
Otfried Cheong

Otfried Schwarzkopf

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108EEOtfried Cheong: Line Transversals and Pinning Numbers. WALCOM 2009: 44-46
107EEHee-Kap Ahn, Helmut Alt, Tetsuo Asano, Sang Won Bae, Peter Brass, Otfried Cheong, Christian Knauer, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin, Alexander Wolff: Constructing Optimal Highways. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 20(1): 3-23 (2009)
106EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Michiel H. M. Smid, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation. Comput. Geom. 40(3): 207-219 (2008)
105EEOtfried Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, Mira Lee: Computing a minimum-dilation spanning tree is NP-hard. Comput. Geom. 41(3): 188-205 (2008)
104EEOtfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Andreas Holmsen, Sylvain Petitjean: Helly-Type Theorems for Line Transversals to Disjoint Unit Balls. Discrete & Computational Geometry 39(1-3): 194-212 (2008)
103EEHee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson: Aperture-Angle and Hausdorff-Approximation of Convex Figures. Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(3): 414-429 (2008)
102EENina Amenta, Otfried Cheong: Guest Editors' Foreword. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 18(6): 507-508 (2008)
101EEOtfried Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, Mira Lee: Computing a Minimum-Dilation Spanning Tree is NP-hard. CATS 2007: 15-24
100EEHee-Kap Ahn, Helmut Alt, Tetsuo Asano, Sang Won Bae, Peter Brass, Otfried Cheong, Christian Knauer, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin, Alexander Wolff: Constructing Optimal Highways. CATS 2007: 7-14
99 Otfried Cheong: The Harmony of Spheres. CCCG 2007: 7
98EEOtfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Marc Glisse, Joachim Gudmundsson, Samuel Hornus, Sylvain Lazard, Mira Lee, Hyeon-Suk Na: Farthest-Polygon Voronoi Diagrams. ESA 2007: 407-418
97EEHee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson: Aperture-angle and Hausdorff-approximation of convex figures. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 37-45
96EEMark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, Jung Gun Lim, Laura Toma: I/O-Efficient Flow Modeling on Fat Terrains. WADS 2007: 239-250
95EEOtfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Andreas Holmsen, Sylvain Petitjean: Hadwiger and Helly-type theorems for disjoint unit spheres CoRR abs/cs/0702039: (2007)
94EEOtfried Cheong, Mira Lee: The Hadwiger Number of Jordan Regions is Unbounded CoRR abs/cs/0702079: (2007)
93EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Michiel H. M. Smid, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation CoRR abs/cs/0702080: (2007)
92EEHee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson: Aperture-Angle and Hausdorff-Approximation of Convex Figures CoRR abs/cs/0702090: (2007)
91EEOtfried Cheong, Herman J. Haverkort, Mira Lee: Computing a Minimum-Dilation Spanning Tree is NP-hard CoRR abs/cs/0703023: (2007)
90EEHee-Kap Ahn, Helmut Alt, Tetsuo Asano, Sang Won Bae, Peter Brass, Otfried Cheong, Christian Knauer, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin, Alexander Wolff: Constructing Optimal Highways CoRR abs/cs/0703037: (2007)
89EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chong-Dae Park, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Maximizing the overlap of two planar convex sets under rigid motions. Comput. Geom. 37(1): 3-15 (2007)
88EEOtfried Cheong, Mira Lee: The Hadwiger Number of Jordan Regions Is Unbounded. Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(4): 497-501 (2007)
87EEOtfried Cheong, Alon Efrat, Sariel Har-Peled: Finding a Guard that Sees Most and a Shop that Sells Most. Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(4): 545-563 (2007)
86EEOtfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Hyo-Sil Kim, Sylvain Lazard, René Schott: Parabola Separation Queries and their Application to Stone Throwing. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 17(4): 349-360 (2007)
85 Nina Amenta, Otfried Cheong: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Sedona, Arizona, USA, June 5-7, 2006 ACM 2006
84EEOtfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Hyo-Sil Kim, Sylvain Lazard, René Schott: Throwing Stones Inside Simple Polygons . AAIM 2006: 185-193
83EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong: Casting with Skewed Ejection Direction. Algorithmica 44(4): 325-342 (2006)
82EEHee-Kap Ahn, Peter Braß, Otfried Cheong, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Inscribing an axially symmetric polygon and other approximation algorithms for planar convex sets. Comput. Geom. 33(3): 152-164 (2006)
81EEProsenjit Bose, Sergio Cabello, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Marc J. van Kreveld, Bettina Speckmann: Area-preserving approximations of polygonal paths. J. Discrete Algorithms 4(4): 554-566 (2006)
80EEBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Antoine Vigneron: Sparse Geometric Graphs with Small Dilation. ISAAC 2005: 50-59
79EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong: Stacking and Bundling Two Convex Polygons. ISAAC 2005: 882-891
78EEOtfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Andreas Holmsen: Hadwiger and Helly-type theorems for disjoint unit spheres in R3. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 10-15
77EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chong-Dae Park, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Maximizing the overlap of two planar convex sets under rigid motions. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 356-363
76EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, Herman J. Haverkort, Naoki Katoh, Alexander Wolff: Optimal spanners for axis-aligned rectangles. Comput. Geom. 30(1): 59-77 (2005)
75EEOtfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Hyeon-Suk Na: Geometric permutations of disjoint unit spheres. Comput. Geom. 30(3): 253-270 (2005)
74EEHelmut Alt, Otfried Cheong, Antoine Vigneron: The Voronoi Diagram of Curved Objects. Discrete & Computational Geometry 34(3): 439-453 (2005)
73EEHee-Kap Ahn, Peter Braß, Otfried Cheong, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Approximation Algorithms for Inscribing or Circumscribing an Axially Symmetric Polygon to a Convex Polygon. COCOON 2004: 259-267
72EEOtfried Cheong, Alon Efrat, Sariel Har-Peled: On finding a guard that sees most and a shop that sells most. SODA 2004: 1098-1107
71EEMark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Otfried Cheong, Pat Morin: On simplifying dot maps. Comput. Geom. 27(1): 43-62 (2004)
70EEOtfried Cheong, Sariel Har-Peled, Nathan Linial, Jirí Matousek: The One-Round Voronoi Game. Discrete & Computational Geometry 31(1): 125-138 (2004)
69EESiu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Hazel Everett, René van Oostrum: Hierarchical Decompositions and Circular Ray Shooting in Simple Polygons. Discrete & Computational Geometry 32(3): 401-415 (2004)
68EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Jack Snoeyink: The reflex-free hull. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 14(6): 453-474 (2004)
67EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Mordecai J. Golin, René van Oostrum: Competitive facility location: the Voronoi game. Theor. Comput. Sci. 310(1-3): 457-467 (2004)
66EEOtfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Hyeon-Suk Na: Disjoint Unit Spheres admit at Most Two Line Transversals. ESA 2003: 127-135
65 Hee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin: Building bridges between convex region. Comput. Geom. 25(1-2): 161-170 (2003)
64EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, René van Oostrum: Casting a polyhedron with directional uncertainty. Comput. Geom. 26(2): 129-141 (2003)
63EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki: Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers. Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(4): 591-606 (2003)
62EEOtfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Computing farthest neighbors on a convex polytope. Theor. Comput. Sci. 296(1): 47-58 (2003)
61EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, René van Oostrum: Casting a Polyhedron with Directional Uncertainty. ISAAC 2002: 274-285
