
Chichyang Chen

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14EEChichyang Chen, Paul Chow: Design of a versatile and cost-effective hybrid floating-point/LNS arithmetic processor. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 540-545
13EEChichyang Chen, Rui-Lin Chen: Performance-Improved Computation of Very Large Word-Length LNS Addition/Substraction Using Signed-Digit Arithmetic. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 23(5): 1579-1596 (2007)
12 Chichyang Chen: Error Analysis of Large Word-Length LNS Addition/Subtraction Computation. IMECS 2006: 221-224
11EEChichyang Chen, Kuo-Sheng Cheng: An Efficient Exponential Algorithm with Exponential Convergence Rate. DSD 2004: 548-555
10EEChichyang Chen, Rui-Lin Chen: Performance-Improved Computation of Very Large Word-Length LNS Addition/Subtraction Using Signed-Digit Arithmetic. ASAP 2003: 337-347
9EEChichyang Chen, Rui-Lin Chen, Ming-Hwa Sheu: A Fast Additive Normalization Method for Exponential Computation. DSD 2003: 286-293
8EEHao-Yung Lo, Hsiu-Feng Lin, Chichyang Chen, Jenshiuh Liu, Chia-Cheng Liu: Built-in Test with Modified-Booth High-Speed Pipelined Multipliers and Dividers. J. Electronic Testing 19(3): 245-269 (2003)
7EEChichyang Chen, Liang-An Chen, Jih-Ren Cheng: Architectural Design of a Fast Floating-Point Multiplication-Add Fused Unit Using Signed-Digit Addition. DSD 2001: 346-353
6EEChichyang Chen, Chiun-Wen Hsu, Te-Lung Lin: Image prediction using face detection and triangulation. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(13): 1347-1357 (2001)
5EEChichyang Chen, Rui-Lin Chen, Chih-Huan Yang: Pipelined Computation of Very Large Word-Length LNS Addition/Subtraction with Polynomial Hardware Cost. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(7): 716-726 (2000)
4EEChichyang Chen, Chiou-Dong Wang: A simple edge-preserving filtering technique for constructing multi-resolution systems of images. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(5): 495-506 (1999)
3EEChichyang Chen, Steve Stitt, Yuan F. Zheng: Robotic eye-in-hand calibration by calibrating optical axis and target pattern. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 12(2): 155-173 (1995)
2EEChichyang Chen, Yuan F. Zheng: Thin plate spline surface approximation using Coons' patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 11(3): 269-287 (1994)
1 Chichyang Chen, Yuan F. Zheng: A New Robotic Hand/Eye Calibration Method by Active Viewing of a Checkerboard Pattern. ICRA (2) 1993: 770-775

Coauthor Index

1Liang-An Chen [7]
2Rui-Lin Chen [5] [9] [10] [13]
3Jih-Ren Cheng [7]
4Kuo-Sheng Cheng [11]
5Paul Chow [14]
6Chiun-Wen Hsu [6]
7Hsiu-Feng Lin [8]
8Te-Lung Lin [6]
9Chia-Cheng Liu [8]
10Jenshiuh Liu [8]
11Hao-Yung Lo [8]
12Ming-Hwa Sheu [9]
13Steve Stitt [3]
14Chiou-Dong Wang [4]
15Chih-Huan Yang [5]
16Yuan F. Zheng [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)