. Emmert, Dinesh K. Bhatia: A Fault Tolerant Technique for FPGAs. J. Electronic Testing 16(6): 591-606 (2000)
5EEJohn M. Emmert, Dinesh Bhatia: A Methodology for Fast FPGA Floorplanning. FPGA 1999: 47-56
4 John M. Emmert, Dinesh Bhatia: Tabu Search: Ultra-Fast Placement for FPGAs. FPL 1999: 81-90
3EEJohn M. Emmert, Dinesh Bhatia: Fast timing driven placement using tabu search. ISCAS (1) 1999: 302-305
2EEJohn M. Emmert, Akash Randhar, Dinesh Bhatia: Fast Floorplanning for FPGAs. FPL 1998: 129-138
1 John M. Emmert, Dinesh Bhatia: Partial reconfiguration of FPGA mapped designs with applications to fault tolerance and yield enhancement. FPL 1997: 141-150

Coauthor Index

1Miron Abramovici [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [18] [20]
2John R. Bailey [7]
3Stanley Baumgart [13] [19]
4Dinesh Bhatia [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [15]
5Dinesh K. Bhatia [6]
6Jason A. Cheatham [9] [14] [16] [17] [19]
7Khushru S. Chhor [7]
8Badhri Jagannathan [16] [17]
9Pankaj Kataria [9] [13]
10Matthew Lashinsky [11]
11Sandeep Lodha [15]
12Jeremy Nall [11]
13Dragan Nikolic [7]
14Akash Randhar [2]
15Brandon Skaggs [8] [10]
16Charles E. Stroud [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [18] [20]
17Andrew M. Taylor [9] [13]
18Sandeep Umarani [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)