
Cristiano Santos

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3EECristiano Lazzari, Cristiano Santos, Adriel Ziesemer, Lorena Anghel, Ricardo Reis: Efficient timing closure with a transistor level design flow. VLSI-SoC 2007: 312-315
2EELeonardo L. de Oliveira, Cristiano Santos, Daniel Lima Ferrão, Eduardo A. C. da Costa, José C. Monteiro, João Baptista dos Santos Martins, Sergio Bampi, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis: A Comparison of Layout Implementations of Pipelined and Non-Pipelined Signed Radix-4 Array Multiplier and Modified Booth Multiplier Architectures. VLSI-SoC 2005: 25-39
1EECristiano Santos, Gustavo Wilke, Cristiano Lazzari, Ricardo Reis, José Luís Almada Güntzel: A Transistor Sizing Method Applied to an Automatic Layout Generation Tool. SBCCI 2003: 303-

Coauthor Index

1Lorena Anghel [3]
2Sergio Bampi [2]
3Eduardo A. C. da Costa [2]
4Daniel Lima Ferrão [2]
5José Luís Almada Güntzel [1]
6Cristiano Lazzari [1] [3]
7João Baptista dos Santos Martins [2]
8José C. Monteiro (José Monteiro) [2]
9Leonardo L. de Oliveira [2]
10Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis (Ricardo A. L. Reis, Ricardo Reis) [1] [2] [3]
11Gustavo Wilke [1]
12Adriel Ziesemer [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)