
Wei-Chung Cheng

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16EEChih-Nan Wu, Wei-Chung Cheng: Viewing direction-aware backlight scaling. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 281-286
15EEWei-Chung Cheng: Color-accurate interactive liquid crystal display. EDT 2007: 5
14EEWei-Chung Cheng, Chain-Fu Chao: Perception-guided power minimization for color sequential displays. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 290-295
13EEWei-Chung Cheng, Chain-Fu Chao: Minimization for LED-backlit TFT-LCDs. DAC 2006: 608-611
12EEWei-Chung Cheng, Chih-Fu Hsu, Chain-Fu Chao: Temporal vision-guided energy minimization for portable displays. ISLPED 2006: 89-94
11EERainfield Y. Yen, Hong-Yu Liu, Che-Wei Li, Wei-Chung Cheng: The adaptive MSINR algorithm to improve error rate for channel equalization. Signal Processing 86(8): 1984-1991 (2006)
10EEKihwan Choi, Wei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Frame-Based Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for an MPEG Player. J. Low Power Electronics 1(1): 27-43 (2005)
9EEWei-Chung Cheng, Yu Hou, Massoud Pedram: Power Minimization in a Backlit TFT-LCD Display by Concurrent Brightness and Contrast Scaling. DATE 2004: 252-259
8EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Chromatic Encoding: A Low Power Encoding Technique for Digital Visual Interface. DATE 2003: 10694-10699
7EEKihwan Choi, Karthik Dantu, Wei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Frame-based dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for a MPEG decoder. ICCAD 2002: 732-737
6EEWei-Chung Cheng, Jian-Lin Liang, Massoud Pedram: Software-Only Bus Encoding Techniques for an Embedded System. VLSI Design 2002: 126-131
5EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Power-optimal encoding for a DRAM address bus. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 10(2): 109-118 (2002)
4EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Power-Aware Bus Encoding Techniques for I/O and Data Buses in an Embedded System. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 11(4): 351-364 (2002)
3EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Low power techniques for address encoding and memory allocation. ASP-DAC 2001: 245-250
2EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Memory Bus Encoding for Low Power: A Tutorial. ISQED 2001: 199-204
1EEWei-Chung Cheng, Massoud Pedram: Power-optimal encoding for DRAM address bus (poster session). ISLPED 2000: 250-252

Coauthor Index

1Chain-Fu Chao [12] [13] [14]
2Kihwan Choi [7] [10]
3Karthik Dantu [7]
4Yu Hou [9]
5Chih-Fu Hsu [12]
6Che-Wei Li [11]
7Jian-Lin Liang [6]
8Hong-Yu Liu [11]
9Massoud Pedram [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
10Chih-Nan Wu [16]
11Rainfield Y. Yen [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)