60EEOtfried Cheong, Sariel Har-Peled, Nathan Linial, Jirí Matousek: The one-round Voronoi game. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 97-101
59 Hyeon-Suk Na, Chung-Nim Lee, Otfried Cheong: Voronoi diagrams on the spher. Comput. Geom. 23(2): 183-194 (2002)
58EEHee-Kap Ahn, Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Siu-Wing Cheng, Dan Halperin, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating an object from its cast. Computer-Aided Design 34(8): 547-559 (2002)
57EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Jack Snoeyink: The reflex-free hull. CCCG 2001: 9-12
56EEOtfried Cheong, Chan-Su Shin, Antoine Vigneron: Computing Farthest Neighbors on a Convex Polytope. COCOON 2001: 159-169
55EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong, Mordecai J. Golin, René van Oostrum: Competitive Facility Location along a Highway. COCOON 2001: 237-246
54 Otfried Cheong, René van Oostrum: Reaching a Polygon with Directional Uncertainty. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 11(2): 197-214 (2001)
53 Jae-Ha Lee, Otfried Cheong, Woo-Cheol Kwon, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Approximation of Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths through a Sequence of Points. ESA 2000: 314-325
52EEHee-Kap Ahn, Otfried Cheong, Jirí Matousek, Antoine Vigneron: Reachability by paths of bounded curvature in convex polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 251-259
51EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong: Casting with skewed ejection direction revisited. CCCG 1999
50EEOtfried Cheong, René van Oostrum: The visibility region of points in a simple polygon. CCCG 1999
49EESiu-Wing Cheng, Hazel Everett, Otfried Cheong, René van Oostrum: Hierarchical Vertical Decompositions, Ray Shooting, and Circular Arc Queries in Simple Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 227-236
48EETetsuo Asano, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Leonidas J. Guibas, Jack Snoeyink, Hisao Tamaki: Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 41-48
47EEHee-Kap Ahn, Siu-Wing Cheng, Otfried Cheong: Casting with Skewed Ejection Direction. ISAAC 1998: 139-148
46 Otfried Schwarzkopf, Ulrich Fuchs, Günter Rote, Emo Welzl: Approximation of convex figures by pairs of rectangles. Comput. Geom. 10(2): 77-87 (1998)
45 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing Many Faces in Arrangements of Lines and Segments. SIAM J. Comput. 27(2): 491-505 (1998)
44 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Constructing Levels in Arrangements and Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams. SIAM J. Comput. 27(3): 654-667 (1998)
43EEMark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Olivier Devillers, Marc J. van Kreveld, Monique Teillaud: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons under Translations. Theory Comput. Syst. 31(5): 613-628 (1998)
42EEHee-Kap Ahn, Mark de Berg, Prosenjit Bose, Siu-Wing Cheng, Dan Halperin, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating an Object from its Cast. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 221-230
41EEOtfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir: Vertical Decomposition of a Single Cell in a Three-Dimensional Arrangement of Surfaces. Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(3): 269-288 (1997)
40EEMark de Berg, Olivier Devillers, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing a Single Cell in the Overlay of Two Simple Polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(4): 215-219 (1997)
39EEAlon Efrat, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating and Shattering Long Line Segments. Inf. Process. Lett. 64(6): 309-314 (1997)
38 Mark de Berg, Olivier Devillers, Marc J. van Kreveld, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Monique Teillaud: Computing the Maximum Overlap of Two Convex Polygons Under Translations. ISAAC 1996: 126-135
37 Alon Efrat, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Separating and Shattering Long Line Segments. ISAAC 1996: 36-44
36EEOtfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir: Vertical Decomposition of a Single Cell in a Three-Dimensional Arrangement of Surfaces and Its Applications. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: 20-29
