
Mark de Berg

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148EELars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort: Cache-Oblivious R-Trees. Algorithmica 53(1): 50-68 (2009)
147EEMark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Micha Streppel: Efficient c-oriented range searching with DOP-trees. Comput. Geom. 42(3): 250-267 (2009)
146 Mohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Sheung-Hung Poon: Fault-Tolerant Conflict-Free Coloring. CCCG 2008
145EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Shripad Thite: The Complexity of Bisectors and Voronoi Diagrams on Realistic Terrains. ESA 2008: 100-111
144EEMark de Berg, Chris Gray: Decompositions and Boundary Coverings of Non-convex Fat Polyhedra. ESA 2008: 173-184
143EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Chris Gray, Elena Mumford: Cutting cycles of rods in space: hardness and approximation. SODA 2008: 1241-1248
142EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson: A simple and efficient kinetic spanner. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 306-310
141EELars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Yi: The priority R-tree: A practically efficient and worst-case optimal R-tree. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(1): (2008)
140EEMark de Berg, Shripad Thite: Cache-Oblivious Selection in Sorted X+Y Matrices CoRR abs/0804.0936: (2008)
139EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Michiel H. M. Smid, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation. Comput. Geom. 40(3): 207-219 (2008)
138EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Chris Gray: Ray shooting and intersection searching amidst fat convex polyhedra in 3-space. Comput. Geom. 41(1-2): 68-76 (2008)
137EEMark de Berg: Improved Bounds on the Union Complexity of Fat Objects. Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(1): 127-140 (2008)
136EEMark de Berg, Shripad Thite: Cache-oblivious selection in sorted X. Inf. Process. Lett. 109(2): 87-92 (2008)
135EEMark de Berg, Chris Gray: Vertical Ray Shooting and Computing Depth Orders for Fat Objects. SIAM J. Comput. 38(1): 257-275 (2008)
134EEMark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Shripad Thite, Laura Toma: I/O-Efficient Map Overlay and Point Location in Low-Density Subdivisions. ISAAC 2007: 500-511
133EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Mohammad Farshi, Joachim Gudmundsson: Region-fault tolerant geometric spanners. SODA 2007: 1-10
132EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Peter Hachenberger, Alireza Zarei: Streaming algorithms for line simplification. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 175-183
131EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Bettina Speckmann: Kinetic KD-trees and longest-side KD-trees. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 364-372
130EEMark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, Jung Gun Lim, Laura Toma: I/O-Efficient Flow Modeling on Fat Terrains. WADS 2007: 239-250
129EEMark de Berg, Chris Gray: Computing the Visibility Map of Fat Objects. WADS 2007: 251-262
128EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Michiel H. M. Smid, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation CoRR abs/cs/0702080: (2007)
127EEMark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, René van Oostrum, Bettina Speckmann: Editorial. Comput. Geom. 36(1): 1 (2007)
126EEMark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars: An intersection-sensitive algorithm for snap rounding. Comput. Geom. 36(3): 159-165 (2007)
125EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg: Kinetic sorting and kinetic convex hulls. Comput. Geom. 37(1): 16-26 (2007)
124EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg, Sheung-Hung Poon, Bettina Speckmann: Kinetic Collision Detection for Convex Fat Objects. ESA 2006: 4-15
123EEMohammad Ali Abam, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Hai Yu: Out-of-Order Event Processing in Kinetic Data Structures. ESA 2006: 624-635
122EEMark de Berg, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann: Optimal BSPs and rectilinear cartograms. GIS 2006: 19-26
121EEMark de Berg, Chris Gray: Vertical ray shooting and computing depth orders for fat objects. SODA 2006: 494-503
120EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Chris Gray: Ray shooting and intersection searching amidst fat convex polyhedra in 3-space. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 88-94
119EEMark de Berg, Sergio Cabello, Sariel Har-Peled: Covering Many or Few Points with Unit Disks. WAOA 2006: 55-68
