
Eduardo A. C. da Costa

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12EELevent Aksoy, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, Paulo F. Flores, José C. Monteiro: Optimization of Area in Digital FIR Filters using Gate-Level Metrics. DAC 2007: 420-423
11EEEduardo A. C. da Costa, José C. Monteiro, Sergio Bampi: A new array architecture for signed multiplication using Gray encoded radix-2m operands. Integration 40(2): 118-132 (2007)
10EELevent Aksoy, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, Paulo F. Flores, José Monteiro: Optimization of area under a delay constraint in digital filter synthesis using SAT-based integer linear programming. DAC 2006: 669-674
9EEVagner S. Rosa, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, Sergio Bampi: A High Performance Parallel FIR Filters Generation Tool. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2006: 216-222
8EEEduardo A. C. da Costa, Paulo F. Flores, José Monteiro: Exploiting general coefficient representation for the optimal sharing of partial products in MCMs. SBCCI 2006: 161-166
7 Paulo F. Flores, José C. Monteiro, Eduardo A. C. da Costa: An exact algorithm for the maximal sharing of partial terms in multiple constant multiplications. ICCAD 2005: 13-16
6EEM. Fonseca, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, Sergio Bampi, José C. Monteiro: Design of a radix-2m hybrid array multiplier using carry save adder format. SBCCI 2005: 172-177
5EELeonardo L. de Oliveira, Cristiano Santos, Daniel Lima Ferrão, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, José C. Monteiro, João Baptista dos Santos Martins, Sergio Bampi, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: A Comparison of Layout Implementations of Pipelined and Non-Pipelined Signed Radix-4 Array Multiplier and Modified Booth Multiplier Architectures. VLSI-SoC 2005: 25-39
4EEVagner S. Rosa, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, José C. Monteiro, Sergio Bampi: An improved synthesis method for low power hardwired FIR filters. SBCCI 2004: 237-241
3EEEduardo A. C. da Costa, Sergio Bampi, José C. Monteiro: A New Pipelined Array Architecture for Signed Multiplication. SBCCI 2003: 65-70
2 Eduardo A. C. da Costa, José Monteiro, Sergio Bampi: Gray Encoded Arithmetic Operators Applied to FFT and FIR Dedicated Datapaths. VLSI-SOC 2003: 307-
1EEEduardo A. C. da Costa, Sergio Bampi, José Monteiro: A New Architecture for Signed Radix-2m Pure Array Multipliers. ICCD 2002: 112-117

Coauthor Index

1Levent Aksoy [10] [12]
2Sergio Bampi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]
3Daniel Lima Ferrão [5]
4Paulo F. Flores [7] [8] [10] [12]
5M. Fonseca [6]
6João Baptista dos Santos Martins [5]
7José C. Monteiro (José Monteiro) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
8Leonardo L. de Oliveira [5]
9Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis (Ricardo A. L. Reis, Ricardo Reis) [5]
10Vagner S. Rosa [4] [9]
11Cristiano Santos [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)