35 Mark de Berg, Marc J. van Kreveld, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Jack Snoeyink: Point Location in Zones of K-flats in Arrangements. Comput. Geom. 6: 131-143 (1996)
34 Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: A Deterministic Algorithm for the Three-dimensional Diameter Problem. Comput. Geom. 6: 253-262 (1996)
33EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir: The Overlay of Lower Envelopes and Its Applications. Discrete & Computational Geometry 15(1): 1-13 (1996)
32EEOtfried Schwarzkopf, Jules Vleugels: Range Searching in Low-Density Environments. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(3): 121-127 (1996)
31EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir: The Overlay of Lower Envelopes in Three Dimensions and Its Applications. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: 182-189
30EEMark H. Overmars, Anil S. Rao, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Chantal Wentink: Immobilizing Polygons against a Wall. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: 29-38
29EEHelmut Alt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: The Voronoi Diagram of Curved Objects. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: 89-97
28EEOtfried Schwarzkopf: The Extensible Drawing Editor Ipe. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: C10-C11
27 Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Piecewise Linear Paths Among Convex Obstacles. Discrete & Computational Geometry 14(1): 9-29 (1995)
26 Mark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: On Lazy Randomized Incremental Construction. Discrete & Computational Geometry 14(3): 261-286 (1995)
25EEMartin Aigner, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Bounds on the Size of Merging Networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 61(3): 187-194 (1995)
24 Mark de Berg, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Cuttings and applications. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 5(4): 343-355 (1995)
23EEMark de Berg, Leonidas J. Guibas, Dan Halperin, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Micha Sharir, Monique Teillaud: Reaching a Goal with Directional Uncertainty. Theor. Comput. Sci. 140(2): 301-317 (1995)
22 Chantal Wentink, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Motion Planning for Vacuum Cleaner Robots. CCCG 1994: 51-56
21EEMark de Berg, Katrin Dobrindt, Otfried Schwarzkopf: On lazy randomized incremental construction. STOC 1994: 105-114
20EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Mark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Constructing Levels in Arrangements and Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1994: 67-75
19EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing Many Faces in Arrangements of Lines and Segments. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1994: 76-84
18 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing and Verifying Depth Orders. SIAM J. Comput. 23(2): 437-446 (1994)
17 Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing Convolutions on Mesh-Like Structures. IPPS 1993: 695-699
16 Mark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Leonidas J. Guibas, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Monique Teillaud, Dan Halperin, Micha Sharir: Reaching a Goal with Directional Uncertainty. ISAAC 1993: 1-10
15EEJirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: A deterministic algorithm for the three-dimensional diameter problem. STOC 1993: 478-484
14EEMark de Berg, Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Piecewise linear paths among convex obstacles. STOC 1993: 505-514
13 Jirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: On Ray Shooting in Convex Polytopes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 10: 215-232 (1993)
12EEMark de Berg, Mark H. Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computing and Verifying Depth Orders. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 138-145
11EEJirí Matousek, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Linear Optimization Queries. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 16-25