118EEMark de Berg, Micha Streppel: Approximate range searching using binary space partitions. Comput. Geom. 33(3): 139-151 (2006)
117EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Sariel Har-Peled: Staying in the Middle: Exact and Approximate Medians in R1 and R2 for Moving Points. CCCG 2005: 43-46
116EEMark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Micha Streppel: Efficient c-Oriented Range Searching with DOP-Trees. ESA 2005: 508-519
115EEMark de Berg: Improved Bounds on the Union Complexity of Fat Objects. FSTTCS 2005: 116-127
114EEMark de Berg, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann: On Rectilinear Duals for Vertex-Weighted Plane Graphs. Graph Drawing 2005: 61-72
113EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse Geometric Graphs with Small Dilation. ISAAC 2005: 50-59
112EEMark de Berg, Xavier Goaoc, A. Frank van der Stappen: A Polynomial-time Algorithm to Design Push Plans for Sensorless Parts Sorting. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 89-96
111EELars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort: Cache-oblivious r-trees. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 170-179
110EEMohammad Ali Abam, Mark de Berg: Kinetic sorting and kinetic convex hulls. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 190-197
109EEMark de Berg: Vertical ray shooting for fat objects. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 288-295
108EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Herman J. Haverkort, Naoki Katoh, Alexander Wolff: Optimal spanners for axis-aligned rectangles. Comput. Geom. 30(1): 59-77 (2005)
107EESergio Cabello, Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld: Schematization of networks. Comput. Geom. 30(3): 223-228 (2005)
106EEMark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Matthew J. Katz, Christos Levcopoulos, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen: TSP with neighborhoods of varying size. J. Algorithms 57(1): 22-36 (2005)
105EELars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Yi: The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case-Optimal R-Tree. Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms 2004
104EEMark de Berg, Micha Streppel: Approximate Range Searching Using Binary Space Partitions. FSTTCS 2004: 110-121
103EELars Arge, Mark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort, Ke Yi: The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case Optimal R-Tree. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 347-358
102EEMark de Berg, Sergio Cabello, Panos Giannopoulos, Christian Knauer, René van Oostrum, Remco C. Veltkamp: Maximizing the Area of Overlap of Two Unions of Disks Under Rigid Motion. SWAT 2004: 138-149
101EEMark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Otfried Cheong, Pat Morin: On simplifying dot maps. Comput. Geom. 27(1): 43-62 (2004)
100EEHerman J. Haverkort, Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson: Box-trees for collision checking in industrial installations. Comput. Geom. 28(2-3): 113-135 (2004)
99EEMark de Berg: Guest Editor's Foreword. Discrete & Computational Geometry 32(2): 165-166 (2004)
98EESteven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg: On the Design and Analysis of Competent Selecto-recombinative GAs. Evolutionary Computation 12(2): 243-267 (2004)
97EEMark de Berg: Kinetic Dictionaries: How to Shoot a Moving Target. ESA 2003: 172-183
96EEMark de Berg, Herman J. Haverkort: Significant-Presence Range Queries in Categorical Data. WADS 2003: 462-473
95 Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Mark H. Overmars: On R-trees with low query complexity. Comput. Geom. 24(3): 179-195 (2003)
94EEMark de Berg, Haggai David, Matthew J. Katz, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels: Guarding scenes against invasive hypercubes. Comput. Geom. 26(2): 99-117 (2003)
93EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki: Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers. Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(4): 591-606 (2003)
92EEMark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Matthew J. Katz, Christos Levcopoulos, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen: TSP with Neighborhoods of Varying Size. ESA 2002: 187-199
91EEHerman J. Haverkort, Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson: Box-trees for collision checking in industrial installations. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 53-62
