
Jamison D. Collins

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17EEPerry H. Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Christopher T. Weaver, Blliappa Kuttanna, Shahram Salamian, Gautham N. Chinya, Ethan Schuchman, Oliver Schilling, Thorsten Doil, Sebastian Steibl, Hong Wang: Intel® atomTM processor core made FPGA-synthesizable. FPGA 2009: 209-218
16EEMichael D. Linderman, Jamison D. Collins, Hong Wang, Teresa H. Y. Meng: Merge: a programming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems. ASPLOS 2008: 287-296
15EEOmid Azizi, Jamison D. Collins, Dinesh Patil, Hong Wang, Mark Horowitz: Processor Performance Modeling using Symbolic Simulation. ISPASS 2008: 127-138
14EEHenry Wong, Anne Bracy, Ethan Schuchman, Tor M. Aamodt, Jamison D. Collins, Perry H. Wang, Gautham N. Chinya, Ankur Khandelwal Groen, Hong Jiang, Hong Wang: Pangaea: a tightly-coupled IA32 heterogeneous chip multiprocessor. PACT 2008: 52-61
13EEPerry H. Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Gautham N. Chinya, Bernard Lint, Asit Mallick, Koichi Yamada, Hong Wang: Sequencer virtualization. ICS 2007: 148-157
12EEPerry H. Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Gautham N. Chinya, Hong Jiang, Xinmin Tian, Milind Girkar, Nick Y. Yang, Guei-Yuan Lueh, Hong Wang: EXOCHI: architecture and programming environment for a heterogeneous multi-core multithreaded system. PLDI 2007: 156-166
11EERichard A. Hankins, Gautham N. Chinya, Jamison D. Collins, Perry H. Wang, Ryan Rakvic, Hong Wang, John Paul Shen: Multiple Instruction Stream Processor. ISCA 2006: 114-127
10EEPerry H. Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Hong Wang, Dongkeun Kim, Bill Greene, Kai-Ming Chan, Aamir B. Yunus, Terry Sych, Stephen F. Moore, John Paul Shen: Helper threads via virtual multithreading on an experimental itanium® 2 processor-based platform. ASPLOS 2004: 144-155
9EEJamison D. Collins, Dean M. Tullsen: Clustered Multithreaded Architectures - Pursuing both IPC and Cycle Time. IPDPS 2004
8EEJamison D. Collins, Dean M. Tullsen, Hong Wang: Control Flow Optimization Via Dynamic Reconvergence Prediction. MICRO 2004: 129-140
7EEPerry H. Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Hong Wang, Dongkeun Kim, Bill Greene, Kai-Ming Chan, Aamir B. Yunus, Terry Sych, Stephen F. Moore, John Paul Shen: Helper Threads via Virtual Multithreading. IEEE Micro 24(6): 74-82 (2004)
6EEPerry H. Wang, Hong Wang, Jamison D. Collins, Ed Grochowski, Ralph-Michael Kling, John Paul Shen: Memory Latency-Tolerance Approaches for Itanium Processors: Out-of-Order Execution vs. Speculative Precomputation. HPCA 2002: 187-196
5EEJamison D. Collins, Suleyman Sair, Brad Calder, Dean M. Tullsen: Pointer cache assisted prefetching. MICRO 2002: 62-73
4EEJamison D. Collins, Hong Wang, Dean M. Tullsen, Christopher J. Hughes, Yong-Fong Lee, Daniel M. Lavery, John Paul Shen: Speculative precomputation: long-range prefetching of delinquent loads. ISCA 2001: 14-25
3EEJamison D. Collins, Dean M. Tullsen, Hong Wang, John Paul Shen: Dynamic speculative precomputation. MICRO 2001: 306-317
2EEJamison D. Collins, Dean M. Tullsen: Runtime identification of cache conflict misses: The adaptive miss buffer. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 19(4): 413-439 (2001)
1EEJamison D. Collins, Dean M. Tullsen: Hardware Identification of Cache Conflict Misses. MICRO 1999: 126-135

Coauthor Index

1Tor M. Aamodt [14]
2Omid Azizi [15]
3Anne Bracy [14]
4Brad Calder [5]
5Kai-Ming Chan [7] [10]
6Gautham N. Chinya [11] [12] [13] [14] [17]
7Thorsten Doil [17]
8Milind Girkar [12]
9Bill Greene [7] [10]
10Ed Grochowski [6]
11Ankur Khandelwal Groen [14]
12Richard A. Hankins [11]
13Mark Horowitz [15]
14Christopher J. Hughes [4]
15Hong Jiang [12] [14]
16Dongkeun Kim [7] [10]
17Ralph-Michael Kling [6]
18Blliappa Kuttanna [17]
19Daniel M. Lavery [4]
20Yong-Fong Lee [4]
21Michael D. Linderman [16]
22Bernard Lint [13]
23Guei-Yuan Lueh [12]
24Asit Mallick [13]
25Teresa H. Y. Meng [16]
26Stephen F. Moore [7] [10]
27Dinesh Patil [15]
28Ryan Rakvic [11]
29Suleyman Sair [5]
30Shahram Salamian [17]
31Oliver Schilling [17]
32Ethan Schuchman [14] [17]
33John Paul Shen [3] [4] [6] [7] [10] [11]
34Sebastian Steibl [17]
35Terry Sych [7] [10]
36Xinmin Tian [12]
37Dean M. Tullsen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
38Perry H. Wang [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17]
39Hong Wang [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
40Christopher T. Weaver [17]
41Henry Wong [14]
42Koichi Yamada [13]
43Nick Y. Yang [12]
44Aamir B. Yunus [7] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)