
Massimo Conti

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31EEPascal Cardinale, Camillo D'Angelo, Massimo Conti: A traction control system for motocross and supermotard. WISES 2008: 1-15
30EETommasso Leonardi, Massimo Conti, Eva Vidal, Eduard Alarcón: SystemC-WMS modeling of control techniques for switching amplifiers targeting polar RF transmitters. FDL 2007: 18-24
29EEMassimo Conti, Daniele Moretti: System Level Analysis of the Bluetooth Standard CoRR abs/0710.4811: (2007)
28EEMassimo Conti: SystemC Analysis of a New Dynamic Power Management Architecture CoRR abs/0710.4832: (2007)
27EEMassimo Conti, S. Marinelli, Giovanni B. Vece, S. Oricione: SystemC Modeling of a Dynamic Power Management Architecture. FDL 2006: 229-235
26EEMassimo Conti, Daniele Moretti: System Level Analysis of the Bluetooth Standard. DATE 2005: 118-123
25EEMassimo Conti: SystemC Analysis of a New Dynamic Power Management Architectur. DATE 2005: 177-178
24EEGiovanni B. Vece, Massimo Conti, Simone Orcioni: Devices modelling in SystemC based on behaviour separation. FDL 2005: 245-257
23EESimone Orcioni, Giorgio Biagetti, Massimo Conti: SystemC-WMS: A Wave Mixed Signal Simulator. FDL 2005: 61-73
22EEMassimo Conti, Marco Caldari, Giovanni B. Vece, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: Performance analysis of different arbitration algorithms of the AMBA AHB bus. DAC 2004: 618-621
21EEMarco Caldari, Massimo Conti, Massimo Coppola, Stephane Curaba, Lorenzo Pieralisi, Claudio Turchetti: Transaction-Level Models for AMBA Bus Architecture Using SystemC 2.0. DATE 2003: 20026-20031
20EEMarco Caldari, Massimo Conti, Massimo Coppola, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Lorenzo Pieralisi, Claudio Turchetti: System-Level Power Analysis Methodology Applied to the AMBA AHB Bus. DATE 2003: 20032-20039
19EEMarco Caldari, Massimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Giuliano Marozzi, Fabio Di Gennaro, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: SystemC Modeling of a Bluetooth Transceiver: Dynamic Management of Packet Type in a Noisy Channel. DATE 2003: 20214-20219
18EEMassimo Conti, Marco Caldari, Simone Orcioni, Giorgio Biagetti: Analog Circuit Modeling in SystemC. FDL 2003: 54-65
17EEMassimo Conti, Marco Caldari, Simone Orcioni: Dynamic Power Management of an AMBA-based Platform in SystemC. FDL 2003: 692-704
16EEMarco Caldari, Massimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: Design and Power Analysis in SysteC of an I2C Bus Driver. FDL 2003: 719-727
15EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Francesco Fedecostunte, Simone Orcioni, F. Ricciardi, Claudio Turchetti, Loris Vendrame: A modular test structure for CMOS mismatch characterization. ISCAS (5) 2003: 569-572
14EEMassimo Baleani, Massimo Conti, Alberto Ferrari, Valerio Frascolla, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli: An Enhanced POLIS Framework for Fast Exploration and Implementation of I/O Subsystems on CSoC Platforms. FPL 2002: 677-686
13EESimone Orcioni, Massimiliano Pirani, Claudio Turchetti, Massimo Conti: Practical notes on two Volterra filter identification direct methods. ISCAS (3) 2002: 587-590
12EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, M. Pesare, Claudio Turchetti, Loris Vendrame, S. Lucherini: A new methodology for the statistical analysis of VLSI CMOS circuits and its application to flash memories. ISCAS (5) 2002: 89-92
11EEPaolo Crippa, Claudio Turchetti, Massimo Conti: A statistical methodology for the design of high-performance CMOScurrent-steering digital-to-analog converters. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 21(4): 377-394 (2002)
10EEPaolo Crippa, Massimo Conti, Claudio Turchetti: A statistical methodology for the design of high-performance current steering DAC's. ISCAS (5) 2001: 311-314
9EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti, V. Catani: Fuzzy controller architecture using fuzzy partition membership functions. KES 2000: 864-867
8EEMassimo Conti, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: Training neural networks to be insensitive to weight random variations. Neural Networks 13(1): 125-132 (2000)
7EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: A current-mode circuit for fuzzy partition membership functions. ISCAS (5) 1999: 391-394
6EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: Statistical modeling of MOS transistor mismatch based on the parameters' autocorrelation function. ISCAS (6) 1999: 222-225
5EEMassimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti: Parametric yield formulation of MOS IC's affected by mismatch effect. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(5): 582-596 (1999)
4EEM. R. Belli, Massimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Claudio Turchetti: Artificial neural networks as approximators of stochastic processes. Neural Networks 12(4-5): 647-658 (1999)
3EEClaudio Turchetti, Massimo Conti, Paolo Crippa, Simone Orcioni: On the approximation of stochastic processes by approximate identity neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(6): 1069-1085 (1998)
2 Massimo Conti, G. Guaitini, Claudio Turchetti: An Analog CMOS Neural Network with On-Chip Learning and Multilevel Weight Storage. ICANN 1996: 761-766
1EEMassimo Conti, Simone Orcioni, Claudio Turchetti, Giovanni Soncini, Nicola Zorzi: Analytical device modeling for MOS analog IC's based on regularization and Bayesian estimation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(11): 1309-1323 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Eduard Alarcón [30]
2Massimo Baleani [14]
3M. R. Belli [4]
4Giorgio Biagetti [18] [23]
5Marco Caldari [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
6Pascal Cardinale [31]
7V. Catani [9]
8Massimo Coppola [20] [21]
9Paolo Crippa [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [19] [20]
10Stephane Curaba [21]
11Camillo D'Angelo [31]
12Francesco Fedecostunte [15]
13Alberto Ferrari [14]
14Valerio Frascolla [14]
15Fabio Di Gennaro [19]
16G. Guaitini [2]
17Tommasso Leonardi [30]
18S. Lucherini [12]
19S. Marinelli [27]
20Giuliano Marozzi [19]
21Daniele Moretti [26] [29]
22Simone Orcioni [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24]
23S. Oricione [27]
24M. Pesare [12]
25Lorenzo Pieralisi [20] [21]
26Massimiliano Pirani [13]
27F. Ricciardi [15]
28Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli [14]
29Giovanni Soncini [1]
30Claudio Turchetti [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22]
31Giovanni B. Vece [22] [24] [27]
32Loris Vendrame [12] [15]
33Eva Vidal [30]
34Nicola Zorzi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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