90EEMark de Berg, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels, Matthew J. Katz: Realistic Input Models for Geometric Algorithms. Algorithmica 34(1): 81-97 (2002)
89 Mark de Berg, Matthew J. Katz, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels: Models and motion planning. Comput. Geom. 23(1): 53-68 (2002)
88 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Sariel Har-Peled, Mark H. Overmars, Micha Sharir, Jan Vahrenhold: Reporting intersecting pairs of convex polytopes in two and three dimensions. Comput. Geom. 23(2): 195-207 (2002)
87EEHee-Kap Ahn, Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Siu-Wing Cheng, Dan Halperin, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating an object from its cast. Computer-Aided Design 34(8): 547-559 (2002)
86EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Herman J. Haverkort: Box-Trees and R-Trees with Near-Optimal Query Time. Discrete & Computational Geometry 28(3): 291-312 (2002)
85 Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg: Using Genetic Algorithms for Solving Hard Problems in GIS. GeoInformatica 6(4): 381-413 (2002)
84EEMark de Berg, A. Frank van der Stappen: On the fatness of Minkowski sums. Inf. Process. Lett. 81(5): 259-264 (2002)
83 Mark de Berg, Stefan Schirra: Guest Editor's Foreword. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(1-2): 1-2 (2002)
82EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Herman J. Haverkort: Box-trees and R-trees with near-optimal query time. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2001: 124-133
81EEMark de Berg, João Comba, Leonidas J. Guibas: A segment-tree based kinetic BSP. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2001: 134-140
80EESergio Cabello, Mark de Berg, Steven van Dijk, Marc J. van Kreveld, Tycho Strijk: Schematization of road networks. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2001: 33-39
79EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Sariel Har-Peled, Mark H. Overmars, Micha Sharir, Jan Vahrenhold: Reporting Intersecting Pairs of Polytopes in Two and Three Dimensions. WADS 2001: 122-134
78 Mark de Berg, Joachim Gudmundsson, Mikael Hammar, Mark H. Overmars: On R-trees with Low Stabbing Number. ESA 2000: 167-178
77 Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg: Scalability and Efficiency of Genetic Algorithms for Geometrical Applications. PPSN 2000: 683-692
76EEMark de Berg: Linear Size Binary Space Partitions for Uncluttered Scenes. Algorithmica 28(3): 353-366 (2000)
75EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Julien Basch, Mark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, John Hershberger: Lower Bounds for Kinetic Planar Subdivisions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 24(4): 721-733 (2000)
74 Steven van Dijk, Dirk Thierens, Mark de Berg: On The Design of Genetic Algorithms for Geographical Applications. GECCO 1999: 188-195
73EEPaolo Ferragina, S. Muthukrishnan, Mark de Berg: Multi-Method Dispatching: A Geometric Approach With Applications to String Matching Problems. STOC 1999: 483-491
72EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Julien Basch, Mark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, John Hershberger: Lower Bounds for Kinetic Planar Subdivisions. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 247-254
71EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki: Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 41-48
70EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, A. Frank van der Stappen, Petr Svestka, Jules Vleugels: Motion Planning for Multiple Robots. Discrete & Computational Geometry 22(4): 505-525 (1999)
69 Mark de Berg, Haggai David, Matthew J. Katz, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels: Guarding Scenes against Invasive Hypercubes. Algorithm Engineering 1998: 110-120
68EEMark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, David Bremner, William S. Evans, Lata Narayanan: Recovering lines with fixed linear probes. CCCG 1998
67EEMark de Berg, Matthew J. Katz, Mark H. Overmars, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels: Models and Motion Planning. SWAT 1998: 83-94
66EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, A. Frank van der Stappen, Petr Svestka, Jules Vleugels: Motion Planning for Multiple Robots. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 374-382
65 Mark de Berg, Hazel Everett, Leonidas J. Guibas: The union of moving polygonal pseudodiscs - Combinatorial bounds and applications. Comput. Geom. 11(2): 69-81 (1998)
