2008 |
57 | EE | Zhengbing Bian,
Qian-Ping Gu,
Marjan Marzban,
Hisao Tamaki,
Yumi Yoshitake:
Empirical Study on Branchwidth and Branch Decomposition of Planar Graphs.
ALENEX 2008: 152-165 |
56 | EE | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Optimal branch-decomposition of planar graphs in O(n3) Time.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(3): (2008) |
2007 |
55 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Voronoi Diagram with Respect to Criteria on Vision Information.
ISVD 2007: 25-32 |
2006 |
54 | EE | Holger Bast,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Guido Schäfer,
Hisao Tamaki:
Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs.
Theory Comput. Syst. 39(1): 3-14 (2006) |
2005 |
53 | EE | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Optimal Branch-Decomposition of Planar Graphs in O(n3) Time.
ICALP 2005: 373-384 |
52 | EE | Martin Dietzfelbinger,
Hisao Tamaki:
On the probability of rendezvous in graphs.
Random Struct. Algorithms 26(3): 266-288 (2005) |
2004 |
51 | EE | Holger Bast,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Guido Schäfer,
Hisao Tamaki:
Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs.
STACS 2004: 81-92 |
50 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
On Geometric Structure of Global Roundings for Graphs and Range Spaces.
SWAT 2004: 455-467 |
49 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
The structure and number of global roundings of a graph.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 325(3): 425-437 (2004) |
2003 |
48 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
The Structure and Number of Global Roundings of a Graph.
COCOON 2003: 130-138 |
47 | EE | Hisao Tamaki:
A Linear Time Heuristic for the Branch-Decomposition of Planar Graphs.
ESA 2003: 765-775 |
46 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Mark de Berg,
Otfried Cheong,
Leonidas J. Guibas,
Jack Snoeyink,
Hisao Tamaki:
Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(4): 591-606 (2003) |
2002 |
45 | EE | Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Parametric Polymatroid Optimization and Its Geometric Applications.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(5): 429- (2002) |
2001 |
44 | EE | Kazuo Iwama,
Eiji Miyano,
Satoshi Tajima,
Hisao Tamaki:
Efficient randomized routing algorithms on the two-dimensional mesh of buses.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 261(2): 227-239 (2001) |
2000 |
43 | | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Multicolor routing in the undirected hypercube.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 100(3): 169-181 (2000) |
42 | | Yuichi Asahiro,
Kazuo Iwama,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Greedily Finding a Dense Subgraph.
J. Algorithms 34(2): 203-221 (2000) |
41 | | Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Hisao Tamaki,
Santosh Vempala:
Latent Semantic Indexing: A Probabilistic Analysis.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 61(2): 217-235 (2000) |
1999 |
40 | EE | Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Parametric Polymatroid Optimization and Its Geometric Applications.
SODA 1999: 517-526 |
39 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Mark de Berg,
Otfried Cheong,
Leonidas J. Guibas,
Jack Snoeyink,
Hisao Tamaki:
Spanning Trees Crossing Few Barriers.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 41-48 |
1998 |
38 | EE | Kazuo Iwama,
Eiji Miyano,
Satoshi Tajima,
Hisao Tamaki:
Efficient Randomized Routing Algorithms on the Two-Dimensional Mesh of Buses.
COCOON 1998: 229-240 |
37 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Convertibility among Grid Filling Curves.
ISAAC 1998: 307-316 |
36 | EE | Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Hisao Tamaki,
Santosh Vempala:
Latent Semantic Indexing: A Probabilistic Analysis.
PODS 1998: 159-168 |
35 | | Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Algorithms for the Maxium Subarray Problem Based on Matrix Multiplication.
SODA 1998: 446-452 |
34 | EE | Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
How to Cut Pseudoparabolas into Segments.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 19(2): 265-290 (1998) |
33 | EE | Tatsuya Akutsu,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Distribution of Distances and Triangles in a Point Set and Algorithms for Computing the Largest Common Point Sets.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 20(3): 307-331 (1998) |
32 | EE | Nader H. Bshouty,
Sally A. Goldman,
H. David Mathias,
Subhash Suri,
Hisao Tamaki:
Noise-Tolerant Distribution-Free Learning of General Geometric Concepts.
J. ACM 45(5): 863-890 (1998) |
31 | | Hisao Tamaki:
Efficient Self-Embedding of Butterfly Networks with Random Faults.
SIAM J. Comput. 27(3): 614-636 (1998) |
1997 |
30 | | Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
A Characterization of Planar Graphs by Pseudo-Line Arrangements.
ISAAC 1997: 133-142 |
29 | | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Multi-Color Routing in the Undirected Hypercube.