10EEOtfried Schwarzkopf: Ray Shooting in Convex Polytopes. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 286-295
9 Otfried Schwarzkopf: Parallel Computation of Distance Transforms - Erratum. Algorithmica 7(2&3): 337 (1992)
8 Franz Aurenhammer, Otfried Schwarzkopf: A simple on-line randomized incremental algorithm for computing higher order Voronoi diagrams. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(4): 363-381 (1992)
7 Otfried Schwarzkopf: Dynamic Maintenance of Geometric Structures Made Easy FOCS 1991: 197-206
6EEFranz Aurenhammer, Otfried Schwarzkopf: A Simple On-Line Randomized Incremental Algorithm for Computing Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1991: 142-151
5 Otfried Schwarzkopf: Parallel Computation of Disease Transforms. Algorithmica 6(5): 685-697 (1991)
4 Pankaj K. Agarwal, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Otfried Schwarzkopf: Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees and Bichromatic Closest Pairs. Discrete & Computational Geometry 6: 407-422 (1991)
3 Otfried Schwarzkopf, Ulrich Fuchs, Günter Rote, Emo Welzl: Approximation of Convex Figures by Pairs of Rectangles. STACS 1990: 240-249
2EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Otfried Schwarzkopf, Emo Welzl: Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees and Bichromatic Closest Pairs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 203-210
1 Otfried Schwarzkopf: Parallel Computation of Discrete Voronoi Diagrams (Extended Abstract). STACS 1989: 193-204

Coauthor Index

1Pankaj K. Agarwal [2] [4] [19] [20] [31] [33] [44] [45]
2Hee-Kap Ahn [42] [47] [51] [52] [55] [57] [58] [61] [64] [65] [67] [68] [73] [77] [79] [82] [83] [89] [90] [92] [97] [100] [103] [107]
3Martin Aigner [25]
4Helmut Alt [29] [74] [90] [100] [107]
5Nina Amenta [85] [102]
6Boris Aronov [80] [93] [106]
7Tetsuo Asano [48] [63] [76] [90] [100] [107]
8Franz Aurenhammer [6] [8]
9Sang Won Bae [90] [92] [97] [100] [103] [107]
10Mark de Berg [12] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24] [26] [27] [35] [38] [40] [42] [43] [44] [48] [58] [63] [71] [76] [80] [93] [96] [106]
11Prosenjit Bose [42] [58] [71] [81]
12Peter Braß (Peter Brass) [73] [82] [90] [100] [107]
13Sergio Cabello [81]
14Siu-Wing Cheng [42] [47] [49] [51] [55] [57] [58] [67] [68] [69] [83]
15Kyung-Yong Chwa [53]
16Olivier Devillers [38] [40] [43]
17Katrin Dobrindt [21] [26] [40]
18Herbert Edelsbrunner [2] [4]
19Alon Efrat [37] [39] [72] [87]
20Hazel Everett [49] [69] [76] [84] [86] [98]
21Ulrich Fuchs [3] [46]
22Marc Glisse [98]
23Xavier Goaoc [66] [75] [78] [95] [104]
24Mordecai J. Golin [55] [67]
25Joachim Gudmundsson [80] [81] [92] [93] [97] [98] [103] [106]
26Leonidas J. Guibas [16] [23] [48] [63]
27Dan Halperin [16] [23] [42] [58]
28Sariel Har-Peled [60] [70] [72] [87]
29Herman J. Haverkort [76] [80] [91] [93] [96] [101] [105] [106]
30Andreas Holmsen [78] [95] [104]
31Samuel Hornus [98]
32Naoki Katoh [76]
33Hyo-Sil Kim [84] [86]
34Christian Knauer [90] [100] [107]
35Marc J. van Kreveld [35] [38] [43] [81]
36Woo-Cheol Kwon [53]
37Sylvain Lazard [84] [86] [98]
38Chung-Nim Lee [59]
39Jae-Ha Lee [53]
40Mira Lee [88] [91] [94] [98] [101] [105]
41Jung Gun Lim [96]
42Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [60] [70]
43Jirí Matousek [11] [13] [14] [15] [19] [20] [27] [34] [42] [44] [45] [52] [58] [60] [70]
44Pat Morin [71]
45Hyeon-Suk Na [59] [66] [73] [75] [82] [90] [98] [100] [107]
46René van Oostrum [49] [50] [54] [55] [61] [64] [67] [69]
47Mark H. Overmars [12] [16] [18] [23] [30]
48Chong-Dae Park [77] [89]
49Sylvain Petitjean [95] [104]
50Anil S. Rao [30]
51Günter Rote [3] [46]
52René Schott [84] [86]
53Micha Sharir [16] [23] [31] [33] [36] [41]
54Chan-Su Shin [56] [62] [65] [73] [77] [82] [89] [90] [100] [107]
55Sung Yong Shin [53]
56Michiel H. M. Smid [93] [106]
57Jack Snoeyink [35] [48] [57] [63] [68]
58Bettina Speckmann [81]
59Hisao Tamaki [48] [63]
60Monique Teillaud [16] [23] [38] [43]
61Laura Toma [96]
62Antoine Vigneron [52] [56] [62] [73] [74] [77] [80] [82] [89] [93] [106]
63Jules Vleugels [32]
64Emo Welzl [2] [3] [46]
65Chantal Wentink [22] [30]
66Alexander Wolff [76] [90] [100] [107]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)