64EEMark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, David Bremner, Suneeta Ramaswami, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing constrained minimum-width annuli of point sets. Computer-Aided Design 30(4): 267-275 (1998)
63EEA. Frank van der Stappen, Mark H. Overmars, Mark de Berg, Jules Vleugels: Motion Planning in Environments with Low Obstacle Density. Discrete & Computational Geometry 20(4): 561-587 (1998)
62 Mark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt: On Levels of Detail in Terrains. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(1): 1-12 (1998)
61 Mark de Berg, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing the Angularity Tolerance. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 8(4): 467- (1998)
60 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Constructing Levels in Arrangements and Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams. SIAM J. Comput. 27(3): 654-667 (1998)
59EEMark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Olivier Devillers, Marc J. van Kreveld, Monique Teillaud: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons under Translations. Theory Comput. Syst. 31(5): 613-628 (1998)
58EEHee-Kap Ahn, Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Siu-Wing Cheng, Dan Halperin, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating an Object from its Cast. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 221-230
57EEMark de Berg, Matthew J. Katz, A. Frank van der Stappen, Jules Vleugels: Realistic Input Models for Geometric Algorithms. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 294-303
56 Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, David Bremner, Suneeta Ramaswami, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing Constrained Minimum-Width Annuli of Point Sets. WADS 1997: 392-401
55 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld: Trekking in the Alps Without Freezing or Getting Tired. Algorithmica 18(3): 306-323 (1997)
54EEMark de Berg, Marko de Groot, Mark H. Overmars: Perfect Binary Space Partitions. Comput. Geom. 7: 81-91 (1997)
53 Mark de Berg, Marko de Groot, Mark H. Overmars: New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane. Comput. Geom. 8: 317-333 (1997)
52 Mark de Berg: Trends and Developments in Computational Geometry. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(1): 3-30 (1997)
51EEMark de Berg, Olivier Devillers, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing a Single Cell in the Overlay of Two Simple Polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(4): 215-219 (1997)
50 Mark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars, Marc J. van Kreveld: Sparse Arrangements and the Number of Views of Polyhedral Scenes. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 7(3): 175-195 (1997)
49 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, René van Oostrum, Mark H. Overmars: Simple Traversal of a Subdivision Without Extra Storage. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(4): 359-373 (1997)
48 Mark de Berg: Visualization of TINs. Algorithmic Foundations of Geographic Information Systems 1996: 79-97
47 Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Katrin Dobrindt, Marc J. van Kreveld, Mark H. Overmars, Marko de Groot, Thomas Roos, Jack Snoeyink, Sidi Yu: The Complexity of Rivers in Triangulated Terrains. CCCG 1996: 325-330
46 Mark de Berg, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing the Angularity Tolerance. CCCG 1996: 331-336
45 Mark de Berg, Olivier Devillers, Marc J. van Kreveld, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Monique Teillaud: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations. ISAAC 1996: 126-135
44 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Micha Sharir: Efficient Generation of k-Directional Assembly Sequences. SODA 1996: 122-131
43EEMark de Berg, René van Oostrum, Mark H. Overmars: Simple Traversal of a Subdivision Without Extra Storage. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: C-5-C-6
42 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Jack Snoeyink: Point Location in Zones of K-flats in Arrangements. Comput. Geom. 6: 131-143 (1996)
41 Mark de Berg: Computing Half-plane and Strip Discrepancy of Planar Point Sets. Comput. Geom. 6: 69-83 (1996)
40EEMark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, Dan Halperin: Vertical Decompositions for Triangles in 3-Space. Discrete & Computational Geometry 15(1): 35-61 (1996)
39 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, René van Oostrum, Mark H. Overmars: Simple Traversal of a Subdivision Without Extra Storage. ACM-GIS 1995: 77-