ISAAC 1997: 72-81 |
28 | EE | Tetsuo Asano,
Naoki Katoh,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Covering Points in the Plane by k-Tours: Towards a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for General k.
STOC 1997: 275-283 |
27 | EE | Tatsuya Akutsu,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Distribution of Distances and Triangles in a Point Set and Algorithms for Computing the Largest Common Point Sets.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 314-323 |
26 | | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Routing a Permutation in the Hypercube by Two Sets of Edge Disjoint Paths.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 44(2): 147-152 (1997) |
1996 |
25 | EE | Qian-Ping Gu,
Hisao Tamaki:
Routing a Permutation in the Hypercube by Two Sets of Edge-Disjoint Paths.
IPPS 1996: 561-567 |
24 | EE | Nader H. Bshouty,
Sally A. Goldman,
H. David Mathias,
Subhash Suri,
Hisao Tamaki:
Noise-Tolerant Distribution-Free Learning of General Geometric Concepts.
STOC 1996: 151-160 |
23 | | Yuichi Asahiro,
Kazuo Iwama,
Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
Greedily Finding a Dense Subgraph.
SWAT 1996: 136-148 |
22 | | Hisao Tamaki:
Construction of the Mesh and the Torus Tolerating a Large Number of Faults.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 53(3): 371-379 (1996) |
1995 |
21 | EE | Pankaj K. Agarwal,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Hisao Tamaki:
Motion planning for a steering-constrained robot through moderate obstacles.
STOC 1995: 343-352 |
20 | EE | Hisao Tamaki,
Takeshi Tokuyama:
How to Cut Pseudo-Parabolas into Segments.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: 230-237 |
1994 |
19 | | Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Madhu Sudan,
Hisao Tamaki:
Motion Planning on a Graph (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1994: 511-520 |
18 | | Kazuo Iwano,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Hisao Tamaki:
The Traveling Cameraman Problem, with Applications to Automatic Optical Inspection.
ISAAC 1994: 29-37 |
17 | EE | Hisao Tamaki:
Construction of the Mesh and the Torus Tolerating a Large Number of Faults.
SPAA 1994: 268-277 |
16 | EE | Anna R. Karlin,
Greg Nelson,
Hisao Tamaki:
On the fault tolerance of the butterfly.
STOC 1994: 125-133 |
15 | EE | Alan P. Sprague,
Hisao Tamaki:
Routings for Involutions of a Hypercube.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 48(2): 175-186 (1994) |
1993 |
14 | | Amotz Bar-Noy,
Prabhakar Raghavan,
Baruch Schieber,
Hisao Tamaki:
Fast Deflection Routing for Packets and Worms (Extended Summary).
PODC 1993: 75-86 |
1992 |
13 | | Hisao Tamaki:
Efficient Self-Embedding of Butterfly Networks with Random Faults
FOCS 1992: 533-541 |
12 | EE | Hisao Tamaki:
Robust Bounded-Degree Networks with Small Diameters.
SPAA 1992: 247-256 |
1989 |
11 | | Taisuke Sato,
Hisao Tamaki:
First Order Compiler: A Deterministic Logic Program Synthesis Algorithm.
J. Symb. Comput. 8(6): 605-627 (1989) |
10 | | Taisuke Sato,
Hisao Tamaki:
Existential Continuation.
New Generation Comput. 6(4): 421-438 (1989) |
1987 |
9 | | Hisao Tamaki:
Stream-Based Compilation of Ground I/O PROLOG into Committed-Choice Languages.
ICLP 1987: 376-393 |
1986 |
8 | | Hisao Tamaki,
Taisuke Sato:
OLD Resolution with Tabulation.
ICLP 1986: 84-98 |
1985 |
7 | | Hisao Tamaki:
A Distributed Unification Scheme for Systolic Logic Programs.
ICPP 1985: 552-559 |
1984 |
6 | | Taisuke Sato,
Hisao Tamaki:
Transformational Logic Program Synthesis.
FGCS 1984: 195-201 |
5 | | Hisao Tamaki,
Taisuke Sato:
Unfold/Fold Transformation of Logic Programs.
ICLP 1984: 127-138 |
4 | | Hisao Tamaki:
Semantics of a Logic Programming Language with a Reducibility Predicate.
SLP 1984: 259-264 |
3 | | Taisuke Sato,
Hisao Tamaki:
Enumeration of Success Patterns in Logic Programs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 34: 227-240 (1984) |
1983 |
2 | | Taisuke Sato,
Hisao Tamaki:
Enumeration of Success Patterns in Logic Programs.
ICALP 1983: 640-652 |
1 | | Hisao Tamaki,
Taisuke Sato:
Program Transformation Through Meta-shifting.
New Generation Comput. 1(1): 93-98 (1983) |