38 Mark de Berg: Linear Size Binary Space Partitions for Fat Objects. ESA 1995: 252-263
37EEMark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt: On Levels of Detail in Terrains. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: C26-C27
36 Mark de Berg: Generalized Hidden Surface Removal. Comput. Geom. 5: 249-276 (1995)
35 Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Piecewise Linear Paths Among Convex Obstacles. Discrete & Computational Geometry 14(1): 9-29 (1995)
34 Mark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: On Lazy Randomized Incremental Construction. Discrete & Computational Geometry 14(3): 261-286 (1995)
33 Mark de Berg, Hazel Everett, Hubert Wagener: Translation queries for sets of polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 5(3): 221-242 (1995)
32 Mark de Berg, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Cuttings and applications. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 5(4): 343-355 (1995)
31 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Jack Snoeyink: Two- and Three-Dimensional Point Location in Rectangular Subdivisions. J. Algorithms 18(2): 256-277 (1995)
30EEMark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir, Monique Teillaud: Reaching a Goal with Directional Uncertainty. Theor. Comput. Sci. 140(2): 301-317 (1995)
29EEMark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: On lazy randomized incremental construction. STOC 1994: 105-114
28 Mark de Berg, Marko de Groot, Mark H. Overmars: New Results on Binary Space Partitions in the Plane (Extended Abstract). SWAT 1994: 61-72
27EEMark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, Dan Halperin: Vertical Decompositions for Triangles in 3-Space. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1994: 1-10
26EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Constructing Levels in Arrangements and Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1994: 67-75
25 Mark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars, Jack Snoeyink, Marc J. van Kreveld: Efficient Ray Shooting and Hidden Surface Removal. Algorithmica 12(1): 30-53 (1994)
24 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld: Rectilinear Decompositions with Low Stabbing Number. Inf. Process. Lett. 52(4): 215-221 (1994)
23 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing and Verifying Depth Orders. SIAM J. Comput. 23(2): 437-446 (1994)
22 Mark de Berg: Ray Shooting, Depth Orders and Hidden Surface Removal Springer 1993
21 Mark de Berg, Marko de Groot, Mark H. Overmars: Perfect Binary Space Partitions. CCCG 1993: 109-114
20 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld: Trekking in the Alps Without Freezing or Getting Tired. ESA 1993: 121-132
19 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Leonidas J. Guibas, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Monique Teillaud, Dan Halperin, Micha Sharir: Reaching a Goal with Directional Uncertainty. ISAAC 1993: 1-10
18EEMark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles. STOC 1993: 505-514
17EEMark de Berg: Generalized Hidden Surface Removal. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 1-10
16 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Jack Snoeyink: Two- and Three-Dimensional Point Location in Rectangular Subdivisions (Extended Abstract). SWAT 1992: 352-363
15EEMark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing and Verifying Depth Orders. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 138-145
14 Mark de Berg: Dynamic Output-sensitive Hidden Surface Removal for C-oriented Polyhedra. Comput. Geom. 2: 119-140 (1992)
13 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Bengt J. Nilsson, Mark H. Overmars: Shortest path queries in rectilinear worlds. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(3): 287-309 (1992)
12 Mark de Berg, Svante Carlsson, Mark H. Overmars: A General Approach to Dominance in the Plane. J. Algorithms 13(2): 274-296 (1992)
11EEMark de Berg, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars, Jack Snoeyink, Marc J. van Kreveld: Efficient Ray Shooting and Hidden Surface Removal. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1991: 21-30
10EEMark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Bengt J. Nilsson: Shortest Path Queries in Rectilinear Worlds of Higher Dimension (Extended Abstract). Symposium on Computational Geometry 1991: 51-60
9 Marc J. van Kreveld, Mark de Berg: Finding Squares and Rectangles in Sets of Points. BIT 31(2): 202-219 (1991)
8 Mark de Berg: On Rectilinear Link Distance. Comput. Geom. 1: 13-34 (1991)
7 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars: Hidden Surface Removal for C-oriented Polyhedra. Comput. Geom. 1: 247-268 (1991)
6 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars: Hidden Surface Removal for Axis-Parallel Polyhedra (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1990: 252-261
5 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Bengt J. Nilsson, Mark H. Overmars: Finding Shortest Paths in the Presence of Orthogonal Obstacles Using a Combined L1 and Link Metric. SWAT 1990: 213-224
4 Mark de Berg: Translating Polygons with Applications to Hidden Surface Removal. SWAT 1990: 60-70
3 Marc J. van Kreveld, Mark de Berg: Finding Squares and Rectangles in Sets of Points. WG 1989: 341-355
2 Mark H. Overmars, Michiel H. M. Smid, Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld: Maintaining Range Trees in Secondary Memory. Part I: Partitions. Acta Inf. 27(5): 423-452 (1989)
1 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars: Dominance in the Presence of Obstracles. WG 1988: 190-201

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Ali Abam [110] [123] [124] [125] [131] [132] [133] [142] [146]
2Pankaj K. Agarwal [26] [44] [60] [72] [75] [79] [82] [86] [88] [117] [123]
3Hee-Kap Ahn [58] [87]
4Lars Arge [103] [105] [111] [141] [148]
5Boris Aronov [66] [70] [113] [120] [128] [138] [139] [143] [145]
6Tetsuo Asano [71] [93] [108]
7Julien Basch [72] [75]
8Prosenjit Bose [47] [56] [58] [64] [68] [87] [101]
9David Bremner [56] [64] [68]
10Sergio Cabello [80] [102] [107] [119]
11Svante Carlsson [12]
12Siu-Wing Cheng [58] [87]
13Otfried Cheong (Otfried Schwarzkopf) [15] [18] [19] [23] [26] [29] [30] [32] [34] [35] [42] [45] [51] [58] [59] [60] [71] [87] [93] [101] [108] [113] [128] [130] [139]
14João Luiz Dihl Comba (João Comba) [81]
15Haggai David [69] [94]
16Olivier Devillers [45] [51] [59]
17Steven van Dijk [74] [77] [80] [85] [98]
18Katrin Dobrindt [29] [34] [37] [47] [51] [62]
19William S. Evans [68]
20Hazel Everett [33] [65] [108]
21Mohammad Farshi [133]
22Paolo Ferragina [73]
23Jie Gao [117]
24Panos Giannopoulos [102]
25Xavier Goaoc [112]
26Chris Gray [120] [121] [129] [135] [138] [143] [144]
27Marko de Groot [21] [28] [47] [53] [54]
28Joachim Gudmundsson [78] [82] [86] [91] [92] [95] [100] [106] [113] [127] [128] [133] [139] [142]
29Leonidas J. Guibas [19] [27] [30] [40] [65] [71] [72] [75] [81] [93] [117]
30Peter Hachenberger [132]
31Dan Halperin [11] [19] [25] [27] [30] [40] [44] [50] [58] [87] [126]
32Mikael Hammar [78] [82] [86] [95]
33Sariel Har-Peled [79] [88] [117] [119]
34Herman J. Haverkort [82] [86] [91] [96] [100] [103] [105] [108] [111] [113] [116] [128] [130] [134] [139] [141] [147] [148]
35John Hershberger [72] [75]
36Naoki Katoh [108]
37Matthew J. Katz (Matya Katz) [57] [67] [69] [89] [90] [92] [94] [106]
38Christian Knauer [102]
39Marc J. van Kreveld [2] [3] [5] [9] [10] [11] [13] [16] [20] [24] [25] [31] [39] [42] [45] [47] [49] [50] [55] [59] [80] [107]
40Christos Levcopoulos [92] [106]
41Jung Gun Lim [130]
42Jirí Matousek [18] [26] [35] [58] [60] [87]
43Henk Meijer [46] [61]
44Pat Morin [101]
45Elena Mumford [114] [122] [143]
46S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [73]
47Lata Narayanan [68]
48Bengt J. Nilsson [5] [10] [13]
49René van Oostrum [39] [43] [49] [102] [127]
50Mark H. Overmars [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [15] [19] [21] [23] [25] [28] [30] [39] [43] [46] [47] [49] [50] [53] [54] [61] [63] [67] [69] [78] [79] [88] [89] [92] [94] [95] [106] [126]
51Sheung-Hung Poon [124] [146]
52Suneeta Ramaswami [56] [64]
53Thomas Roos [47]
54Stefan Schirra [83]
55Micha Sharir [19] [30] [44] [79] [88]
56Michiel H. M. Smid [2] [128] [139]
57Jack Snoeyink [11] [16] [25] [31] [42] [47] [71] [93]
58Bettina Speckmann [114] [122] [124] [127] [131]
59A. Frank van der Stappen [57] [63] [66] [67] [69] [70] [84] [89] [90] [92] [94] [106] [112]
60Micha Streppel [104] [116] [118] [147]
61Tycho Strijk [80]
62Petr Svestka [66] [70]
63Hisao Tamaki [71] [93]
64Monique Teillaud [19] [30] [45] [59]
65Dirk Thierens [74] [77] [85] [98]
66Shripad Thite [134] [136] [140] [145]
67Laura Toma [130] [134]
68Jan Vahrenhold [79] [88]
69Remco C. Veltkamp [102]
70Antoine Vigneron [113] [128] [139]
71Jules Vleugels [57] [63] [66] [67] [69] [70] [89] [90] [94]
72Hubert Wagener [33]
73Gordon T. Wilfong [46] [56] [61] [64]
74Alexander Wolff [108]
75Ke Yi [103] [105] [141]
76Hai Yu [123]
77Sidi Yu [47]
78Alireza Zarei [132]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)